- Worst Case Time Complexity: O(nLogn)
- Average Case Time Complexity: O(nLogn)
- Best Case Time Complexity: O(nLogn)
- Auxiliary Space: O(n)
Time Complexity: Sorting arrays on different machines. Merge Sort is a recursive algorithm and time complexity can be expressed as following recurrence relation. T(n) = 2T(n/2) + θ(n)
The above recurrence can be solved either using the Recurrence Tree method or the Master method. It falls in case II of Master Method and the solution of the recurrence is θ(nLogn). Time complexity of Merge Sort is θ(nLogn) in all 3 cases (worst, average and best) as merge sort always divides the array into two halves and takes linear time to merge two halves. Auxiliary Space: O(n)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef void (*sortAlgorithm)(int *array, int size);
static void printArray(int arr[], int size)
int i;
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
printf("%d ", arr[i]);
static void merge_helper(int *array, int st_a, int st_b, int size) {
int arr[size];
int i = st_a;
int j = st_b;
int k = 0;
while (i < st_b && j < (st_a + size)) {
arr[k++] = (array[i] > array[j]) ? array[j++] : array[i++];
while (i < st_b)
arr[k++] = array[i++];
while (j < (st_a + size))
arr[k++] = array[j++];
for (k = 0; k < size; k++)
array[st_a++] = arr[k];
static void sort_helper(int *array, int st, int end) {
int mid = (end-st)/2 + st;
int temp;
if (st < end) {
sort_helper(array, st, mid);
sort_helper(array, mid+1, end);
merge_helper(array, st, mid+1, end-st+1);
void mergesort(int *array, int size) {
sort_helper(array, 0, size-1);
void tests(int *nums, int size) {
sortAlgorithm sort_method = mergesort;
clock_t start, end;
double cpu_time_used;
printf("==== Sorted array test results ====\n");
printArray(nums, size);
start = clock();
sort_method(nums, size);
end = clock();
cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printArray(nums, size);
printf("CPU time used: %f\n\n", cpu_time_used);
int main() {
// test 1
int nums[] = {10, 7, 8, 9, 1, 5};
int n = sizeof(nums)/sizeof(nums[0]);
tests(nums, n);
// test 2
int nums2[] = {1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, 3, 4, 0, -1, 10, 7, 8, 9, 1, 5};
n = sizeof(nums2)/sizeof(nums2[0]);
tests(nums2, n);
// test 3
int nums3[] = {};
n = sizeof(nums3)/sizeof(nums3[0]);
tests(nums3, n);
// test 4
int nums4[] = {10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
n = sizeof(nums4)/sizeof(nums4[0]);
tests(nums4, n);
// test 5
int nums5[] = {1, 2, -4, 6, -8, 2, 3, -4, 0, -1, 10, -1, 5};
n = sizeof(nums5)/sizeof(nums5[0]);
tests(nums5, n);
return 0;