- Updated to the last version 19.3.0.
- Batch file to build ANE 32bits, 64 or 32&64bit versions as 1 ANE
Big thanks to @luc4smoreira for this update!
- Rewarded videos
- Support for AndroidStudio with Gradle
- Batch file to build SWC and JAR
- Updated to the latest version of Adobe AIR SDK 33 and Google Play Services 16.0.0.
Big thanks to @luc4smoreira for this update!
- Updated to the latest version of Adobe AIR SDK 33 and Google Play Services 11.0.4.
- 32-bit version works fine.
- 64-bit ANE was tested by some good guy, and he told me it worked fine too. :)
ANEAdMob is an Adobe AIR native extension (ANE) for Android to show ads without Firebase.
Supported functionality:
- show ad;
- cache interstitial ad;
- cache rewarded video ad;
- show interstitial ad;
- show rewarded video ad;
- hide ad;
- listen tap, close, leave, rewarded, failed, etc. event.
Please, read docs and try ANE before asking any questions.
Extension ID: com.pozirk.ads.AdMob
Add "AdMob.ane" and "air\AdMob\bin\AdMob.swc" to your AIR project.
Add the following lines to your AIR Aplication-app.xml file inside <manifestAdditions> section:
Add your AdMob App ID to the value of tag with name com.google.android.gms.ads.APPLICATION_ID, as shown below.
<![CDATA[<manifest android:installLocation="auto">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.ads.APPLICATION_ID" android:value="ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~yyyyyyyyyy" />
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="12451000" />
<activity android:name="com.google.android.gms.ads.AdActivity" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize"/>
import com.pozirk.ads.admob.AdMob;
import com.pozirk.ads.admob.AdParams;
import com.pozirk.ads.admob.AdEvent;
protected var _admob:AdMob = new AdMob();
//> initialization of AdMob
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INIT_OK, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INIT_FAIL, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.BANNER_SHOW_OK, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.BANNER_SHOW_FAIL, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.BANNER_LEFT_APP, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.BANNER_OPENED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.BANNER_CLOSED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_SHOW_OK, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_SHOW_FAIL, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_CACHE_OK, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_CACHE_FAIL, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_LEFT_APP, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_OPENED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.INTERSTITIAL_CLOSED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_CACHE_FAIL, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_CACHE_OK, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_CLOSED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_COMPLETED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_LEFT_APP, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_OPENED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_REWARDED, onEvent);
_admob.addEventListener(AdEvent.REWARDED_STARTED, onEvent);
protected function onEvent(ae:AdEvent):void
trace(ae.type+" "+ae._data);
//showing smart-size ad at the bottom center side of the screen
//Admob official test ad unit for banner "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111"
//hiding ad
//caching interstitial ad
//Official test ad unit for interstitial "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712"
//showing interstitial ad, make sure it's cached first
//caching rewarded ad
//Official test ad unit for rewarded "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917"
//showing rewarded ad, make sure it's cached first
//setting volume of the interstitial ad, can have sound, if it's video
_admob.setVolume(vol); //0-1 range, where 0 - mute, 1 - max volume (default, I guess).
In order to see the interstitial ad, you need to win/lose any game.