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lpsinger edited this page Apr 14, 2011 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the gst-plugins-cairovis wiki!

This package is a collection of scientific visualization plugins for GStreamer using Cairo-powered graphics. It grew out of a larger collection of science-related plugins, called gstlal, that are being used for gravitational wave searches as part of the LIGO Project.

What can it do?

It's easy to add any number of high-performance realtime figures such as line plots, waterfall plots, and histograms to any GStreamer pipeline.

Here's a very simple example, demonstrating the cairovis_lineseries element.

$ gst-launch audiotestsrc wave=pink-noise ! cairovis_lineseries title="Pink noise" x-label="sample" y-label="counts" y-autoscale=no y-min=-0.5 y-max=0.5 ! ximagesink

This opens an X window containing a realtime oscilloscope-style display of a pink noise signal. A still snapshot might look like this:

Still snapshot of lineseries

Here's another simple example, demonstrating the cairovis_histogram element.

$ gst-launch audiotestsrc wave=gaussian-noise volume=1 ! cairovis_histogram title="Gaussian noise" normed=yes bin-min=-5 bin-max=5 history-samples=1000 y-autoscale=no y-min=0 y-max=1 ! ximagesink

Still snapshot of histogram

To find out what other elements are available, you can use the gst-inspect tool, which comes with GStreamer.

$ gst-inspect cairovis
Plugin Details:
  Name:			cairovis
  Description:		Cairo visualization elements
  Filename:		/home/xxx/opt/gstlal-0.10.32/lib/gstreamer-0.10/
  Version:		0.10.0
  License:		GPL
  Source module:	gst-plugins-cairovis
  Binary package:	gst-plugins-cairovis
  Origin URL:

  cairovis_base: Cairo Visualization Base Class
  cairovis_histogram: Histogram Visualizer
  cairovis_lineseries: Lineseries Visualizer
  cairovis_waterfall: Waterfall Visualizer

  4 features:
  +-- 4 elements

You can also use gst-inspect to get more help with one particular element:

$ gst-inspect cairovis_waterfall
Factory Details:
  Long name:	Waterfall Visualizer
  Class:	Filter
  Description:	Render a multi-channel input as a waterfall plot
  Author(s):	Leo Singer <[email protected]>
  Rank:		none (0)

Plugin Details:
  Name:			cairovis
  Description:		Cairo visualization elements
  Filename:		/home/xxx/opt/gstlal-0.10.32/lib/gstreamer-0.10/
  Version:		0.10.0
  License:		GPL
  Source module:	gst-plugins-cairovis
  Binary package:	gst-plugins-cairovis
  Origin URL:


Pad Templates:
  SRC template: 'src'
    Availability: Always
                    bpp: 32
                  depth: 24
             endianness: 4321
               red_mask: 65280
             green_mask: 16711680
              blue_mask: -16777216
                  width: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
                 height: [ 1, 2147483647 ]
              framerate: [ 0/1, 2147483647/1 ]

  SINK template: 'sink'
    Availability: Always
               channels: [ 2, 2147483647 ]
                  width: 64

Element Flags:
  no flags set

Element Implementation:
  Has change_state() function: gst_element_change_state_func
  Has custom save_thyself() function: gst_element_save_thyself
  Has custom restore_thyself() function: gst_element_restore_thyself

Element has no clocking capabilities.
Element has no indexing capabilities.
Element has no URI handling capabilities.

  SINK: 'sink'
      Has chainfunc(): sink_chain
      Has getcapsfunc(): gst_pad_get_fixed_caps_func
      Has setcapsfunc(): sink_setcaps
      Has acceptcapsfunc(): gst_pad_acceptcaps_default
    Pad Template: 'sink'
  SRC: 'src'
      Has getcapsfunc(): gst_pad_get_fixed_caps_func
      Has acceptcapsfunc(): gst_pad_acceptcaps_default
      Has fixatecapsfunc(): fixate
    Pad Template: 'src'

Element Properties:
  name                : The name of the object
                        flags: readable, writable
                        String. Default: null Current: "cairovis_waterfall0"
  title               : Title of plot
                        flags: readable, writable
                        String. Default: null Current: null
  x-label             : Label for x-axis
                        flags: readable, writable
                        String. Default: null Current: null
  y-label             : Label for y-axis
                        flags: readable, writable
                        String. Default: null Current: null
  x-scale             : Linear or logarithmic scale
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Enum "CairoVisScale" Default: 0, "linear" Current: 0, "linear"
                           (0): linear           - linear scale
                           (1): log              - logarithmic scale
  y-scale             : Linear or logarithmic scale
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Enum "CairoVisScale" Default: 0, "linear" Current: 0, "linear"
                           (0): linear           - linear scale
                           (1): log              - logarithmic scale
  x-autoscale         : Set to true to autoscale the x-axis
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Boolean. Default: true Current: true
  y-autoscale         : Set to true to autoscale the y-axis
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Boolean. Default: true Current: true
  x-min               : Minimum limit of y-axis (has no effect if x-autoscale is set to true)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Double. Range:  -1.797693e+308 -   1.797693e+308 Default:              -2 Current:              -2
  x-max               : Maximum limit of x-axis (has no effect if x-autoscale is set to true)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Double. Range:  -1.797693e+308 -   1.797693e+308 Default:               2 Current:               2
  y-min               : Minimum limit of y-axis (has no effect if y-autoscale is set to true)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Double. Range:  -1.797693e+308 -   1.797693e+308 Default:              -2 Current:              -2
  y-max               : Maximum limit of y-axis (has no effect if y-autoscale is set to true)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Double. Range:  -1.797693e+308 -   1.797693e+308 Default:               2 Current:               2
  z-label             : Label for z-axis
                        flags: readable, writable
                        String. Default: null Current: null
  z-scale             : Linear or logarithmic scale
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Enum "CairoVisScale" Default: 0, "linear" Current: 0, "linear"
                           (0): linear           - linear scale
                           (1): log              - logarithmic scale
  z-autoscale         : Set to true to autoscale the z-axis
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Boolean. Default: true Current: true
  z-min               : Minimum limit of z-axis (has no effect if z-autoscale is set to true)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Double. Range:  -1.797693e+308 -   1.797693e+308 Default:              -2 Current:              -2
  z-max               : Maximum limit of z-axis (has no effect if z-autoscale is set to true)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Double. Range:  -1.797693e+308 -   1.797693e+308 Default:               2 Current:               2
  history             : Duration of history to keep, in nanoseconds
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Unsigned Integer64. Range: 0 - 18446744073709551615 Default: 10000000000 Current: 10000000000
  colormap            : Name of colormap (e.g. 'jet')
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Enum "CairoVisColormap" Default: 92, "jet" Current: 92, "jet"
                           (0): Accent           - Accent
                           (1): Accent_r         - Accent_r
                           (2): Blues            - Blues
                           (3): Blues_r          - Blues_r
                           (4): BrBG             - BrBG
                           (5): BrBG_r           - BrBG_r
                           (6): BuGn             - BuGn
                           (7): BuGn_r           - BuGn_r
                           (8): BuPu             - BuPu
                           (9): BuPu_r           - BuPu_r
                           (10): Dark2            - Dark2
                           (11): Dark2_r          - Dark2_r
                           (12): GnBu             - GnBu
                           (13): GnBu_r           - GnBu_r
                           (14): Greens           - Greens
                           (15): Greens_r         - Greens_r
                           (16): Greys            - Greys
                           (17): Greys_r          - Greys_r
                           (18): OrRd             - OrRd
                           (19): OrRd_r           - OrRd_r
                           (20): Oranges          - Oranges
                           (21): Oranges_r        - Oranges_r
                           (22): PRGn             - PRGn
                           (23): PRGn_r           - PRGn_r
                           (24): Paired           - Paired
                           (25): Paired_r         - Paired_r
                           (26): Pastel1          - Pastel1
                           (27): Pastel1_r        - Pastel1_r
                           (28): Pastel2          - Pastel2
                           (29): Pastel2_r        - Pastel2_r
                           (30): PiYG             - PiYG
                           (31): PiYG_r           - PiYG_r
                           (32): PuBu             - PuBu
                           (33): PuBuGn           - PuBuGn
                           (34): PuBuGn_r         - PuBuGn_r
                           (35): PuBu_r           - PuBu_r
                           (36): PuOr             - PuOr
                           (37): PuOr_r           - PuOr_r
                           (38): PuRd             - PuRd
                           (39): PuRd_r           - PuRd_r
                           (40): Purples          - Purples
                           (41): Purples_r        - Purples_r
                           (42): RdBu             - RdBu
                           (43): RdBu_r           - RdBu_r
                           (44): RdGy             - RdGy
                           (45): RdGy_r           - RdGy_r
                           (46): RdPu             - RdPu
                           (47): RdPu_r           - RdPu_r
                           (48): RdYlBu           - RdYlBu
                           (49): RdYlBu_r         - RdYlBu_r
                           (50): RdYlGn           - RdYlGn
                           (51): RdYlGn_r         - RdYlGn_r
                           (52): Reds             - Reds
                           (53): Reds_r           - Reds_r
                           (54): Set1             - Set1
                           (55): Set1_r           - Set1_r
                           (56): Set2             - Set2
                           (57): Set2_r           - Set2_r
                           (58): Set3             - Set3
                           (59): Set3_r           - Set3_r
                           (60): Spectral         - Spectral
                           (61): Spectral_r       - Spectral_r
                           (62): YlGn             - YlGn
                           (63): YlGnBu           - YlGnBu
                           (64): YlGnBu_r         - YlGnBu_r
                           (65): YlGn_r           - YlGn_r
                           (66): YlOrBr           - YlOrBr
                           (67): YlOrBr_r         - YlOrBr_r
                           (68): YlOrRd           - YlOrRd
                           (69): YlOrRd_r         - YlOrRd_r
                           (70): autumn           - autumn
                           (71): autumn_r         - autumn_r
                           (72): binary           - binary
                           (73): binary_r         - binary_r
                           (74): bone             - bone
                           (75): bone_r           - bone_r
                           (76): cool             - cool
                           (77): cool_r           - cool_r
                           (78): copper           - copper
                           (79): copper_r         - copper_r
                           (80): gist_earth       - gist_earth
                           (81): gist_earth_r     - gist_earth_r
                           (82): gist_ncar        - gist_ncar
                           (83): gist_ncar_r      - gist_ncar_r
                           (84): gist_stern       - gist_stern
                           (85): gist_stern_r     - gist_stern_r
                           (86): gray             - gray
                           (87): gray_r           - gray_r
                           (88): hot              - hot
                           (89): hot_r            - hot_r
                           (90): hsv              - hsv
                           (91): hsv_r            - hsv_r
                           (92): jet              - jet
                           (93): jet_r            - jet_r
                           (94): pink             - pink
                           (95): pink_r           - pink_r
                           (96): spectral         - spectral
                           (97): spectral_r       - spectral_r
                           (98): spring           - spring
                           (99): spring_r         - spring_r
                           (100): summer           - summer
                           (101): summer_r         - summer_r
                           (102): winter           - winter
                           (103): winter_r         - winter_r
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