- 'use strict';
-var assert = require('assert');
-var fs = require('fs');
-var querystring = require('querystring');
-var request = require('request');
-var utils = require('../utils');
-var FileDemuxer = require('../file-handling/file-demuxer');
-var FileMuxer = require('../file-handling/file-muxer');
-var AuditStream = require('../audit-tools/audit-stream');
-var Contact = require('../network/contact');
-var crypto = require('crypto');
-var path = require('path');
-var mime = require('mime');
-var uuid = require('node-uuid');
-var merge = require('merge');
-var Logger = require('kad-logger-json');
-var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
-var UploadState = require('./upload-state');
-var Blacklist = require('./blacklist');
-var stream = require('readable-stream');
-var async = require('async');
-var ExchangeReport = require('./exchange-report');
-var FsBlobStore = require('fs-blob-store');
-var once = require('once');
- * Represents a client interface to a given bridge server
- * @constructor
- * @license LGPL-3.0
- * @see https://github.com/storj/bridge
- * @see https://storj.io/api.html
- * @param {String} [uri=https://api.storj.io] - API base URI
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {KeyPair} options.keyPair - KeyPair instance for request signing
- * @param {Object} options.logger - Logger instance
- * @param {Object} options.requestTimeout - Timeout when making requests to the
- * bridge
- * @param {Number} options.transferConcurrency - Upload concurrency limit
- * @param {Number} options.transferRetries - Limit number of shard transfer
- * retries before getting a new contract
- * @param {Object} options.basicAuth
- * @param {String} options.basicAuth.email - Email address for HTTP basic auth
- * @param {String} options.basicAuth.password - Password for HTTP basic auth
- * @param {String} [options.blacklistFolder] - The folder that blacklist
- * entries will be persisted to if using the default fs-store
- * @param {Object} [options.store] - The store that blacklist enteries will be
- * persisted to. This object must be compatible with the API of
- * {@link https://github.com/maxogden/abstract-blob-store|abstract-blob-store}
- */
-function BridgeClient(uri, options) {
- if (!(this instanceof BridgeClient)) {
- return new BridgeClient(uri, options);
- }
- this._options = this._checkOptions(uri, options);
- this._blacklist = new Blacklist(this._options);
- this._logger = this._options.logger;
- this._transferConcurrency = this._options.transferConcurrency;
- this._store = this._options.store;
-BridgeClient.DEFAULTS = {
- baseURI: 'https://api.storj.io',
- logger: new Logger(0),
- transferConcurrency: 3,
- transferRetries: 0,
- requestTimeout: 30000,
- retryThrottle: 500
- * Check the options supplied to the constructor
- * @private
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._checkOptions = function(uri, options) {
- options = options || {
- baseURI: uri || process.env.STORJ_BRIDGE || BridgeClient.DEFAULTS.baseURI
- };
- options.baseURI = options.baseURI || uri;
- options = merge(Object.create(BridgeClient.DEFAULTS), options);
- assert.ok(utils.validateLogger(options.logger), 'Invalid logger supplied');
- return this._configureBlacklist(options);
- * Setup the store for our blacklist
- * @private
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._configureBlacklist = function(options) {
- // If we were not given a store, STORJ_TEMP or os.tmpdir. This is
- // intentionally left out of BridgeClient.DEFAULTS since utils.tmpdir()
- // accesses the filesystem, breaking storj-lib's compatibility with browsers
- if (options.store === undefined) {
- if (options.blacklistFolder === undefined) {
- options.blacklistFolder = utils.tmpdir();
- }
- options.store = new FsBlobStore(options.blacklistFolder);
- }
- // Only test for the parts of abstract-blob-store that we need
- assert.ok(typeof options.store.createWriteStream === 'function',
- 'Supplied store must implement abstract-blob-store');
- assert.ok(typeof options.store.createReadStream === 'function',
- 'Supplied store must implement abstract-blob-store');
- assert.ok(typeof options.store.exists === 'function',
- 'Supplied store must implement abstract-blob-store');
- return options;
- * Get the remote Storj Bridge API documentation and version as JSON
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.getInfo = function(callback) {
- return this._request('GET', '/', {}, callback);
- * Fetches the list of known contacts filtered according to the options
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {Number} options.page - The page number of the contact list to fetch
- * @param {Boolean} options.connected - Filter results by connection status
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.getContactList = function(options, callback) {
- return this._request('GET', '/contacts', options, callback);
- * Get the contact information for the given nodeID
- * @param {String} nodeId - The nodeID of the contact
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.getContactByNodeId = function(nodeId, callback) {
- return this._request('GET', '/contacts/' + nodeId, {}, callback);
- * Registers a user account
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {String} options.email - Email address for verification email
- * @param {String} options.password - Password to register (auto hashed)
- * @param {String} options.redirect - URL to redirect to after verification
- * @param {String} options.pubkey - Optional ECDSA public key to register
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.createUser = function(options, callback) {
- return this._request('POST', '/users', {
- email: options.email,
- password: utils.sha256(options.password, 'utf8'),
- redirect: options.redirect,
- pubkey: options.pubkey
- }, callback);
- * Deactivates a user account
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {String} options.email - Email address of user to deactivate
- * @param {String} options.redirect - URL to redirect after verification
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.destroyUser = function(options, callback) {
- return this._request('DELETE', '/users/' + options.email, {
- redirect: options.redirect
- }, callback);
- * Requests a password reset
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {String} options.email - Email address of user to reset password
- * @param {String} options.password - The cleartext password to reset to
- * @param {String} options.redirect - URL to redirect adter confirmation
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.resetPassword = function(options, callback) {
- return this._request('PATCH', '/users/' + options.email, {
- password: utils.sha256(options.password, 'utf8'),
- redirect: options.redirect
- }, callback);
- * Returns list of associated public keys
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.getPublicKeys = function(callback) {
- return this._request('GET', '/keys', {}, callback);
- * Registers a public key for the caller
- * @param {String} pubkey - Hex encoded ECDSA (secp256k1) public key
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.addPublicKey = function(pubkey, callback) {
- return this._request('POST', '/keys', { key: pubkey }, callback);
- * Disassociates the public key from the caller
- * @param {String} pubkey - Hex encoded ECDSA (secp256k1) public key
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.destroyPublicKey = function(pubkey, callback) {
- return this._request('DELETE', '/keys/' + pubkey, {}, callback);
- * Lists the caller's file buckets
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.getBuckets = function(callback) {
- return this._request('GET', '/buckets', {}, callback);
- * Returns the bucket information by ID
- * @param {String} id - Unique bucket ID
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.getBucketById = function(id, callback) {
- return this._request('GET', '/buckets/' + id, {}, callback);
- * Creates a new file bucket
- * @param {Object} data - Bucket parameters for creation
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.createBucket = function(data, callback) {
- return this._request('POST', '/buckets', data, callback);
- * Removes the bucket
- * @param {String} id - Unique bucket ID
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.destroyBucketById = function(id, callback) {
- return this._request('DELETE', '/buckets/' + id, {}, callback);
- * Updates the bucket
- * @param {String} id - Unique bucket ID
- * @param {Object} updates - Bucket update parameters
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.updateBucketById = function(id, updates, callback) {
- return this._request('PATCH', '/buckets/' + id, updates, callback);
- * Lists the files stored in a bucket
- * @param {String} id - Unique bucket ID
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.listFilesInBucket = function(id, callback) {
- return this._request('GET', '/buckets/' + id + '/files', {}, callback);
- * Create bucket token
- * @param {String} id - Unique bucket ID
- * @param {String} operation - PUSH or PULL (file operation)
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.createToken = function(id, operation, callback) {
- return this._request('POST', '/buckets/' + id + '/tokens', {
- operation: operation
- }, callback);
- * Removes a file from a bucket
- * @param {String} id - Unique bucket ID
- * @param {String} file - ID of the file to remove from bucket
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.removeFileFromBucket = function(id, file, callback) {
- return this._request(
- '/buckets/' + id + '/files/' + file,
- {},
- callback
- );
- * Creates a file staging frame
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.createFileStagingFrame = function(callback) {
- return this._request('POST', '/frames', {}, callback);
- * List all of the file staging frames
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.getFileStagingFrames = function(callback) {
- return this._request('GET', '/frames', {}, callback);
- * Get info about a file (bucket, mimetype, filename, frame, size, id)
- * @param {String} bucket - bucket id
- * @param {String} file - file id
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.getFileInfo = function(bucket, file, callback) {
- var path = '/buckets/' + bucket + '/files/' + file + '/info';
- return this._request('GET', path, {}, callback);
- * Gets the frame by it's ID
- * @param {String} bucket - Unique bucket ID
- * @param {String} file - Unique file ID
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.getFrameFromFile = function(bucket, file, callback) {
- var self = this;
- self.getFileInfo(bucket, file, function(err, file) {
- if (err) {
- return callback(err);
- }
- function _extractFrame(err, frame) {
- if (err) {
- return callback(err);
- }
- callback(null, frame);
- }
- return self.getFileStagingFrameById(file.frame, _extractFrame);
- });
- * Fetch an existing file staging frame by it's ID
- * @param {String} id - Unique frame ID
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.getFileStagingFrameById = function(id, callback) {
- return this._request('GET', '/frames/' + id, {}, callback);
- * Destroy an existing file staging frame
- * @param {String} id - Unique frame ID
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.destroyFileStagingFrameById = function(id, callback) {
- return this._request('DELETE', '/frames/' + id, {}, callback);
- * Adds the given shard metadata to the file staging frame
- * @param {String} id - Unique frame ID
- * @param {Object} shard - The shard metadata
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {Number} options.retry - Retry the request this many times if failed
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.addShardToFileStagingFrame = function(f, s, opt, cb) {
- var self = this;
- var retries = 0;
- var pendingReq = null;
- if (typeof arguments[2] === 'function') {
- cb = opt;
- opt = { retry: 24 };
- }
- function _addShard() {
- self._logger.info(
- 'Querying bridge for contract for %s (retry: %s)',
- s.hash,
- retries
- );
- pendingReq = self._request('PUT', '/frames/' + f, s, function(err, result) {
- if (err) {
- if (opt.retry > retries) {
- retries++;
- return _addShard();
- }
- return cb(err);
- }
- cb(null, result);
- });
- }
- _addShard();
- return {
- cancel: function() {
- opt.retry = 0;
- pendingReq.abort();
- }
- };
- * Instructs the bridge to find N mirroring farmers for redundancy
- * @param {String} id - Unique bucket ID
- * @param {String} token - Token from {@link BridgeClient#createToken}
- * @param {String} file - Path to file to store
- * @param {Number} concurrency - Upload concurrency
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.replicateFileFromBucket = function(id, file, n, cb) {
- if (typeof n === 'function') {
- cb = n;
- n = undefined;
- }
- return this._request('POST', '/buckets/' + id + '/mirrors', {
- file: file,
- redundancy: n
- }, cb);
- * Returns the established and available mirrors for a given file
- * @param {String} id - Unique bucket ID
- * @param {String} file - Unique file ID
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.listMirrorsForFile = function(id, file, cb) {
- return this._request(
- 'GET',
- '/buckets/' + id + '/files/' + file + '/mirrors',
- {},
- cb
- );
- * Stores a file in the bucket
- * @param {String} id - Unique bucket ID
- * @param {String} token - Token from {@link BridgeClient#createToken}
- * @param {String} file - Path to file to store
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
-BridgeClient.prototype.storeFileInBucket = function(id, token, file, opts, cb) {
- assert(typeof file === 'string' || file.readable,
- 'File name must be a string or readable stream.'
- );
- var self = this;
- if (typeof opts === 'function') {
- cb = opts;
- opts = {};
- }
- cb = once(cb);
- var fileName = opts.fileName;
- var fileSize = opts.fileSize || 0;
- if (file.constructor === String) {
- fileName = path.basename(file).split('.crypt')[0];
- fileSize = fs.statSync(file).size;
- file = fs.createReadStream(file);
- }
- self._startDemuxing({
- file: file,
- fileName: fileName,
- fileSize: fileSize,
- id: id,
- token: token
- }, cb);
-BridgeClient.prototype._startDemuxing = function(options, cb) {
- var self = this;
- const {file, fileSize, fileName, id} = options;
- if (fileSize <= 0) {
- return cb(new Error(fileSize +' bytes is not a supported file size.'));
- }
- var shardSize = FileDemuxer.getOptimalShardSize(
- {
- fileSize: fileSize,
- shardConcurrency: this._transferConcurrency
- }
- );
- var uploadState = new UploadState({
- id: id,
- file: file,
- fileName: fileName,
- onComplete: cb,
- worker: this._shardUploadWorker.bind(this),
- numShards: Math.ceil(fileSize / shardSize),
- concurrency: this._transferConcurrency
- });
- function _createFileStagingFrame() {
- self._logger.info('Creating file staging frame');
- self.createFileStagingFrame(function(err, frame) {
- if (err) {
- self._logger.error(err.message);
- return cb(err);
- }
- var demuxer = new FileDemuxer(uploadState.file, {
- shardSize: shardSize,
- fileSize: fileSize
- });
- demuxer.on('shard', function(shardStream, index) {
- self._handleShardStream({
- shardStream: shardStream,
- index: index,
- frame: frame,
- uploadState: uploadState
- });
- }).on('error', cb);
- });
- }
- return _createFileStagingFrame();
- * BridgeClient.prototype._shardUploadWorker - description
- *
- * @param {type} task description
- * @param {type} done description
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._shardUploadWorker = function(task, done) {
- var self = this;
- self._logger.info(
- 'Trying to upload shard %s index %s',
- task.meta.tmpName,
- task.meta.index
- );
- task.state.cleanQueue.push({store: self._store, key: task.meta.tmpName});
- task.shard.on('data', function(data) {
- task.meta.size += data.length;
- task.meta.hasher.update(data);
- task.tmpFile.write(data);
- }).resume();
- task.shard.on('end', function() {
- task.tmpFile.end()
- });
- task.tmpFile.on('finish', function() {
- task.meta.hash = task.meta.hasher.digest();
- self._handleShardTmpFileFinish(task.state, task.meta, done);
- });
- * Handles a demuxed shard and writes it to tmp and updates the state
- * @private
- * @param {Object} options - Pass in configuration vars to this function
- * @param {stream.Readable} options.shardStream - Shard stream
- * @param {Number} options.index - Index of the demuxed shard
- * @param {Object} options.frame - Frame object returned from bridge
- * @param {UploadState} options.uploadState - The upload state machine
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._handleShardStream = function(options) {
- var self = this;
- const {shardStream, index, frame, uploadState} = options;
- var tmpName = crypto.randomBytes(6).toString('hex')
- var tmpFile = self._store.createWriteStream(tmpName)
- this._blacklist.toObject(function(err, blacklist){
- var meta = {
- frame: frame,
- tmpName: tmpName,
- size: 0,
- index: index,
- hasher: crypto.createHash('sha256'),
- hash: null,
- excludeFarmers: blacklist,
- transferRetries: 0
- };
- var passthrough = new stream.PassThrough();
- passthrough.pause();
- uploadState.queue.push({
- state: uploadState,
- tmpFile: tmpFile,
- meta: meta,
- shard: shardStream.pipe(passthrough)
- });
- })
- * Generate audits for shard and add to frame
- * @private
- * @param {UploadState} state - The shard upload state machine
- * @param {Object} meta - Shard metadata reference
- * @param {Function} done - To be called on task complete
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._handleShardTmpFileFinish = function(state, meta, done) {
- var self = this;
- var hash = utils.rmd160(meta.hash);
- var auditGenerator = new AuditStream(3);
- var rs = self._store.createReadStream(meta.tmpName);
- self._logger.info('Hash for this shard is: %s', hash);
- function _handleError(err) {
- self._logger.warn('Failed to upload shard...');
- state.cleanup(function(err2){
- // If there was an error, and we failed to cleanup temporary files, we
- // propogate the collection of files that failed back to the caller. The
- // logic is that the upload error isn't as immediately important as
- // loosing track of files in the user's blobstore (s3, filesystem, etc)
- return state.callback(err2 || err);
- });
- }
- function _teardownAuditListeners() {
- auditGenerator.removeAllListeners();
- }
- rs.on('error', _handleError);
- state.on('killed', _teardownAuditListeners);
- function _getContract(blacklist) {
- if (state.killed) {
- return done();
- }
- if (!meta.challenges && !meta.tree) {
- meta.challenges = auditGenerator.getPrivateRecord().challenges;
- meta.tree = auditGenerator.getPublicRecord();
- self._logger.info('Audit generation for shard done.');
- }
- self._logger.info('Waiting on a storage offer from the network...');
- var addShardToFrame = self.addShardToFileStagingFrame(meta.frame.id, {
- hash: hash,
- size: meta.size,
- index: meta.index,
- challenges: meta.challenges,
- tree: meta.tree,
- exclude: blacklist,
- }, function(err, pointer) {
- if (state.killed) {
- return done();
- }
- if (err) {
- return _handleError(err);
- }
- self._startTransfer(pointer, state, meta, done);
- });
- // Only register listener if addShardToFrame succeeds
- if (addShardToFrame) {
- state.removeListener('killed', _teardownAuditListeners);
- state.on('killed', addShardToFrame.cancel);
- }
- }
- self._blacklist.toObject(function(e, blacklist) {
- if (meta.challenges && meta.tree) {
- _getContract(blacklist);
- } else {
- rs.pipe(auditGenerator).on('finish', _getContract, blacklist);
- }
- });
- * Starts a retryable shard transfer operation
- * @private
- * @param {Object} pointer - Pointer object returned from bridge
- * @param {UploadState} state - Upload state machine
- * @param {Object} meta - Shard metadata reference
- * @param {Function} done - Task complete callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._startTransfer = function(pointer, state, meta, done) {
- var self = this;
- var rs = self._store.createReadStream(meta.tmpName);
- var transferStatus = self._transferShard(
- new EventEmitter(),
- rs,
- pointer,
- state
- );
- if (!meta.exchangeReport) {
- meta.exchangeReport = new ExchangeReport({
- reporterId: this._getReporterId(),
- clientId: this._getReporterId(),
- farmerId: pointer.farmer.nodeID
- });
- meta.exchangeReport.begin(pointer.hash);
- }
- state.on('killed', transferStatus.removeAllListeners.bind(transferStatus));
- self._logger.info('Contract negotiated with: %j', pointer.farmer);
- transferStatus.on('retry', function() {
- if (meta.transferRetries < self._options.transferRetries) {
- meta.transferRetries++;
- self._logger.info('Retrying shard transfer, pointer: %j', pointer);
- setTimeout(function() {
- self._transferShard(transferStatus, meta.tmpName, pointer, state);
- }, self._options.retryThrottle);
- } else {
- self._logger.info(
- 'Shard transfer failed %s times, getting another contract...',
- meta.transferRetries
- );
- transferStatus.removeAllListeners();
- meta.exchangeReport.end(ExchangeReport.FAILURE, 'TRANSFER_FAILED');
- self.createExchangeReport(meta.exchangeReport);
- meta.exchangeReport = null;
- meta.transferRetries = 0;
- self._blacklist.push(pointer.farmer.nodeID, function() {
- self._handleShardTmpFileFinish(state, meta, done);
- });
- }
- });
- transferStatus.removeAllListeners('finish');
- transferStatus.once('finish', function() {
- self._shardTransferComplete(state, meta.frame, done);
- meta.exchangeReport.end(ExchangeReport.SUCCESS, 'SHARD_UPLOADED');
- self._logger.info('sending exchange report');
- self.createExchangeReport(meta.exchangeReport);
- });
- * Finalizes shard transfer and if all complete adds entry to bucket
- * @private
- * @param {UploadState} state - Shard upload state machine
- * @param {Object} frame - Frame object returned from bridge
- * @param {Function} done - Task completion callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._shardTransferComplete = function(state, frame, done) {
- var self = this;
- var retry = 0;
- state.completed++;
- this._logger.info(
- 'Shard transfer completed! %s remaining...',
- state.numShards - state.completed
- );
- if (state.completed !== state.numShards) {
- return done();
- }
- function _shardTransferComplete() {
- self._logger.info('Transfer finished, creating entry.. (retry: %s)', retry);
- self._request('POST', '/buckets/' + state.bucketId + '/files', {
- frame: frame.id,
- mimetype: mime.lookup(state.fileName),
- filename: state.fileName
- }, function(err, file) {
- if (err) {
- if (retry < 6) {
- retry++;
- return _shardTransferComplete();
- }
- self._logger.error(err.message);
- }
- state.callback(err, file);
- return done();
- });
- };
- state.cleanup(function(err) {
- if (err) {
- return done(err);
- }
- return _shardTransferComplete();
- });
- * Transfers a shard to a specified farmer
- * @private
- * @param {events.EventEmitter} evt - For getting status events
- * @param {String} shardStream - readable stream of the shard
- * @param {Object} p - Short for pointer, farmer Contact information
- * @param {UploadState} state - The upload state machine
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._transferShard = function(evt, shardStream, p, state) {
- var self = this;
- var uploader = utils.createShardUploader(
- new Contact(p.farmer),
- p.hash,
- p.token
- );
- function _handleUploadError(err) {
- self._logger.warn('Failed to transfer shard, reason: %s', err.message);
- uploader.removeAllListeners();
- evt.emit('retry', shardStream, p);
- }
- function _handleStateKilled() {
- shardStream.unpipe(uploader);
- uploader.end();
- evt.emit('finish');
- evt.removeAllListeners('finish');
- }
- function _handleResponse(res) {
- /* istanbul ignore if */
- if (res.statusCode === 200) {
- return;
- }
- let body = '';
- res.on('data', (data) => body += data.toString());
- res.on('end', () => {
- let errMessage = '';
- try {
- errMessage = JSON.parse(body).result;
- } catch (err) {
- errMessage = '¯\_(ツ)_/¯';
- }
- uploader.emit('error', new Error(errMessage));
- });
- }
- state.on('killed', _handleStateKilled);
- state.uploaders.push(uploader);
- uploader.on('response', _handleResponse);
- uploader.on('error', (err) => _handleUploadError(err));
- shardStream.pipe(uploader).on('finish', function() {
- state.removeListener('killed', _handleStateKilled);
- evt.emit('finish');
- evt.removeAllListeners('finish');
- });
- return evt;
- * Retrieves a series of file pointers from the bucket
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {String} options.bucket - Unique bucket ID
- * @param {String} options.token - Token from {@link BridgeClient#createToken}
- * @param {String} options.file - The unique file pointer ID
- * @param {Number} options.skip - The starting index of pointers to resolve
- * @param {Number} options.limit - The number of pointers to resolve
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.getFilePointers = function(options, cb) {
- var self = this;
- function _request(done) {
- request({
- method: 'GET',
- baseUrl: self._options.baseURI,
- uri: '/buckets/' + options.bucket + '/files/' + options.file,
- timeout: self._options.requestTimeout,
- headers: {
- 'x-token': options.token
- },
- qs: {
- skip: options.skip,
- limit: options.limit,
- exclude: Array.isArray(options.exclude) ? options.exclude.join() : null
- },
- json: true
- }, function(err, res, body) {
- self._logger.debug('Response Body: %s', JSON.stringify(body));
- if (err) {
- return done(err);
- }
- if (res.statusCode !== 200 && res.statusCode !== 304) {
- return done(new Error(body.error || body));
- }
- done(null, body);
- });
- }
- async.retry({
- times: 3,
- interval: self._options.retryThrottle,
- errorFilter: (e) => {
- const shouldRetry = ['ETIMEDOUT'].includes(e.message);
- self._logger.debug('Request failed, reason: %s - retrying (%s)...',
- e.message, shouldRetry);
- return shouldRetry;
- }
- }, _request, cb);
- * Create a readable stream from the supplied file pointer
- * @private
- * @param {Object} pointer
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._createInputFromPointer = function(pointer) {
- return utils.createShardDownloader(
- new Contact(pointer.farmer),
- pointer.hash,
- pointer.token
- );
- * Open a series of shard transfers based on the returned value of
- * {@link BridgeClient#getFilePointers} to resolve all the shards and
- * reassemble them together as a binary stream
- * @param {Array} pointers - Result of {@link BridgeClient#getFilePointers}
- * @param {Object} [muxerOptions] - Optional overrides for the file muxer
- * @param {Function} callback
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.resolveFileFromPointers = function(pointers, mOpts, cb) {
- const self = this;
- if (typeof mOpts === 'function') {
- cb = mOpts;
- mOpts = {};
- }
- const muxer = new FileMuxer({
- shards: mOpts.shards || pointers.length,
- length: mOpts.length || pointers.reduce(function(a, b) {
- return { size: a.size + b.size };
- }, { size: 0 }).size
- });
- function _addInputToMultiplexer(pointer, onInputAdded) {
- const inputStream = self._createInputFromPointer(pointer);
- const exchangeReport = new ExchangeReport({
- reporterId: self._getReporterId(),
- clientId: self._getReporterId(),
- farmerId: pointer.farmer.nodeID
- });
- inputStream.on('error', muxer.emit.bind(muxer, 'error'));
- muxer._shards++;
- muxer.addInputSource(
- inputStream,
- pointer.hash,
- exchangeReport,
- self
- );
- onInputAdded();
- }
- const queue = async.queue(_addInputToMultiplexer, 1);
- function _addPointerToInputQueue(done) {
- queue.push(pointers.shift(), done);
- }
- async.times(
- pointers.length,
- function addInputSource(n, next) {
- _addPointerToInputQueue(next);
- },
- function onInputsAdded() {
- cb(null, muxer, queue);
- }
- );
- * Create a readable stream from the given bucket and file id
- * @param {String} bucket - The unique bucket ID
- * @param {String} file - The unique file ID
- * @param {Object} [options]
- * @param {Array} [options.exlude] - Exclude these nodeID's from pointers
- * @param {Function} callback - Receives (err, stream)
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.createFileStream = function(bucket, file, opt, cb) {
- var self = this;
- var skip = -6;
- var limit = 6;
- var resolved = false;
- var bytesExpected = 0;
- if (typeof opt === 'function') {
- cb = opt;
- opt = {};
- }
- function _getFileMetadata(done) {
- self.getFileInfo(bucket, file, function(err, fileInfo) {
- if (err) {
- return done(err);
- }
- bytesExpected = fileInfo.size;
- done();
- });
- }
- function _getPullToken(done) {
- self._logger.info('Creating retrieval token...');
- self.createToken(bucket, 'PULL', function(err, token) {
- if (err) {
- return done(err);
- }
- opt.encryptionKey = token.encryptionKey;
- done(null, token.token);
- });
- }
- function _getPointerSlice(token, done) {
- self._logger.info('Resolving %s file pointers...', limit);
- self.getFilePointers({
- bucket: bucket,
- token: token,
- file: file,
- skip: skip + limit,
- limit: limit,
- exclude: opt.exclude
- }, function(err, pointers) {
- if (err) {
- return done(err);
- }
- // When erasure encoding is implemented, this can just
- // become a missing shard that is recovered.
- for (var i = 0; i < pointers.length; i++) {
- if (!pointers[i].farmer) {
- return done(new Error('Missing shard'));
- }
- }
- skip += limit;
- done(null, pointers);
- });
- }
- function _createStreamAndQueue(pointers, done) {
- self.resolveFileFromPointers(pointers, {
- length: bytesExpected
- }, function(err, stream, queue) {
- if (err) {
- return done(err);
- }
- done(null, stream, queue);
- });
- }
- function _resolveNextSlice(queue, done) {
- _getPullToken(function(err, token) {
- if (err) {
- return done(err);
- }
- _getPointerSlice(token, function(err, pointers) {
- if (err) {
- return done(err);
- }
- if (pointers.length === 0) {
- resolved = true;
- return done();
- }
- self._logger.info(
- 'Downloading file slice from %s channels.',
- pointers.length
- );
- async.eachSeries(pointers, queue.push.bind(queue), done);
- });
- });
- }
- async.waterfall([
- _getFileMetadata,
- _getPullToken,
- _getPointerSlice,
- _createStreamAndQueue
- ], function(err, stream, queue) {
- if (err) {
- return cb(err);
- }
- stream.encryptionKey = opt.encryptionKey;
- cb(null, stream); // NB: Provide the stream as soon as it is ready
- async.until(function _pointersAreExhausted() {
- return resolved;
- }, _resolveNextSlice.bind(null, queue), function(err) {
- if (err) {
- stream.emit('error', err);
- }
- });
- });
- * Create a stream for a given slice of a file
- * @param {Object} options
- * @param {String} options.bucket - The bucket ID
- * @param {String} options.file - The file ID
- * @param {Number} options.start - The byte position to start slice
- * @param {Number} options.end - The byte position to end slice
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.createFileSliceStream = function(options, callback) {
- var self = this;
- self.getFrameFromFile(options.bucket, options.file, function(err, frame) {
- if (err) {
- return callback(err);
- }
- var sliceOpts = self._getSliceParams(frame, options.start, options.end);
- self.createToken(options.bucket, 'PULL', function(err, token) {
- if (err) {
- return callback(err);
- }
- self.getFilePointers({
- bucket: options.bucket,
- token: token.token,
- file: options.file,
- skip: sliceOpts.skip,
- limit: sliceOpts.limit
- }, function(err, pointers) {
- if (err) {
- return callback(err);
- }
- self.resolveFileFromPointers(pointers, function(err, stream) {
- if (err) {
- return callback(err);
- }
- callback(null, stream.pipe(utils.createStreamTrimmer(
- sliceOpts.trimFront,
- options.end - options.start
- )));
- });
- });
- });
- });
- * Sends an exchange report
- * @param {ExchangeReport} exchangeReport - The result of a transfer operation
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype.createExchangeReport = function(report) {
- assert(report instanceof ExchangeReport, 'Invalid exchangeReport');
- this._request('POST', '/reports/exchanges', report.toObject(), utils.noop);
- * Sends a request to the storj bridge
- * @private
- * @param {String} method - HTTP verb
- * @param {String} path - Endpoint path
- * @param {Object} params - Request parameters
- * @param {Function} callback - Return the raw response stream?
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._request = function(method, path, params, callback) {
- var self = this;
- var currentRequest = null;
- function _request(done) {
- var opts = {
- baseUrl: self._options.baseURI,
- uri: path,
- method: method,
- timeout: self._options.requestTimeout
- };
- params.__nonce = uuid.v4();
- if (['GET', 'DELETE'].indexOf(method) !== -1) {
- opts.qs = params;
- opts.json = true;
- } else {
- opts.json = params;
- }
- self._authenticate(opts);
- self._logger.debug('Request Options: %s', JSON.stringify(opts));
- currentRequest = request(opts, function(err, res, body) {
- self._logger.debug('Response Body: %s', JSON.stringify(body));
- if (err) {
- return done(err);
- }
- if (res.statusCode >= 400) {
- return done(new Error(body.error || body));
- }
- done(null, body);
- });
- }
- async.retry({
- times: 3,
- interval: self._options.retryThrottle,
- errorFilter: (e) => {
- const shouldRetry = ['ETIMEDOUT', 'ESOCKETTIMEDOUT'].includes(e.message);
- self._logger.warn('Request failed, reason: %s - retrying(%s)...',
- e.message, shouldRetry);
- return shouldRetry;
- }
- }, _request, callback);
- return {
- abort: () => currentRequest.abort()
- };
- * Returns a "reporter id"
- * @private
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._getReporterId = function() {
- if (this._options.keyPair) {
- return this._options.keyPair.getPublicKey();
- } else if (this._options.basicAuth) {
- return this._options.basicAuth.email;
- } else {
- return 'anonymous';
- }
- * Adds authentication headers to request object
- * @private
- * @param {Object} opts - Options parameter passed to request
- * @return {Object}
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._authenticate = function(opts) {
- var self = this;
- if (this._options.keyPair) {
- var payload = ['GET', 'DELETE'].indexOf(opts.method) !== -1 ?
- querystring.stringify(opts.qs) :
- JSON.stringify(opts.json);
- var contract = [opts.method, opts.uri, payload].join('\n');
- self._logger.debug(
- 'Parameter for ECDSA signature: %s\\n%s\\n%s',
- opts.method,
- opts.uri,
- payload
- );
- opts.headers = opts.headers || {};
- opts.headers['x-pubkey'] = this._options.keyPair.getPublicKey();
- opts.headers['x-signature'] = this._options.keyPair.sign(contract, {
- compact: false
- });
- } else if (this._options.basicAuth) {
- opts.auth = {
- user: this._options.basicAuth.email,
- pass: utils.sha256(this._options.basicAuth.password, 'utf8')
- };
- }
- return opts;
- * Returns the skip/limit params for downloading a file slice
- * @private
- * @param {Object} frame - The frame object from the bridge
- * @param {Number} bytesStart - The starting byte for slice
- * @param {Number} bytesEnd - The ending byte for slice
- */
-BridgeClient.prototype._getSliceParams = function(frame, bytesStart, bytesEnd) {
- var skip = 0;
- var limit = 0;
- var count = 0;
- var trimFront = 0;
- var trimBack = 0;
- var trimFrontSet = false;
- var trimBackSet = false;
- frame.shards.forEach(function(shard) {
- count += shard.size;
- if (bytesStart > count) {
- skip++;
- } else if (!trimFrontSet) {
- trimFront = count - bytesStart;
- trimFrontSet = true;
- }
- if (bytesEnd > count) {
- limit++;
- } else if (!trimBackSet){
- trimBack = count - bytesEnd;
- trimBackSet = true;
- }
- });
- return {
- skip: skip,
- limit: limit,
- trimFront: trimFront,
- trimBack: trimBack
- };
-module.exports = BridgeClient;