历史账本 Transaction History (April 2020, following the current protocol)
| Initiator (Applicant or Donor)
发起人(申请人或捐助人) | 地区 Location | 情况描述
Description | 志愿验证人/协调人联系方式
Volunteer Verifier/Coordinator Contact | 验证结果 Verification results |捐助状态 Status of donation |防重码 Anti-Double-Dip Checksum |
| ------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------- | ----- |
| 003-2020.4.6 Donor | Ohio | I sold 14 cakes for $10 each. I’d like to donate this $140 to a middle school student in need in Wuhan, China. | WeChat| 核实无误,验证通过 (2020.4.10) | |
| 004-2020.4.6 Applicant | Ohio | 一位以前来过本校的访问学者和国内一个厂家捐赠给我们大约10,000个医用外科口罩。现在需要筹集运费7000元人民币把这批口罩运到美国。收款人是本校一位教师,也是为大家服务的。 | WeChat | 经验证确有其事。十一箱防疫物质(四箱防护服,七箱口罩,共150公斤)正在中国海关办手续。等待期间已另行筹到运费,不再需要围炉平台的捐助了。(2020.4.16) | 已结束。Ended. |
历史账本 Transaction History (March 2020, following protocol v0.3)
Student in need | 地区 Location | 受疫情影响(可选)
Description (optional) | 志愿验证人联系方式
Volunteer Verifier Contact | 验证结果 Verification results |捐助状态 Status of donation |防重码 Anti-Double-Dip Checksum |
| ------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------- | ----- |
| 001-2020.3.14 | 湖北武汉 Wuhan | 父亲病逝由母亲抚养,母亲务农,家庭经济困难。 Single-parent. Mom works in a farm. |WeChat | 已验证,可信 Verified(2020.3.14)|围炉800元+prana 200元=共 1000元 A total of RMB 1000 Donated by two donors (2020.3.14)|9377BD31C6D279BE299BC87F6BCA5C17 (MD5)|
| 002-2020.3.18 | 湖北武汉 Wuhan | 我们在武汉一高校内经营着一家洗车店。由于疫情无法营业,两三个月家庭没有收入。希望疫情早点结束!Parents run a small car-wash shop in a college. No income in the past two months. | WeChat| 符合受助条件,可信。Verified (2020.3.20)|匿名 1000元 RMB1000 Donated (2020.3.19) |FE63CA8B8CB343FBAF3576E9DC053703FA75CAE4 (SHA1) |