ERPLAB function to shift the time of specific event codes given by the user.
There exists ~20 ms delay between an event code and the onset of the LCD screen. We want to correct this delay, by shifting the stimulus-event codes later in time. All other event codes not specified by the user are kept at their original timepoints.
- Continuous EEG dataset
- List of event codes to shift
- How much time to shift the event codes
- Method for rounding
- floor
- ceiling
- nearest
- Warning flags for event codes that we unable to be shift (for various reasons)
- Continuous EEG dataset with the user-specified event codes shifted
eventcodes = {'22', '19'};
timeshift = 0.015;
rounding = 'floor';
outputEEG = erplab_shiftevents_eeg(inputEEG, eventcodes, timeshift, rounding);
- Related ERPLAB functions
- EEGLAB Forums: Event code shifting
I was wondering whether there is a possibility in eeglab to shift all event markers by 50 ms backwards in time?
for index = 1:length(EEG.event)
EEG.event(index).latency = EEG.event(index).latency-0.05*srate;
EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG, 'eventconsistency'); % check for out of bound events [ALLEEG EEG] = eeg_store(ALLEEG, EEG, CURRENTSET); % store dataset in ALLEEG eeglab redraw; % redraw GUI