To add a new blockchain take the following steps
Modify the .env file to add the API key to scan the new blockchain for transactions, addresses, tokens, prices etc. (example Etherscan API key for Ethereum)
Go to the file config/config.js and create a new API key variable for the new chain
etherScanKey: envVars.ETHERSCAN_KEY,
polyScanKey: envVars.POLYSCAN_KEY,
newChainScanKey: envVars.NewChain_KEY,
Go to the file config/constants.js and make the following additions
Add chain id const SupportedChainId = { MAINNET: 1, GOERLI: 5, POLYGON: 137, NewChain: chainid }
Add Gnosis Safe API endpoint
const GNOSIS_API_ENDPOINT = { [SupportedChainId.GOERLI]: "", [SupportedChainId.POLYGON]: '', [SupportedChainId.MAINNET]: '', [SupportedChainId.New_Chain_Name]: 'URL' }
Add Infura url for the new chain
const INFURA_NETWORK_URLS = (INFURA_KEY) => { return { [SupportedChainId.MAINNET]: `${INFURA_KEY}`, [SupportedChainId.GOERLI]: `${INFURA_KEY}`, [SupportedChainId.POLYGON]: `${INFURA_KEY}`, [SupportedChainId.New_Chain_Name]: `URL${INFURA_KEY}` } }
Add network scan link for the new chain
const NETWORK_SCAN_LINKS = { [SupportedChainId.MAINNET]: { baseUrl: ``, apiKey: config.etherScanKey }, [SupportedChainId.New_Chain_Name]: { baseUrl: `URL`, apiKey: config.newChainScanKey },