diff --git a/dist/advanced_table.js b/dist/advanced_table.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..43191e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist/advanced_table.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1328 @@
+/* eslint-disable arrow-body-style, no-undef, no-use-before-define */
+class GlobalConfig {
+ constructor() {
+ this.selectedFields = [];
+ }
+ addSelectedField(field) {
+ if (this.selectedFields.indexOf(field) === -1) {
+ this.selectedFields.push(field);
+ }
+ }
+ removeSelectedField(field) {
+ this.selectedFields = this.selectedFields.filter(selectedField => {
+ return selectedField !== field;
+ });
+ }
+class AgColumn {
+ constructor(config) {
+ this.config = config;
+ this.formatColumns();
+ }
+ // Format the columns based on the queryResponse into an object ag-grid can handle.
+ formatColumns() {
+ const { queryResponse } = gridOptions.context.globalConfig;
+ const { pivots, measures, dimensions: dims } = queryResponse.fields;
+ const dimensions = basicDimensions(dims, this.config);
+ const tableCalcs = queryResponse.fields.table_calculations;
+ // Measures and table calcs are only shown in the context of pivots when present.
+ if (!_.isEmpty(pivots)) {
+ addPivots(dimensions, this.config);
+ } else {
+ // When there are no pivots, show measures and table calcs in own column.
+ if (!_.isEmpty(measures)) {
+ addMeasures(dimensions, measures, this.config);
+ }
+ if (!_.isEmpty(tableCalcs)) {
+ addTableCalculations(dimensions, tableCalcs);
+ }
+ }
+ const { config } = gridOptions.context.globalConfig;
+ if (!config.autoSizeEnabled) {
+ addWidths(dimensions);
+ }
+ this.formattedColumns = dimensions;
+ }
+const addWidths = dimensions => {
+ const { widths } = gridOptions.context;
+ _.forEach(dimensions, dim => {
+ const width = widths[dim.field];
+ if (!_.isUndefined(width)) {
+ dim.width = width;
+ }
+ if (widths['Group']) {
+ autoGroupColumnDef.width = widths['Group'];
+ }
+ });
+class AgData {
+ constructor(data, formattedColumns) {
+ this.data = data;
+ this.formattedColumns = formattedColumns;
+ this.formatData();
+ }
+ // TODO: Maybe here is where we can save a value but also an indication of whether it should be
+ // drillable, so that the renderer understands to make an href. Then, the drillableCallback or w/e
+ // is going to have to dig and get the proper links from something we've indicated on the data obj.
+ formatData() {
+ this.formattedData = this.data.map(datum => {
+ const formattedDatum = {};
+ this.formattedColumns.forEach(col => {
+ const {
+ children, colType, field: colField, lookup,
+ } = col;
+ if (colType === 'row') { return; }
+ if (colType === 'pivot') {
+ children.forEach(child => {
+ formattedDatum[child.field] = displayData(datum[child.measure][child.pivotKey]);
+ });
+ } else {
+ formattedDatum[colField] = displayData(datum[lookup]);
+ }
+ });
+ return formattedDatum;
+ });
+ }
+// User-defined grouped header class
+// TODO: Make multiple pivots work.
+class PivotHeader {
+ init(agParams) {
+ this.agParams = agParams;
+ const pivots = this.agParams.displayName.split(', ');
+ this.eGui = document.createElement('div');
+ this.eGui.classList.add('outerPivotHeader');
+ _.forEach(pivots, pivot => {
+ const pivotDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ pivotDiv.classList.add('pivotHeader');
+ pivotDiv.innerHTML = pivot;
+ this.eGui.appendChild(pivotDiv);
+ });
+ // this.eGui.innerHTML = this.agParams.displayName;
+ }
+ getGui() {
+ return this.eGui;
+ }
+ destroy() {
+ return null;
+ }
+const adjustFonts = () => {
+ const { config } = gridOptions.context.globalConfig;
+ if ('fontFamily' in config) {
+ const mainDiv = document.getElementById('ag-grid-vis');
+ mainDiv.style.fontFamily = config.fontFamily;
+ }
+ // TODO: Fix the header font resizing (keeping header text centered properly).
+ if ('fontSize' in config) {
+ const agRows = document.getElementsByClassName('ag-row');
+ _.forEach(agRows, row => row.style.fontSize = `${config.fontSize}px`);
+ }
+ if ('rowHeight' in config) {
+ gridOptions.rowHeight = config.rowHeight;
+ }
+// Display-related constants and functions
+const autoSize = () => {
+ const { config } = gridOptions.context.globalConfig;
+ if (config.autoSizeEnabled) {
+ gridOptions.columnApi.autoSizeAllColumns();
+ const { gridPanel } = gridOptions.api;
+ if (gridPanel.eBodyContainer.scrollWidth < gridPanel.eBody.scrollWidth) {
+ gridOptions.api.sizeColumnsToFit();
+ }
+ }
+// Removes the current stylesheet in favor of user-selected theme in config.
+const updateTheme = (classList, theme) => {
+ const currentClass = _.find(classList, klass => {
+ const match = klass.match('ag-theme');
+ if (match !== null) {
+ return match.input;
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ if (currentClass !== null) {
+ classList.remove(currentClass);
+ }
+ classList.add(theme);
+// All of the currently supported ag-grid stylesheets.
+const themes = [
+ { Looker: 'ag-theme-looker' },
+ { Balham: 'ag-theme-balham' },
+ // { 'Balham Dark': 'ag-theme-balham-dark' },
+ { Fresh: 'ag-theme-fresh' },
+ { Dark: 'ag-theme-dark' },
+ { Blue: 'ag-theme-blue' },
+ // { Material: 'ag-theme-material' }, // TODO: bug in header.
+ { Bootstrap: 'ag-theme-bootstrap' },
+const defaultTheme = 'ag-theme-looker';
+const addCSS = link => {
+ const linkElement = document.createElement('link');
+ linkElement.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
+ linkElement.setAttribute('href', link);
+ document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(linkElement);
+// Load all ag-grid default style themes.
+const loadStylesheets = () => {
+ addCSS('https://unpkg.com/ag-grid-community/dist/styles/ag-grid.css');
+ addCSS('https://4mile.github.io/ag_grid/ag-theme-looker.css');
+ // XXX For development only:
+ // addCSS('https://localhost:4443/ag-theme-looker.css');
+ themes.forEach(theme => {
+ const themeName = theme[Object.keys(theme)];
+ if (themeName !== 'ag-theme-looker') {
+ addCSS(`https://unpkg.com/ag-grid-community/dist/styles/${themeName}.css`);
+ }
+ });
+const drillingCallback = event => { // eslint-disable-line
+ const ds = event.currentTarget.dataset;
+ const keys = Object.keys(ds);
+ let links = [];
+ _.forEach(keys, key => {
+ const [k, i] = key.split('-');
+ if (!links[i]) { links[i] = {}; }
+ links[i][k] = ds[key];
+ });
+ LookerCharts.Utils.openDrillMenu({ links, event });
+// User-defined cell renderers
+// The mere presence of this renderer is enough to actually render HTML.
+const baseCellRenderer = obj => obj.value;
+// Looker's table is 1-indexed.
+const rowIndexRenderer = obj => obj.rowIndex + 1;
+// User-defined aggregation functions
+const aggregate = (values, mType, valueFormat) => {
+ if (_.isEmpty(values)) { return; }
+ let agg;
+ // TODO Support for more types of aggregations:
+ // https://docs.looker.com/reference/field-reference/measure-type-reference
+ if (mType === 'count') {
+ agg = countAggFn(values);
+ } else if (mType === 'average') {
+ agg = avgAggFn(values);
+ } else if (mType === 'max') {
+ agg = maxAggFn(values);
+ } else if (mType === 'min') {
+ agg = minAggFn(values);
+ } else {
+ // Default to sum.
+ agg = sumAggFn(values);
+ }
+ let value;
+ if (_.isEmpty(valueFormat)) {
+ value = isFloat(agg) ? truncFloat(agg, values) : numeral(agg).format(',');
+ } else {
+ // TODO: EUR and GBP symbols don't play nice. It fails gracefully though.
+ value = numeral(agg).format(valueFormat);
+ }
+ return value;
+const sumAggFn = values => {
+ return _.reduce(values, (sum, n) => {
+ return sum + n;
+ }, 0);
+const avgAggFn = values => {
+ const total = _.reduce(values, (sum, n) => {
+ return sum + n;
+ }, 0);
+ return total / values.length;
+const maxAggFn = values => {
+ return _.max(values);
+const minAggFn = values => {
+ return _.min(values);
+const countAggFn = values => {
+ return _.reduce(values, (sum, n) => {
+ return sum + parseInt(n, 10);
+ }, 0);
+// Aggregation helper functions
+// This attempts to apply a reasonable truncation amount if Looker's data does not
+// specifically indicate one, based on the first value of the column. If not a float,
+// keeps as int.
+const truncFloat = (float, values) => {
+ const firstVal = values[0].toString().split('.');
+ let digits;
+ if (firstVal.length > 1) {
+ digits = firstVal.pop().length;
+ return float.toFixed(digits);
+ }
+ return numeral(float.toFixed(0)).format(',');
+const isFloat = num => {
+ return Number.isInteger(num) === false && num % 1 !== 0;
+// In order to maintain proper formatting for aggregate columns, we are using
+// a group aggregate function, which requires us to calculate aggregates for
+// all columns at once. As a result, the code is significantly more complex
+// than if we had used the simpler ag-grid individual column aggregate.
+const groupRowAggNodes = nodes => {
+ if (!_.isEmpty(gridOptions.columnDefs)) { return; }
+ // This method is called often by ag-grid, sometimes with no nodes.
+ const { queryResponse } = gridOptions.context.globalConfig;
+ if (_.isEmpty(nodes) || queryResponse === undefined) { return; }
+ const { measure_like: measures } = queryResponse.fields;
+ const result = {};
+ if (!_.isEmpty(queryResponse.pivots)) {
+ const { pivots } = queryResponse;
+ const fields = pivots.flatMap(pivot => {
+ return measures.map(measure => { return `${pivot.key}_${measure.name}`; });
+ });
+ fields.forEach(field => { result[field] = []; });
+ nodes.forEach(node => {
+ const data = node.group ? node.aggData : node.data;
+ fields.forEach(field => {
+ if (typeof data[field] !== 'undefined') {
+ const value = numeral(data[field]).value();
+ if (value !== null) {
+ result[field].push(value);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ pivots.forEach(pivot => {
+ // Map over again to calculate a final result value and convert to value_format.
+ measures.forEach(measure => {
+ const { type: mType, value_format: valueFormat } = measure;
+ const formattedField = `${pivot.key}_${measure.name}`;
+ result[formattedField] = aggregate(
+ result[formattedField], mType, valueFormat,
+ ) || LookerCharts.Utils.textForCell({ value: null });
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ // XXX Merge this loop below.
+ measures.forEach(measure => {
+ result[measure.name] = [];
+ });
+ // Map over once to determine type and populate results array.
+ nodes.forEach(node => {
+ const data = node.group ? node.aggData : node.data;
+ measures.forEach(measure => {
+ const { name } = measure;
+ if (typeof data[name] !== 'undefined') {
+ let val = cellValue(data[name]);
+ const value = numeral(val).value();
+ if (value !== null) {
+ result[name].push(value);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // Map over again to calculate a final result value and convert to value_format.
+ measures.forEach(measure => {
+ const { name, type: mType, value_format: valueFormat } = measure;
+ result[name] = aggregate(result[name], mType, valueFormat);
+ });
+ }
+ const { config, range } = gridOptions.context.globalConfig;
+ // The top level aggregate here isn't actually shown on our grouped table, and
+ // shouldn't be counted towards the conditional formatting ranges.
+ const includeInRange = nodes[0].level !== 0;
+ if (includeInRange && config.enableConditionalFormatting && config.conditionalFormattingType !== 'non_subtotals_only') {
+ // We want to add subtotal values to the ranges. Note: This isn't ideal/finalized behavior;
+ // final behavior would have these values exist within their own range, which will require
+ // cellStyle to understand if the cell is a subtotal (I think possible), and then draw from a diff. range.
+ _.forEach(result, (value, key) => {
+ const val = numeral(value).value();
+ updateRange(key, val, range);
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+const updateRange = (key, value, range) => {
+ if (!range) { return; }
+ // Global:
+ if (!('min' in range)) { range.min = value; }
+ if (!('max' in range)) { range.max = value; }
+ if (value < range.min) {
+ range.min = value;
+ }
+ if (value > range.max) {
+ range.max = value;
+ }
+ // Per column:
+ if (!(key in range)) {
+ range[key] = { min: value, max: value };
+ }
+ if (value < range[key].min) {
+ range[key].min = value;
+ }
+ if (value > range[key].max) {
+ range[key].max = value;
+ }
+// Take into account config prefs for truncation and brevity.
+const headerName = (dimension, config) => {
+ let label;
+ const customLabel = config[`customLabel_${dimension.name}`];
+ if (customLabel !== undefined && customLabel !== '') {
+ label = config[`customLabel_${dimension.name}`];
+ } else if (config.showFullFieldName) {
+ label = dimension.label; // eslint-disable-line
+ } else {
+ label = dimension.label_short || dimension.label;
+ }
+ // TODO requires a _little_ more finesse.
+ if (config.truncateColumnNames && label.length > 15) {
+ label = `${label.substring(0, 12)}...`;
+ }
+ return label;
+const alignText = (styling, config, cell) => {
+ const { measure } = cell.colDef;
+ const alignment = `align_${measure}`;
+ if (alignment in config) {
+ styling['text-align'] = config[alignment];
+ }
+const formatText = (styling, config, cell) => {
+ const { measure } = cell.colDef;
+ const fontFormat = `fontFormat_${measure}`;
+ if (fontFormat in config && config[fontFormat] !== 'none') {
+ switch (config[fontFormat]) {
+ case 'bold':
+ styling['font-weight'] = '800';
+ break;
+ case 'italic':
+ styling['font-style'] = 'italic';
+ break;
+ case 'underline':
+ styling['text-decoration'] = 'underline';
+ break;
+ case 'strikethrough':
+ styling['text-decoration'] = 'line-through';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// Some measures contain just a value, others are an href/html for drilling.
+// This function derives a raw numerical value for either case.
+const cellValue = value => {
+ let val;
+ if (value && value[0] === '<') {
+ const span = document.createElement('span');
+ span.innerHTML = value;
+ val = span.textContent || span.innerText;
+ } else {
+ val = value;
+ }
+ return numeral(val).value();
+const conditionallyFormat = (styling, config, cell) => {
+ const { range } = globalConfig;
+ const { field, measure } = cell.colDef;
+ if (config.enableConditionalFormatting === undefined || !config.enableConditionalFormatting) { return styling; }
+ if (config.conditionalFormattingType === 'non_subtotals_only' && cell.node.group === true) { return styling; }
+ if (config.conditionalFormattingType === 'subtotals_only' && cell.node.group === false) { return styling; }
+ if (!(range.keys.includes(measure)) && !(range.keys.includes(field))) { return styling; }
+ const { lowColor, midColor, highColor } = config;
+ let colorScheme = [lowColor, midColor, highColor];
+ if (config.formattingStyle === 'high_to_low') {
+ colorScheme = [highColor, midColor, lowColor];
+ }
+ const scale = chroma.scale(colorScheme.filter(color => !!color));
+ let supportedRange = range;
+ if (config.perColumnRange) {
+ supportedRange = range[field];
+ }
+ // Normalize number between 0 and 1
+ const v = cellValue(cell.value);
+ if (!config.includeNullValuesAsZero && _.isNull(v)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let normalizedValue = normalize(v, supportedRange);
+ if (isNaN(normalizedValue) || _.isNull(normalizedValue)) {
+ if (!config.includeNullValuesAsZero) { return; }
+ normalizedValue = 0;
+ }
+ styling['background-color'] = scale(normalizedValue).hex();
+// Used to apply conditional formatting to cells, if enabled.
+const cellStyle = cell => {
+ const { config } = gridOptions.context.globalConfig;
+ const styling = {};
+ alignText(styling, config, cell);
+ formatText(styling, config, cell);
+ conditionallyFormat(styling, config, cell);
+ return styling;
+const normalize = (value, range) => {
+ // Edge case when there is only one value to avoid NaN response.
+ if (range.max === range.min && value === range.max) { return 1; }
+ return (value - range.min) / (range.max - range.min);
+const setNonPivotRange = (datum, key, range) => {
+ const val = getValue(datum[key].value);
+ if (!_.isNull(val)) { updateRange(key, val, range); }
+const setPivotRange = (datum, key, range) => {
+ // datum[key] is a hash with all the pivot keys.
+ const pivotKeys = Object.keys(datum[key]);
+ _.forEach(pivotKeys, pk => {
+ const val = getValue(datum[key][pk].value);
+ if (!_.isNull(val)) { updateRange(`${pk}_${key}`, val, range); }
+ });
+const getValue = val => {
+ const { config } = gridOptions.context.globalConfig;
+ if (_.isUndefined(config)) { return; }
+ if (!('includeNullValuesAsZero' in config)) { return; }
+ let value = numeral(val).value();
+ if (_.isNull(value) && config.includeNullValuesAsZero) {
+ value = 0;
+ }
+ return value;
+// For each column, calculate and store the min/max values for optional conditional formatting.
+const calculateRange = (data, queryResponse, config) => {
+ if (!('applyTo' in config)) { return {}; }
+ let keys = _.map(queryResponse.fields.measure_like, measureLike => measureLike.name);
+ if (config.applyTo === 'select_fields') {
+ keys = keys.filter(key => globalConfig.selectedFields.includes(key));
+ }
+ const range = { keys };
+ if (config.conditionalFormattingType === 'subtotals_only') { return range; }
+ data.forEach(datum => {
+ keys.forEach(key => {
+ if (_.isEmpty(queryResponse.pivots)) {
+ setNonPivotRange(datum, key, range);
+ } else {
+ setPivotRange(datum, key, range);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ return range;
+const addRowNumbers = basics => {
+ basics.unshift({
+ cellClass: ['rowNumber', 'groupCell'],
+ cellRenderer: rowIndexRenderer,
+ colType: 'row',
+ headerName: '',
+ headerClass: 'rowNumberHeader',
+ lockPosition: true,
+ // Arbitrary width, doesn't always seem to be respected.
+ width: 50,
+ rowGroup: false,
+ suppressMenu: true,
+ suppressResize: true,
+ suppressSizeToFit: true,
+ });
+// Base dimensions before table calcs, pivots, measures, etc added.
+const basicDimensions = (dimensions, config) => {
+ const finalDimension = dimensions[dimensions.length - 1];
+ const basics = _.map(dimensions, dimension => {
+ let rowGroup;
+ // If there is only 1 dimension, then we are going to display without grouping.
+ if (dimensions.length <= 1) {
+ rowGroup = false;
+ } else {
+ rowGroup = !(dimension.name === finalDimension.name);
+ }
+ const hide = dimensions.length > 1;
+ return {
+ cellClass: dimension.category,
+ cellRenderer: baseCellRenderer,
+ cellStyle,
+ colType: 'default',
+ field: dimension.name,
+ headerClass: dimension.category,
+ headerName: headerName(dimension, config),
+ hide,
+ lookup: dimension.name,
+ rowGroup: rowGroup,
+ suppressMenu: true,
+ };
+ });
+ if (config.showRowNumbers) {
+ addRowNumbers(basics);
+ }
+ if (dimensions.length > 1) {
+ autoGroupColumnDef.setLastGroup(finalDimension.name);
+ }
+ return basics;
+const addTableCalculations = (dimensions, tableCalcs) => {
+ let dimension;
+ const klass = 'tableCalc';
+ tableCalcs.forEach(calc => {
+ dimension = {
+ cellClass: klass,
+ cellStyle,
+ cellRenderer: baseCellRenderer,
+ colType: 'table_calculation',
+ field: calc.name,
+ headerClass: klass,
+ headerName: calc.label,
+ lookup: calc.name,
+ rowGroup: false,
+ suppressMenu: true,
+ };
+ dimensions.push(dimension);
+ });
+const addMeasures = (dimensions, measures, config) => {
+ let dimension;
+ const klass = 'measure';
+ measures.forEach(measure => {
+ const { name } = measure;
+ dimension = {
+ cellClass: klass,
+ cellStyle,
+ cellRenderer: baseCellRenderer,
+ colType: 'measure',
+ field: name,
+ headerClass: klass,
+ headerName: headerName(measure, config),
+ lookup: name,
+ measure: name,
+ rowGroup: false,
+ suppressMenu: true,
+ };
+ dimensions.push(dimension);
+ });
+// For every pivot there will be a column for all measures and table calcs.
+const addPivots = (dimensions, config) => {
+ const { queryResponse } = globalConfig;
+ const { measure_like: measureLike } = queryResponse.fields;
+ const { pivots } = queryResponse;
+ let dimension;
+ pivots.forEach(pivot => {
+ const { key } = pivot;
+ const keys = key.split('|FIELD|').join(', ');
+ const outerDimension = {
+ children: [],
+ colType: 'pivot',
+ field: key,
+ headerGroupComponent: PivotHeader,
+ headerName: keys,
+ rowGroup: false,
+ suppressMenu: true,
+ };
+ measureLike.forEach(measure => {
+ const { name } = measure;
+ let klass = measure.category;
+ if (_.isUndefined(klass) && measure.is_table_calculation) {
+ klass = 'tableCalc'; // XXX standardize with snake case?
+ }
+ dimension = {
+ cellClass: klass,
+ cellStyle,
+ cellRenderer: baseCellRenderer,
+ colType: 'pivotChild',
+ // colId: measure.category,
+ columnGroupShow: 'open',
+ field: `${key}_${name}`,
+ headerClass: klass,
+ headerName: headerName(measure, config),
+ measure: name,
+ pivotKey: key,
+ rowGroup: false,
+ suppressMenu: true,
+ };
+ outerDimension.children.push(dimension);
+ });
+ dimensions.push(outerDimension);
+ });
+ // Add the title:
+ globalConfig.hasPivot = true;
+// Attempt to display in this order: HTML/drill -> rendered -> value
+// TODO: Return an object here, with value, and then also with pertinent info for links/drilling.
+const displayData = cell => {
+ if (_.isEmpty(cell)) { return null; }
+ let formattedCell;
+ if (cell.links) {
+ let dataset = '';
+ _.forEach(cell.links, (link, i) => {
+ dataset += `data-label-${i}=${JSON.stringify(link.label)} data-url-${i}=${JSON.stringify(link.url)} data-type-${i}=${JSON.stringify(link.type)} `;
+ });
+ formattedCell = `${cell.value}`;
+ } else if (cell.html) {
+ // TODO: This seems to be a diff func than table. OK?
+ formattedCell = LookerCharts.Utils.htmlForCell(cell).replace(' {
+ _.forEach(e.columns, col => {
+ let { field } = col.colDef;
+ if (col.colDef.headerName === 'Group') {
+ field = 'Group';
+ }
+ gridOptions.context.widths[field] = col.actualWidth;
+ });
+const options = {
+ enableConditionalFormatting: {
+ default: false,
+ label: 'Enable Conditional Formatting',
+ order: 1,
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ },
+ perColumnRange: {
+ default: true,
+ hidden: true,
+ label: 'Per column range',
+ order: 2,
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ },
+ conditionalFormattingType: {
+ default: 'all',
+ display: 'select',
+ label: 'Formatting Type',
+ order: 3,
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'string',
+ values: [
+ { 'All': 'all' },
+ { 'Subtotals only': 'subtotals_only' },
+ { 'Non-subtotals only': 'non_subtotals_only' },
+ ],
+ },
+ includeNullValuesAsZero: {
+ default: false,
+ label: 'Include Null Values as Zero',
+ order: 4,
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ },
+ formattingStyle: {
+ default: 'low_to_high',
+ display: 'select',
+ label: 'Format',
+ order: 5,
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'string',
+ values: [
+ { 'From low to high': 'low_to_high' },
+ { 'From high to low': 'high_to_low' },
+ ],
+ },
+ formattingPalette: {
+ default: 'red_yellow_green',
+ display: 'select',
+ label: 'Palette',
+ order: 6,
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'string',
+ values: [
+ { 'Red to Yellow to Green': 'red_yellow_green' },
+ { 'Red to White to Green': 'red_white_green' },
+ { 'Red to White': 'red_white' },
+ { 'White to Green': 'white_green' },
+ { 'Custom...': 'custom' },
+ ],
+ },
+ lowColor: {
+ display: 'color',
+ display_size: 'third',
+ label: 'Low', // These values updated in updateAsync
+ order: 7,
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ midColor: {
+ display: 'color',
+ display_size: 'third',
+ label: 'Middle',
+ order: 8,
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ highColor: {
+ display: 'color',
+ display_size: 'third',
+ label: 'High',
+ order: 9,
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'string',
+ },
+ applyTo: {
+ default: 'all_numeric_fields',
+ display: 'select',
+ label: 'Apply to',
+ order: 10,
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'string',
+ values: [
+ { 'All numeric fields': 'all_numeric_fields' },
+ { 'Select fields...': 'select_fields' },
+ ],
+ },
+ fontSize: {
+ default: 12,
+ display_size: 'third',
+ label: 'Font size (pt)',
+ order: 1,
+ section: 'Config',
+ type: 'number',
+ },
+ fontFamily: {
+ default: 'Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif',
+ display: 'select',
+ display_size: 'two-thirds',
+ label: 'Font Family',
+ order: 2,
+ section: 'Config',
+ type: 'string',
+ values: [
+ { 'Looker': 'Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' },
+ { 'Helvetica': 'BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif' },
+ { 'Times New Roman': 'Times, "Times New Roman", serif' },
+ ],
+ },
+ rowHeight: {
+ default: 25,
+ display_size: 'third',
+ label: 'Row Height',
+ order: 3,
+ section: 'Config',
+ type: 'number',
+ },
+ truncateColumnNames: {
+ default: false,
+ label: 'Truncate Column Names',
+ order: 1,
+ section: 'Series',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ },
+ showFullFieldName: {
+ default: false,
+ label: 'Show Full Field Name',
+ order: 2,
+ section: 'Series',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ },
+ // PLOT
+ theme: {
+ default: defaultTheme,
+ display: 'select',
+ label: 'Table Theme',
+ order: 1,
+ section: 'Plot',
+ type: 'string',
+ values: themes,
+ },
+ showRowNumbers: {
+ default: false,
+ label: 'Show Row Numbers',
+ order: 2,
+ section: 'Plot',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ },
+ autoSizeEnabled: {
+ default: true,
+ label: 'Enable Auto Sizing',
+ order: 3,
+ section: 'Plot',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ },
+const defaultColors = {
+ red: '#F36254',
+ green: '#4FBC89',
+ yellow: '#FCF758',
+ white: '#FFFFFF',
+const addOptionCustomLabels = fields => {
+ fields.forEach(field => {
+ const { label, name } = field;
+ const cl = `customLabel_${name}`;
+ options[cl] = {
+ display: 'text',
+ placeholder: `Label: ${label}`,
+ label,
+ section: 'Series',
+ type: 'string',
+ };
+ });
+const addOptionAlignments = fields => {
+ fields.forEach(field => {
+ const { label, name } = field;
+ const alignment = `align_${name}`;
+ // Radio freaks out here. Maybe flip display/type?
+ options[alignment] = {
+ default: 'left',
+ display: 'select',
+ label: `Text-align: ${label}`,
+ section: 'Config',
+ type: 'string',
+ values: [
+ { 'Left': 'left' },
+ { 'Center': 'center' },
+ { 'Right': 'right' },
+ ],
+ };
+ });
+const addOptionFontFormats = fields => {
+ fields.forEach(field => {
+ const { label, name } = field;
+ const fontFormat = `fontFormat_${name}`;
+ options[fontFormat] = {
+ default: 'none',
+ display: 'select',
+ label: `Format: ${label}`,
+ section: 'Config',
+ type: 'string',
+ values: [
+ { 'None': 'none' },
+ { 'Bold': 'bold' },
+ { 'Italic': 'italic' },
+ { 'Underline': 'underline' },
+ { 'Strikethrough': 'strikethrough' },
+ ],
+ };
+ });
+updateColorConfig = (vis, config) => {
+ const originalMidColor = {
+ display: 'color',
+ display_size: 'third',
+ label: 'Middle',
+ order: 7,
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'string',
+ };
+ // Automatically set the colors to defaults when selected.
+ if ('formattingPalette' in config && config.formattingPalette !== 'custom') {
+ let colors;
+ switch (config.formattingPalette) {
+ case 'red_yellow_green':
+ if (!('midColor' in options)) { options.midColor = originalMidColor; }
+ colors = [
+ { lowColor: defaultColors.red },
+ { midColor: defaultColors.yellow },
+ { highColor: defaultColors.green },
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 'red_white_green':
+ if (!('midColor' in options)) { options.midColor = originalMidColor; }
+ colors = [
+ { lowColor: defaultColors.red },
+ { midColor: defaultColors.white },
+ { highColor: defaultColors.green },
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 'red_white':
+ if ('midColor' in options) { delete(options.midColor); }
+ colors = [
+ { lowColor: defaultColors.red },
+ { highColor: defaultColors.white },
+ ];
+ break;
+ case 'white_green':
+ if ('midColor' in options) { delete(options.midColor); }
+ colors = [
+ { lowColor: defaultColors.white },
+ { highColor: defaultColors.green },
+ ];
+ break;
+ }
+ _.forEach(colors, color => vis.trigger('updateConfig', [color]));
+ }
+ // Flip the labels accordingly.
+ if (config.formattingStyle === 'high_to_low') {
+ options.lowColor.label = 'High';
+ options.highColor.label = 'Low';
+ } else {
+ options.lowColor.label = 'Low';
+ options.highColor.label = 'High';
+ }
+// Decide which columns will be getting conditional formatting applied.
+const selectFormattedFields = (fields, config) => {
+ if (config.applyTo === 'select_fields') {
+ fields.forEach(field => {
+ const { label, name } = field;
+ const id = `selectedField_${name}`
+ options[id] = {
+ label,
+ default: 'false',
+ section: 'Formatting',
+ type: 'boolean',
+ };
+ });
+ fields.forEach(field => {
+ const { name } = field;
+ if (config[`selectedField_${name}`] === true) {
+ globalConfig.addSelectedField(name);
+ } else {
+ globalConfig.removeSelectedField(name);
+ }
+ });
+ } else if (config.applyTo === 'all_numeric_fields') {
+ fields.forEach(field => {
+ const { name } = field;
+ const id = `selectedField_${name}`
+ if (id in options) { delete(options[id]); }
+ });
+ }
+const setupConditionalFormatting = (vis, config, measureLike) => {
+ updateColorConfig(vis, config);
+ selectFormattedFields(measureLike, config);
+ if ('enableConditionalFormatting' in config) {
+ options.perColumnRange.hidden = !config.enableConditionalFormatting;
+ }
+ if ('formattingPalette' in config) {
+ const showColors = config.formattingPalette === 'custom';
+ options.lowColor.hidden = !showColors;
+ if ('midColor' in options) { options.midColor.hidden = !showColors; }
+ options.highColor.hidden = !showColors;
+ }
+// Once columns are available to ag-grid, we can update the options hash / config
+// and add/remove custom configurations.
+// This triggers two events on the visualization object:
+// vis.trigger('registerOptions', options)
+// vis.trigger('updateConfig', [config])
+const modifyOptions = (vis, config) => {
+ const { measure_like: measureLike } = globalConfig.queryResponse.fields;
+ addOptionCustomLabels(measureLike);
+ addOptionAlignments(measureLike);
+ addOptionFontFormats(measureLike);
+ setupConditionalFormatting(vis, config, measureLike);
+ vis.trigger('registerOptions', options);
+const addPivotHeader = () => {
+ if (!globalConfig.hasPivot) { return; }
+ const { config, queryResponse } = gridOptions.context.globalConfig;
+ if (!('showRowNumbers' in config)) { return; }
+ const pivots = _.map(queryResponse.fields.pivots, pivot => headerName(pivot, config));
+ const labelDivs = document.getElementsByClassName('ag-header-group-cell-label');
+ const titleDiv = labelDivs[labelDivs.length - 1];
+ if (!_.isUndefined(titleDiv)) {
+ titleDiv.classList.add('pivotHeaderNameContainer');
+ _.forEach(pivots, pivot => {
+ const pivotDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ pivotDiv.innerHTML = `${pivot}:`;
+ pivotDiv.classList.add('pivotHeaderName');
+ pivotDiv.style.float = 'right';
+ titleDiv.appendChild(pivotDiv);
+ });
+ }
+const setColumns = () => {
+ gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(globalConfig.formattedColumns);
+// Certain config changes require a refresh of the column headers - we only
+// will refresh them if needed.
+const refreshColumns = details => {
+ // If something on the grid has changed, we want to refresh it.
+ if (details.changed) {
+ const agColumn = new AgColumn(globalConfig.config);
+ gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(agColumn.formattedColumns);
+ }
+ // However, if we determine that the subtotaling isn't showing, we also want to redraw.
+ const values = document.getElementsByClassName('ag-cell-value');
+ if (values && _.some(values, value => value.childElementCount === 0)) {
+ const agColumn = new AgColumn(globalConfig.config);
+ gridOptions.api.setColumnDefs(agColumn.formattedColumns);
+ }
+const setLookerClasses = () => {
+ // Pivot stuff
+ const pivotHeaders = document.getElementsByClassName('pivotHeader');
+ if (!_.isEmpty(pivotHeaders)) {
+ const parentRow = pivotHeaders[0].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
+ parentRow.classList.add('pivotHeaderRow');
+ // Set height according to how many pivots are present:
+ const numPivots = globalConfig.queryResponse.fields.pivots.length;
+ // XXX Magic number corresponding to .ag-header-group-cell
+ gridOptions.api.setGroupHeaderHeight(26 * numPivots);
+ }
+const hideOverlay = (vis, element, config) => {
+ if (config.theme) {
+ const style = _.find(document.head.children, c => c.href && c.href.includes(config.theme));
+ if (style.sheet && vis.loadingGrid.parentNode === element) {
+ element.removeChild(vis.loadingGrid);
+ }
+ }
+const gridOptions = {
+ context: {
+ globalConfig: new GlobalConfig,
+ widths: {},
+ },
+ // debug: true, // for dev purposes.
+ animateRows: true,
+ autoGroupColumnDef,
+ columnDefs: [],
+ enableFilter: false,
+ enableSorting: false,
+ groupDefaultExpanded: -1, // for dev purposes. 0,
+ groupRowAggNodes,
+ onFirstDataRendered: setColumns,
+ onRowGroupOpened: adjustFonts,
+ rowSelection: 'multiple',
+ suppressAggFuncInHeader: true,
+ suppressFieldDotNotation: true,
+ suppressMovableColumns: true,
+ enableColResize: true,
+ onColumnResized: columnResized,
+ colResizeDefault: 'shift',
+const { globalConfig } = gridOptions.context;
+ options: options,
+ create(element, _config) {
+ loadStylesheets();
+ element.innerHTML = `
+ `;
+ this.loadingGrid = element.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
+ this.loadingGrid.id = 'loading';
+ this.loadingGrid.className = 'loading';
+ // Create an element to contain the grid.
+ this.grid = element.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
+ this.grid.id = 'ag-grid-vis';
+ this.grid.className = 'ag-grid-vis';
+ this.grid.classList.add(defaultTheme);
+ new agGrid.Grid(this.grid, gridOptions); // eslint-disable-line
+ },
+ updateAsync(data, element, config, queryResponse, details, done) {
+ hideOverlay(this, element, config);
+ this.clearErrors();
+ globalConfig.queryResponse = queryResponse;
+ modifyOptions(this, config);
+ const { fields } = queryResponse;
+ const { dimensions, measures, pivots, table_calculations: tableCalcs } = fields;
+ if (dimensions.length === 0) {
+ this.addError({
+ message: 'This chart requires dimensions.',
+ title: 'No Dimensions',
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!_.isEmpty(pivots) && (_.isEmpty(measures) && _.isEmpty(tableCalcs))) {
+ this.addError({
+ message: 'Add a measure or table calculation to pivot on.',
+ title: 'Empty Pivot(s)',
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ updateTheme(this.grid.classList, config.theme);
+ // Gets a range for use by conditional formatting.
+ const range = calculateRange(data, queryResponse, config);
+ globalConfig.range = range;
+ globalConfig.config = config;
+ // Manipulates Looker's queryResponse into a format suitable for ag-grid.
+ this.agColumn = new AgColumn(config);
+ const { formattedColumns } = this.agColumn;
+ globalConfig.formattedColumns = formattedColumns;
+ refreshColumns(details);
+ // Manipulates Looker's data response into a format suitable for ag-grid.
+ this.agData = new AgData(data, formattedColumns);
+ globalConfig.agData = this.agData;
+ gridOptions.api.setRowData(this.agData.formattedData);
+ addPivotHeader();
+ if (details.changed) {
+ autoSize();
+ }
+ setLookerClasses();
+ adjustFonts();
+ done();
+ },