% tt(1)
tt - A terminal based typing test
usage: tt [OPTION]... [FILE]
By default tt creates a test consisting of 50 randomly generated words from the top 1000 words in the English language. If provided with a path, tt will use the given file as input treating each paragraph as a separate segment of the test. The program will automatically keep track of your position in the file so subsequent invocations on the same path will place you at the most recent paragraph (-start 0 can be used to reset your position).
Arbitrary text can also be piped directly into the program to create a custom test. Each paragraph of the input is treated as a segment unless '-multi' is supplied in which case each paragraph is treated as a separate test.
: Specifies the file from which words are randomly drawn (default: 1000en).
: Starts quote mode in which quotes are randomly drawn from the given file. The file should be JSON encoded and have the following form:
[{"text": "foo", attribution: "bar"}]
: Sets the number of words which constitute a group.
: Sets the number of groups which constitute a test.
: The offset of the starting paragraph, set this to 0 to reset progress on a given file.
: Display WPM whilst typing.
: The theme to use.
: Attempt to use the default terminal theme. This may produce odd results depending on the theme colours.
: Use the default cursor style.
: Embolden typed text.
: The maximum line length in characters. This option is ignored if -raw is present.
: Terminate the test after the given number of seconds.
: Disable word skipping when space is pressed.
: Disable highlighting.
: Only highlight the current word.
: Only highlight the next word.
: Automatically exit after a single run.
: Don't show a report at the end of a test.
: Print CSV formatted results.
Tests have the form:
Mistakes have the form:
: Print the test output in JSON.
: Don't reflow STDIN text or show one paragraph at a time. Note that line breaks are determined exclusively by the input.
: Treat each input paragraph as a self contained test.
-list TYPE\
Lists internal resources of the given type. TYPE=[themes|quotes|words].
Print the current version.
Creates a series of tests each consisting of a random quote drawn from the builtin quote file 'en'.
tt -quotes en
Creates a series of tests each consisting of 10 random words drawn from words.txt
tt -words words.txt -n 10
Starts a sequence of tests in which each test consists of a paragraph from war and peace starting with paragraph 1.
tt ~/war_and_peace.txt -start 1
Produces a test consisting of 40 random words draw from the system dictionary (similar to 'tt -n 40').
shuf -n 40 /usr/share/dict/words|tt
Starts a test consisting of two randomly drawn quotes from api.quotable.io and prints the output of each test to STDOUT in csv format.
curl https://api.quotable.io/quotes|\
jq '[.results[]|.text=.content|.attribution=.author][:2]'|\
tt -quotes - -norreport -csv
Starts a new typing test which uses the tt source as input:
curl -LsS https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lemnos/tt/master/src/tt.go | head -n 20 | tt -noskip -raw
Modify to taste.
Some options like -words and -theme accept a path. If the given path does not exist, the following directories are searched for a file with the given name before falling back to internal resources:
**esc: ** Restarts the test
**C-c: ** Terminates tt
**C-backspace: ** Deletes the previous word
right Move to the next test.
left Move to the previous test.
Aetnaeus ([email protected])