layout | title | nav_order | has_children | parent | grand_parent |
default |
Create Muliple Choice Item |
3 |
true |
Use cases |
Project management |
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In this use case the user can create a new multiple choice poll item. A multiple choice item consists of a question and two or more possible answers.
Feature: Create Multiple Choice Item
Scenario: Create new multiple choice item successfully
Given User is logged in
And User has created a new poll
And User opened new poll item menu
When I select multiple choice item type
And I enter "Idee" into input field with id "input-question"
And I enter "Antwort 1" as answer option 1
And I enter "Antwort 2" as answer option 2
And I enter "Antwort 3" as answer option 3
And I click on button with id "btn-save"
Then Notification with text "Poll item successfully created" is displayed
Scenario: Create new poll item but don't choose item type
Given User is logged in
And User has created a new poll
And User opened new poll item menu
When I select no item type
And I click on button with id "btn-next-step"
Then Notification with text "Please select item type" is displayed
Scenario: Create new multiple choice item with only one answer
Given User is logged in
And User has created a new poll
And User opened new poll item menu
When I select multiple choice item type
And I enter "Idee" into input field with id "input-question"
And I enter "Antwort 1" as answer option 1
And I click on button with id "btn-save"
Then Notification with text "Please enter more than one answer" is displayed
Following preconditions are needed:
- The user signed up.
- The user created a poll.
Once the user created a new multiple choice item, it must be saved on the server.