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An introduction to Functional programming through Lambda calculus -

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Chapter 2

2.2 Evaluate the following λ expressions:

  • (a) ((λx.λy.(y x) λp.λq.p) λi.i) => (λy.(y λp.λq.p) λi.i) => (λi.i λp.λq.p) => λp.λq.p

  • (b) (((λx.λy.λz.((x y) z) λf.λa.(f a)) λi.i) λj.j) => ((λy.λz.((λf.λa.(f a) y) z) λi.i) λj.j) => ((λy.λz.(λa.(y a) z) λi.i) λj.j) => ((λy.λz.(y z) λi.i) λj.j) => (λz.(λi.i z) λj.j) => (λz.z λj.j) => λj.j

  • (c) (λh.((λa.λf.(f a) h) h) λf.(f f)) => (λh.(λf.(f h) h) λf.(f f)) => (λh.(h h) λf.(f f)) => ... => never terminates

  • (d) ((λp.λq.(p q) (λx.x λa.λb.a)) λk.k) => (λq.(λa.λb.a q) λk.k) => (λa.λb.a λk.k) => λb.λk.k

  • (e) (((λf.λg.λx.(f (g x)) λs.(s s)) λa.λb.b) λx.λy.λx) => ((λg.λx.(λs.(s s) (g x)) λa.λb.b) λx.λy.λx) => (λx.(λs.(s s) (λa.λb.b x)) λx.λy.λx) => (λx.(λs.(s s) λb.b) λx.λy.λx) => (λs.(s s) λb.b) => (λb.b λb.b) => λb.b

2.3 For each of the following pairs, show that function (i) is equivalent to the function resulting from expression (ii) by applying both to arbitrary arguments:

  • (a): (i) identity, (ii) (apply (apply identity))

    ((apply (apply identity)) <argument1>) == ((apply (λf.λa.(f a) identity)) <argument1>) => ((apply λa.(identity a)) <argument1>) => ((apply λa.a) <argument1>) == ((λf.λa.(f a) λa.a) <argument1>) == | α coversion ((λf.λa.(f a) λb.b) <argument1>) => (λa.(λb.b a) <argument1>) => (λa.a <argument1>) == (identity <argument1>)

  • (b): (i) apply, (ii) λx.λy.(((make_pair x) y) identity)

    ((λx.λy.(((make_pair x) y) identity) <function>) <argument>) == ((λx.λy.(((λfst.λsnd.λfunc.((func fst) snd) x) y) identity) <function>) <argument>) => ((λx.λy.((λsnd.λfunc.((func x) snd) y) identity) <function>) <argument>) => ((λx.λy.(λfunc.((func x) y) identity) <function>) <argument>) => ((λx.λy.((identity x) y) <function>) <argument>) == ((λx.λy.(x y) <function>) <argument>) == ((apply <function>) <argument>)

  • (c): (i) identity, (ii) (self_apply (self_apply select_second))

    ((self_apply (self_apply select_second)) <argument>) == ((self_apply (λs.(s s) λfst.λsnd.snd)) <argument>) => ((self_apply (λfst.λsnd.snd λfst.λsnd.snd)) <argument>) => ((self_apply λsnd.snd) <argument>) == ((λs.(s s) λsnd.snd) <argument>) => ((λsnd.snd λsnd.snd) <argument>) => (λsnd.snd <argument>) == (identity <argument>)

2.4 Define a function def make_triplet = ... which is like make_pair but constructs a triplet from a sequence of three arguments so that any one of the arguments may be selected by the subsequent application of a triplet to a selector function.

Define selection functions: def triplet_first = ... def triplet_first = ... def triplet_third = ... which will select the first, second and third item from a triplet respectively.

def make_triplet = λfst.λsnd.λthd.λfunc.(((func fst) snd) thd) def triplet_first = λfst.λsnd.λthd.fst def triplet_second = λfst.λsnd.λthd.snd def triplet_third = λfst.λsnd.λ

Applying make_triplet to arbitrary arguments: (((make_triplet <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>) == (((λfst.λsnd.λthd.λfunc.(((func fst) snd) thd) <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>) => ((λsnd.λthd.λfunc.(((func <arg1>) snd) thd) <arg2>) <arg3>) => (λthd.λfunc.(((func <arg1>) <arg2>) thd) <arg3>) => λfunc.(((func <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>)

Applying this function to triplet_first: (λfunc.(((func <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>) triplet_first) => (((triplet_first <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>) == (((λfst.λsnd.λthd.fst <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>) => ((λsnd.λthd.<arg1> <arg2>) <arg3>) => (λthd.<arg1> <arg3>) => <arg1>

Applying this function to triplet_second: (λfunc.(((func <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>) triplet_second) => (((triplet_second <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>) == (((λfst.λsnd.λthd.snd <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>) => ((λsnd.λthd.snd <arg2>) <arg3>) => (λthd.<arg2> <arg3>) => <arg2>

Applying this function to triplet_third: (λfunc.(((func <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>) triplet_third) => (((triplet_third <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>) == (((λfst.λsnd.λ <arg1>) <arg2>) <arg3>) => ((λsnd.λ <arg2>) <arg3>) => (λ <arg3>) => <arg3>

2.6 User α conversion to ensure unique names in the expressions

  • (a) λx.λy.(λx.y λy.x) == λx.λy.(λa.y λb.x)
  • (b) λx.(x (λy.(λx.x y) x)) == λx.(x (λy.(λa.a y) x))
  • (c) λa.(λb.a λb.(λa.a b)) == λa.(λb.a λc.(λd.d c))
  • (d) (λfree.bound λbound.(λ bound)) == (λa.bound λb.(λc.c b))
  • (e) λp.λq.(λr.(p (λq.(λp.(r p)))) (q p)) == λp.λq.(λr.(p (λs.(λt.(r t)))) (q p))

Chapter 3

3.1. Define a lambda calculus representation for implication.

X ? Y : TRUE def impl λx.λy.(((cond y) true) x)

Simplifying the inner body:

(((cond y) true) x) ==
(((λe1.λe2.λc.((c e1) e2) y) true) x) =>
((λe2.λc.((c y) e2) true) x) =>
(λc.((c y) true) x) =>
((x y) true)

So def impl = λx.λy.((x y) true)

Checking impl false true

((impl false) true) ==
((λx.λy.((x y) true) false) true) =>
(λy.((false y) true) true) =>
((false true) true) =>
((λfst.λsnd.snd true) true) =>
(λsnd.snd true) =>

Checking impl false false

((impl false) false) ==
((λx.λy.((x y) true) false) false) =>
(λy.((false y) true) false) =>
((false false) true) =>
((λfst.λsnd.snd false) true) =>
(λsnd.snd true) =>

Checking impl true false

((impl true) false) ==
((λx.λy.((x y) true) true) false) =>
(λy.((true y) true) false) =>
((true false) true) =>
((λfst.λsnd.fst false) true) =>
(λsnd.false true) =>

Checking impl true true

impl true true ==
λx.λy.(x y true) true true =>
λy.(true y true) true =>
true true true ==
λfst.λsnd.fst true true =>
λsnd.true true =>

3.2. Define λ calculus representation for equivalence

X ? Y : !Y

def equiv x y = cond y (not y) x

Simplifying the body:

cond y (not y) x ==
λe1.λe2.λc.(c e1 e2) y (not y) x =>
λe2.λc.(c y e2) (not y) x =>
λc.(c y (not y)) x =>
x y (not y)

So def equiv x y = x y (not y)

Checking equiv false false

equiv false false ==
λx.λy.(x y (not y)) false false =>
λy.(false y (not y)) false =>
false false (not false) ==
λfst.λsnd.snd false (not false) =>
λsnd.snd (not false) =>
not false ==
λx.(x false true) false =>
false false true ==
λfst.snd.snd false true =>
λsnd.snd true =>

Checking equiv true false

equiv true false
λx.λy.(x y (not y)) true false =>
λy.(true y (not y)) false =>
true false (not false) ==
λfst.λsnd.fst false (not false) =>
λsnd.false (not false) =>

3.3. For each of the following pairs show that the functions are equivalent.


  • def f1 = λx.λy.(and (not x) (not y))
  • def f2 = λx.λy.(not (or x y))

Applying f1 and f2 to arbitrary arguments

f1 x y ==
λx.λy.(and (not x) (not y)) x y =>
λy.(and (not x) (not y)) y =>
and (not x) (not y)
f2 x y ==
λx.λy.(not (or x y)) x y =>
λy.(not (or x y)) y =>
not (or x y)

Let's show that this two applications are equivalent:

equiv (and (not x) (not y)) (not (or x y)) ==
λa.λb.(a b (not b)) (and (not x) (not y)) (not (or x y)) =>
λb.((and (not x) (not y)) b (not b)) (not (or x y)) =>
(and (not x) (not y)) (not (or x y)) (not (not (or x y)))  =>

Let's try to simplify not (not x)

not (not x) ==
λa.(a false true) (not x) =>
(not x) false true  =>
(λa.(a false true) x) false true  =>
(x false true) false true

If x is true,
(true false true) false true => ... =>
false false true => ... =>

If x is false,
(false false true) false true => ... =>
true false true =>

So not (not x) == x

Going back to our expression

(and (not x) (not y)) (not (or x y)) (or x y) ==
(λa.λb.(a b false) (not x) (not y)) (not (or x y)) (or x y) => ... =>
((not x) (not y) false) (not (or x y)) (or x y) ==
((λa.(a false true) x) (λa.(a false true) y) false) (not (or x y)) (or x y) =>
((x false true) (y false true) false) (not (or x y)) (or x y) =>
... (to be continued)

3.4. Show that λx.(succ (pred x)) and λx.(pred (succ x)) are equivalent for non-zero integer argument.

Let n be an arbitrary number. Let m be its successor: m = λs.(s false n), so m is non-zero integer.

Applying first function to m:

λx.(succ (pred x)) m =>
succ (pred m)

Let's evaluate pred m

pred m ==
λn.(((iszero n) zero) (n select_second)) λs.(s false n) =>
((iszero λs.(s false n)) zero) (λs.(s false n) select_second) =>
((λx.(x select_first) λs.(s false n)) zero) (λs.(s false n) select_second) =>
(((λs.(s false n) select_first)) zero) (λs.(s false n) select_second) =>
((select_first false n) zero) (λs.(s false n) select_second) =>
((λfst.λsnd.fst false n) zero) (λs.(s false n) select_second) =>
((λsnd.false n) zero) (λs.(s false n) select_second) =>
(false zero) (λs.(s false n) select_second) =>
(λfst.λsnd.snd λx.x) (λs.(s false n) select_second) =>
λx.x (λs.(s false n) select_second) =>
λs.(s false n) select_second =>
select_second false n => ... =>

And we already know that succ n == m. So succ (pred m) == m

Now apply second function to m:

λx.(pred (succ x)) m =>
pred (succ m)

Let's evaluate succ m:

succ m ==
λn.λs.(s false n) m =>
λs.(s false m)

Then pred (succ m) => ... => m. The evaluation is exatly the same as for pred m.

Both expressions give us m, so they are equivalent for non-zero integers.

Chapter 4

4.1. The following function finds the sum of numbers between n and zero.

def sum1 f n =
  if iszero n
  then zero
  else add n (f (pred n))

def sum = recursive sum1

Evaluate sum three.

Let's evaluate sum:

sum ==
recursive sum1 ==
λf.(λs.(f (s s)) λs.(f (s s))) sum1 =>
λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s)) =>
sum1 (λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) ==

  if iszero n
  then zero
  else add n (f (pred n))) (λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) =>

  if iszero n
  then zero
  else add n ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred n))


sum three ==
  if iszero n
  then zero
  else add n ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred n))) three =>

if iszero three
then zero
else add three ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred three)) => ... =>

add three ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred three)) ->

add three ((sum1 (λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s)))) (pred three)) ==

add three (((λf.λn.
            if iszero n
            then zero
            else add n (f (pred n))
          ) (λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s)))) (pred three)) ->

add three ((λn.
            if iszero n
            then zero
            else add n ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred n))
          ) (pred three)) ->

add three (if iszero (pred three)
           then zero
           else add (pred three) ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred (pred three)))) -> ... ->

add three (add (pred three) ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred (pred three)))) ->

add three (add (pred three) (((λf.λn.
                                if iszero n
                                then zero
                                else add n (f (pred n))
                              ) (λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s)))) (pred (pred three)))) ->

add three (add (pred three) ((λn.
                                if iszero n
                                then zero
                                else add n ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred n))
                             ) (pred (pred three)))) ->

add three (add (pred three) (if iszero (pred (pred three))
                             then zero
                             else add (pred (pred three))
                                      ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred (pred (pred three)))))) -> ... ->

add three (add (pred three) (add (pred (pred three))
                                       ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred (pred (pred three)))))) ->

add three (add (pred three) (add (pred (pred three))
                                       ((sum1 (λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s)))) (pred (pred (pred three)))))) ==

add three (add (pred three) (add (pred (pred three))
                                          if iszero n
                                          then zero
                                          else add n (f (pred n)))
                                       (λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s)))) (pred (pred (pred three)))))) ->

add three (add (pred three) (add (pred (pred three))
                                          if iszero n
                                          then zero
                                          else add n ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred n))
                                       ) (pred (pred (pred three)))))) ->

add three (add (pred three) (add (pred (pred three))
                                          if iszero (pred (pred (pred three)))
                                          then zero
                                          else add (pred (pred (pred three))) ((λs.(sum1 (s s)) λs.(sum1 (s s))) (pred (pred (pred (pred three)))))
                                       ))) -> ... ->

add three (add (pred three) (add (pred (pred three)) zero)) -> ... ->
add three (add (pred three) (add (pred two) zero)) -> ... ->
add three (add (pred three) (add one zero)) -> ... ->
add three (add (pred three) one) -> ... ->
add three (add two one) -> ... ->
add three three => ... =>

4.2.Write a function that finds the product of the numbers between n and one. Evaluate prod three

def prod1 f n =
  if iszero (pred n)
  then one
  else mult n (f (pred n))

def prod = recursive prod1

Evaluating if for three:

prod three ==
recursive prod1 three ==
λf.(λs.(f (s s)) λs.(f (s s))) prod1 three =>
λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s)) three =>
prod1 (λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s))) three =>

  if iszero (pred n)
  then one
  else mult n (f (pred n))
) (λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s))) three =>

  if iszero (pred n)
  then one
  else mult n ((λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s))) (pred n))) three =>

  if iszero (pred three)
  then one
  else mult three ((λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s))) (pred three)) => ... =>

  mult three ((λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s))) (pred three)) ==

  mult three ((prod1 (λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s)))) (pred three)) ==

  mult three (((λf.λn.
                 if iszero (pred n)
                 then one
                 else mult n (f (pred n))
  ) (λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s)))) (pred three)) ->

  mult three ((λn.
                 if iszero (pred n)
                 then one
                 else mult n ((λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s))) (pred n))
              ) (pred three)) ->

  mult three (if iszero (pred (pred three))
              then one
              else mult (pred three)
                        ((λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s))) (pred (pred three)))) -> ... ->

  mult three (mult (pred three)
                   ((λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s))) (pred (pred three)))) ->

  mult three (mult (pred three)
                   ((prod1 (λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s)))) (pred (pred three)))) ==

  mult three (mult (pred three)
                       if iszero (pred n)
                       then one
                       else mult n (f (pred n))
                   ) (λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s)))) (pred (pred three)))) ->

  mult three (mult (pred three)
                       if iszero (pred n)
                       then one
                       else mult n ((λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s))) (pred n))
                   ) (pred (pred three)))) ->

  mult three (mult (pred three)
                       if iszero (pred (pred (pred three)))
                       then one
                       else mult (pred (pred three)) ((λs.(prod1 (s s)) λs.(prod1 (s s))) (pred (pred (pred three))))
                   )) -> ... ->

  mult three (mult (pred three) one) -> ... ->
  mult three (mult two one) -> ... ->
  mult three two => ... =>

4.3. Write a function that finds the sum of applying a function fun to the numbers between n and zero.

def fun_sum1 f fun n =
  if iszero n
  then fun n
  else add (fun n) (f fun (pred n))

def fun_sum = recursive fun_sum1

4.4. Difine a function to fine the sum of applying a function fun to the numbers between n and zero in steps of s.

rec fun_sum_step fun n s =
  if not (greater n zero)
  then zero
  else add (fun n) (fun_sum_step fun (sub n s) s)


def fun_sum_step = recursive fun_sum_step1
def fun_sum_step1 f fun n s =
  if not (greater n zero)
  then zero
  else add (fun n) (f fun (sub n s) s)


def double x = add x x

fun_sum_step double five two ==

recursive fun_sum_step1 double five two ==
λf.(λs.(f (s s)) λs.(f (s s))) fun_sum_step1 doube five two =>
λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) doube five two =>
fun_sum_step1 (λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) doube five two ==

  if not (greater n zero)
  then zero
  else add (fun n) (f fun (sub n s) s)
) (λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) doube five two =>

  if not (greater n zero)
  then zero
  else add (fun n) ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) fun (sub n s) s)
) doube five two =>

  if not (greater n zero)
  then zero
  else add (double n) ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) double (sub n s) s)
) five two => ... =>

if not (greater five zero)
  then zero
  else add (double five) ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) double (sub five two) two) => ... =>

add (double five) ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) double (sub five two) two) ->

add (double five) ((fun_sum_step1 (λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)))) double (sub five two) two) -> ... ->

add ten ((fun_sum_step1 (λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)))) double (sub five two) two) -> ... ->
add ten ((fun_sum_step1 (λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)))) double three two) -> ... ->

add ten (((λf.λfun.λn.λs.
  if not (greater n zero)
  then zero
  else add (fun n) (f fun (sub n s) s)
) (λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)))) double three two) ->

add ten ((λfun.λn.λs.
  if not (greater n zero)
  then zero
  else add (fun n) ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) fun (sub n s) s)
) double three two) -> ... ->

add ten (
  if not (greater three zero)
  then zero
  else add (double three) ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) double (sub three two) two)) -> ... ->

add ten (add (double three)
             ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) double (sub three two) two)) -> ... ->

add ten (add six ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) double one two)) ->

add ten (add six ((fun_sum_step1 (λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)))) double one two)) ==

add ten (add six (((λf.λfun.λn.λs.
  if not (greater n zero)
   then zero
   else add (fun n) (f fun (sub n s) s)
) (λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)))) double one two)) -> ... ->

add ten (add six (
   if not (greater one zero)
   then zero
   else add (double one) ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) double (sub one two) two)
)) -> ... ->

add ten (add six (
   add (double one)
       ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) double (sub one two) two)
)) -> ... ->

add ten (add six ( add one
       ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) double (sub one two) two)
)) ->

add ten (add six ( add one
       ((fun_sum_step1 (λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)))) double (sub one two) two)
)) -> ... ->

add ten (add six ( add one
       ((fun_sum_step1 (λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)))) double zero two)
)) ==

add ten (add six ( add one (((λf.λfun.λn.λf
  if not (greater n zero)
  then zero
  else add (fun n) (f fun (sub n s) s)
) (λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)))) double zero two))) -> ... ->

add ten (add six ( add one (
  if not (greater zero zero)
  then zero
  else add (double zero) ((λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s)) λs.(fun_sum_step1 (s s))) double (sub zero two) two)
))) -> ... ->

add ten (add six (add one zero)) -> ... ->
add ten (add six one) -> ... ->
add ten seven =>

4.5. Define functions less and less_or_equal.

def less = not greater_or_equal def less_or_equal = not greater

Or independently from greater: def less x y = not (iszero (sub y x)) def less_or_equal x y = iszero (sub x y)

4.6. Define a function to find the reminder on dividing one number by another.

def mod x y = sub (x (div x y))

Chapter 5

5.1. Evaluate fully the following expressions:

  1. ISBOOL 3
MAKE_BOOL (isbool 3) ==
MAKE_BOOL (istype bool_type 3) ==
MAKE_BOOL (λt.λobj.(equal (type obj) t) bool_type 3) -> ... ->
MAKE_BOOL (equal (type 3) bool_type) -> ... ->
MAKE_BOOL (equal (λobj.(obj select_first) 3) bool_type) ->
MAKE_BOOL (equal (3 select_first) bool_type) ==
MAKE_BOOL (equal (MAKE_NUMB three select_first) bool_type) ==
MAKE_BOOL (equal (make_obj numb_type three select_first) bool_type) ==
MAKE_BOOL (equal (λt.λobj.λs.(s t obj) numb_type three select_first) bool_type) -> ... ->
MAKE_BOOL (equal (λs.(s numb_type three) select_first) bool_type) ->
MAKE_BOOL (equal (select_first numb_type three) bool_type) -> ... ->
MAKE_BOOL (equal numb_type bool_type) -> ... ->
MAKE_BOOL false ==
  1. NOT 1
NOT 1 ==

if isbool 1
then MAKE_BOOL (not (value 1))
isbool 1 ==
istype bool_type 1
λt.λobj.(equal (type obj) t) bool_type 1 => ... =>
equal (type 1) bool_type -> ... ->
equal numb_type bool_type => ... =>
NOT 1 => ... =>
  1. 2 + TRUE
2 + TRUE ==
+ 2 TRUE ==

if both_nums 2 TRUE
then MAKE_NUMB (add (value 2) (value TRUE))
both_nums 2 TRUE ==
and (isnumb 2) (isnumb TRUE) -> ... ->
and true false => ... =>
2 + TRUE => ... =>

5.2. Signed numbers might be introduced as a new type with an extra layer of ‘pairing’ so that the value of a number is preceded by a boolean to indicate whether or not the number is positive or negative:

def signed_type = ...
def SIGNED_ERROR = MAKE_ERROR signed_type
def POS = TRUE
def MAKE_SIGNED N SIGN = make_obj signed_type (make_obj SIGN N)


+<number> == MAKE_SIGNED <number> POS
-<number> == MAKE_SIGNED <number> NEG

An arbitrary number:

MAKE_SIGNED <n> <s> => ... =>
make_obj signed_type (make_obj <s> <n>) ==
λt.λo.λs.(s t o) signed_type (make_obj <s> <n>) => ... =>
λs.(s signed_type (make_obj <s> <n>)) ==
λs.(s signed_type (λt.λo.λs.(s t o) <s> <n>)) -> ... ->
λs.(s signed_type λs.(s <s> <n>))
  1. Defined tester and selector functions for signed numbers:
  • issigned
def issigned N = istype signed_type
def ISSIGNED N = MAKE_BOOL (issigned N)
  • sign
def sign N = value ((value N) select_first)

Let's check how sign works:

sign λs.(s signed_type λs.(s <s> <n>)) ==
value ((value λs.(s signed_type λs.(s <s> <n>))) select_first) -> ... ->
value ((select_second signed_type λs.(s <s> <n>)) select_first) -> ... ->
value (λs.(s <s> <n>) select_first) -> ... ->
value (select_first <s> <n>) -> ... ->
value <s>
  • SIGN
def SIGN N =
  if issigned N
  then ((value N) select_first)
  • sign_value
def sign_value N = value ((value N) select_second)
def VALUE N =
  then ((value N) select_second)
  • sign_iszero N
def sign_iszero N = iszero (sign_value N)
  1. Defined signed versions of ISZERO, SUCC and PRED
  then MAKE_BOOL (sign_iszero N)
  THEN +1
    if sign N
    then MAKE_SIGNED POS (MAKE_NUMB (succ (sign_value N)))
    else MAKE_SIGNED NEG (MAKE_NUMB (pred (sign_value N)))
  THEN -1
    if sign N
    then MAKE_SIGNED POS (MAKE_NUMB (pred (sign_value N)))
    else MAKE_SIGNED NEG (MAKE_NUMB (succ (sign_value N)))
  1. Define a signed version of +
def SIGN_+ X Y =
  if and (issigned X) (issigned Y)
    if equiv (sign X) (sign Y)
      if less (sign_value X) (sign_value Y)
      then MAKE_SIGNED (SIGN Y) ((VALUE Y) - (VALUE X))
      else MAKE_SIGNED (SIGN X) ((VALUE X) - (VALUE Y))