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Releases: liip/LiipImagineBundle

FlySystem v2 support

01 Apr 18:28
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  • Don't use cs2pr to report PHP-CS-Fixer suggestions #1355
  • Added support for Flysystem V2 #1349, #1357, #1359
  • Simplified the "strong" role in the documentation #1361

PHP8 support, improved WebP support and documentation, move to GithubActions

10 Feb 13:10
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Special thanks to @fbourigault and @peter-gribanov for their efforts to make this release happen!

  • GitHub Actions and test suite improvements #1320, #1327, #1328, #1330, #1335, #1339, #1341, #1342, #1343, #1344, #1345
  • Not resolve WebP in CacheManager #1333
  • Enable WebP support in tests #1329
  • Test resolve WebP from cache #1332
  • Test WebP configuration #1326
  • Create "foo bar.jpeg.webp" #1331
  • Add note for using 302 redirect in HTTP connections for WebP #1334, #1340
  • Support PHP 8 #1325
  • Allow to use Doctrine/Persistence:^2 #1305
  • Depend on doctrine/persistence instead of doctrine/orm #1337
  • Fix missing port in url parsing #1353
  • Suggest symfony/templating instead of requiring deprecated component #1350

WebP support, thumbails for PDFs

22 Dec 11:22
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  • Expose reference type further up (follow up to #1224) #1263
  • Allow PDF files for the thumbnail generation #1297
  • Fix styleci config #1299
  • Update aws_s3.rst with clarifications re service setup #1302
  • Extend WatermarkFilter with multiple option #1281
  • Add WebP image conversion support #1307
  • Replace assertContains with assertStringContainsString #1317
  • Fix skipped functional tests with Symfony 5.x #1316

Symfony 5.1 support

26 Jun 05:56
@dbu dbu
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2.3.1 Symfony 5.1 support (2020-06-26)

Merged pull requests:

Symfony 5

07 Jan 13:38
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2.3.0 Symfony 5 (2020-01-07)

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Merged pull requests:

Symfony 4 compatibility

04 Oct 06:07
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  • Allow unresolvable data roots for filesystem locator (robfrawley)
  • Add "fixed-size" filter implementation (peter-gribanov)
  • Only use actual path without any query parameters from the url (TiMESPLiNTER)
  • Add missing ImageType::getBlockPrefix() method (EmmanuelVella)
  • Replace app/console with bin/console (welcoMattic)
  • Fix Symfony 4.2 Deprecation Warnings (hjanuschka)
  • Fix special characters encoding in URL path (dbalabka)
  • Update imagine/imagine dependency to 1.1 (maximgubar)
  • Only use actual path without any query parameters from the url (maximgubar)
  • [Dependency Injection] Add aliases for data and filter manager (fpaterno)
  • Use Autorotate Filter from Imagine library (franmomu)
  • Fix Mime deprecations for Symfony 4 (franmomu)

FilterSets and Filters Config exposion

10 Jul 12:55
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  • added bypassing of loaders and resolvers configuration #1110 (maximgubar)
  • php-cs-fixer: skip native constants check #1107 (maximgubar)
  • added ability to inject custom drivers #1105 (maximgubar)
  • [Filters] [Config] [DI] Add Filter configuration class as public service #1098 (maximgubar)
  • [Data Loader] [Docs] Add chain loader implementation and related docs #1096 (robfrawley)
  • Added transparency to background filter #1095 (nielstholenaar)
  • [Docs] Add routing removal in Upgrade file #1092 (tifabien)
  • [Tests] [Deprecation] Updated bundle notation to accommodate Symfony 4.1 and set browser client to not catch exceptions #1090 (robfrawley)
  • moved GitHub-specific documents into .github and split issue template #1089 (maximgubar)
  • fix annotation #1072 (auipga)

2.0.0 Release: Major Release

01 May 20:12
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  • [Post Processors] [Filters] [BC BREAK] Remove configurable post processor interface for one interface and cleanup filter manager #1075 (robfrawley)
  • [Meta] Add code of conduct and update contributor instructions #1071 (robfrawley)
  • [Dependencies] Update imagine/imagine to ^0.7.1,<0.8 #1067 (robfrawley)
  • [Documentation] Correct indentation in AWS-S3 cache resolver documentation #1063 (robfrawley)
  • [CS] Globally update code style using new php-cs-fixer rules #1058 (robfrawley)
  • [CI] [CS] Add a required php-cs-fixer build run to Travis matrix #1057 (robfrawley)
  • [Tests] Add missing PHPUnit @Covers annotations #1054 (robfrawley)
  • [CI] Move the "simple-phpunit install" command to Travis install section to collapse the output #1048 (dbu)
  • [CS] [Dependencies] [Dependency Injection] [Form] [General] Update compiler log format, remove legacy code, remove deprecated, fix docblocks/style, general Travis config, upgrade coveralls, and general fixes #1047 (robfrawley)
  • [CS] Changes to support new php-cs-fixer rule set #1046 (robfrawley)
  • [Dependencies] Revert php-cs-fixer development dependency removal #1045 (dbu)
  • [Dependency Injection] Detect proper web root path based on Symfony kernel version #1044 (robfrawley)
  • [Async] [DI] Make resolve_cache_processor a public service #1043 (silverbackdan)
  • [CS] Implement new php-cs-fixer rules and related code cleanup #1040 (sebastianblum)
  • [Dependency Injection] Change cache manager from private service to public to fix deprecation #1038 (fabianoroberto)
  • [CI] Extend and enhance Travis build matrix #1035 (sebastianblum)
  • [Dependencies] Remove unused php-cs-fixer from require-dev #1031 (dbu)
  • [Tests] [CI] [Dependencies] Refactored Travis config to use simple-phpunit and remove phpunit Composer dependency #1029 (sebastianblum)
  • [Documentation] Fix binary name in png-quant.rst #1026 (bruno-ds)
  • [Post-Processors] Replaced ProcessBuilder with Process and add additional tests #1025 (fabianbloching)
  • [Tests] Fix tests on Symfony 3.4 and 4.0 #1023 (lsmith77)
  • [Dependency Injection] Add alias for cache manager #1022 (garak)
  • [Documentation] Align example and description quality values in png-quant.rst #1020 (qkdreyer)
  • [Dependency Injection] Change imagine controller from private service to public service #1019 (michaelperrin)
  • [Dependencies] Enable Symfony 4.0 support #1013 (lsmith77)
  • [Dependencies] Enable Symfony 4.0 support #1010 (llaakkkk)
  • [Tests] [CI] Add PHP 7.2 to Travis test matrix #1009 (dbu)
  • [Documentation] Fix bucket parameter nesting level in aws_s3.rst YAML example #996 (bocharsky-bw)
  • [Data Loader] [Data Locator] [Dependency Injection] Pass root paths to FileSystemLocator during construction #930 (rpkamp)
  • [Dependency Injection] [Filter] Implement filter service abstraction for creating images #922 (rpkamp)


  • [Post Processor] [BC BREAK] The PostProcessorConfigurablePostProcessorInterface interface has been completely removed and the PostProcessorInterface interface has been updated to allow passing the configuration array to its process method as the second parameter. The PostProcessorInterface::process() now implements the following signature: process(BinaryInterface $binary, array $options = []): BinaryInterface. All custom post processors in your project must be updated to match this new signature.

  • [Dependencies] The imagine/Imagine dependency has been updated from the 0.6.x series to require 0.7.1 or greater. If you project has a hard dependency on any prior version, you will need to update your dependencies.

  • [Form] The legacy setDefaultOptions() and getName() methods on Form/Type/ImageType have been removed, as these methods are no longer required for Symfony. If using them, you will need to update your implementation.

  • [Dependency Injection] The DependencyInjection/Factory/ChildDefinitionTrait trait has been removed, as it handled logic to support legacy Symfony versions no longer targeted.

  • [Dependency Injection] The compiler pass log method signature has changed to log(ContainerBuilder $container, string $message, ...$replacements): void. If you are extending AbstractCompilerPass and using this protected method, you must update your usage.

  • [Dependency Injection] The default values for the liip_imagine.loaders.<name>.filesystem.data_root and liip_imagine.resolvers.<name>.web_path.web_root configuration options are now variable based on the Symfony version. For Symfony 4.0.0 and later, the value is %kernel.project_dir%/public, and for prior releases (such as the Symfony 3.x), the value is %kernel.project_dir%/web. This should automatically provide a suitable default for the different directory structures of the 4.x and 3.x Symfony releases.

  • [Dependency Injection] [Filter] A new filter service abstraction is available as liip_imagine.service.filter with a createFilteredBinary($path, $filter, array $runtimeFilters = []) method to quickly get the filtered binary image and a getUrlOfFilteredImage($path, $filter, $resolver = null) method to quickly resolve and get the filtered image URL.

  • [Data Loader] The FileSystemLoader::__construct() method signature has changed in accordance with the prior deprecation notice; the third parameter must be of signature \Liip\ImagineBundle\Binary\Locator\LocatorInterface $locator and the fourth parameter must be of signature array $dataRoots.

  • [Data Loader] The GridFSLoader data loader has been removed as the required mongo extension has been deprecated and will not be ported to PHP 7.x.

  • [Dependency Injection] A new interface \Liip\ImagineBundle\DependencyInjection/Factory/FactoryInterface has been introduced and is shared between the loaders (LoaderFactoryInterface) and resolvers (ResolverFactoryInterface).

  • [Dependency Injection] All class name parameters have been removed from the service definitions. Instead of overwriting the class name parameters to provide your own implementation, use service decoration.

  • [Data Transformer] The data transformer interface (\Liip\ImagineBundle\Imagine\Data\Transforme\TransformerInterface) was deprecated in version 1.x and has been removed.

  • [Templating] The imagine extension \Liip\ImagineBundle\Templating\ImagineExtension has been renamed to FilterExtension. Similarly, the template helper \Liip\ImagineBundle\Templating\Helper\ImagineHelper has been renamed to FilterHelper.

  • [Utility] The \Liip\ImagineBundle\Utility/Framework/SymfonyFramework::hasDefinitionSharing() method has been removed due to our higher Symfony requirements rending it unnecessary.

  • [General] The use of fully-qualified class name strings is no longer su...

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1.9.1 Release: Fix Resolve Command Option Conflict with Symfony 2.x, Enhance Remove and Resolve Commands

09 Sep 04:03
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  • [Console] [BC BREAK] The resolve command's --as-script/-s option/shortcut renamed to --machine-readable/-m (fixes #988), its output updated to aligned with the resolve command, and the --machine-readable/-m option added. #991 (robfrawley)


  • [Console] [BC BREAK] The resolve command's --as-script/-s option name/shortcut conflicted with Symfony 2.x core console options (specifically --shell/-s) and has been renamed to --machine-readable/-m (fixes #988). The -s option shortcut was the only conflict, but the --as-script option name proved confusing and unclear so it too was renamed.

  • [Console] The output formatting for the remove command has been updated and aligned with the behavior previously introduced in 1.9.0 for the resolve command, making both of them consistent and in-line with the expected 2.0.0 output. The --machine-readable/-m option name/shortcut has now been added to the remove command as well, enabling predictable, consistent, script parseable output stripped of text styles and supplemental formatting.

1.9.0 Release: Chain Loaders, Resolution Filter, Imagine Library 0.7, Response Code Configuration, Additional Background Filter Positions

02 Sep 23:43
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  • [Tests] Fix filesystem loader deprecation message in tests. #982 (robfrawley)
  • [Filter] Add "centerright" and "centerleft" positions to background filter. #974 (cmodijk)
  • [Config] Allow to configure the HTTP response code for redirects. #970 (lstrojny)
  • [Console] Added --force option, renamed --filters to --filter, and pretty resolve command. #967 (robfrawley)
  • [CS] Fix two docblock annotations. #965 (imanalopher)
  • [Data Loader] [Deprecation] The FileSystemLoader no longer accepts an array of data root paths; instead pass a FileSystemLocator, which should instead be passed said paths. #963 (robfrawley, rpkamp)
  • [Composer] Allow avalanche123/Imagine version 0.7.0. #958 (robfrawley)
  • [Data Loader] [Documentation] Add chain loader documentation. #957 (robfrawley)
  • [Data Loader] Add chain loader implementation. #953 (robfrawley)
  • [CS] Fix templating extension method return type. #951 (imanalopher)
  • [Dependency Injection] Fix compiler pass log message typo. #947 (you-ser)
  • [Travis] Default to trusty container image (with precise image for php 5.3). #945 (robfrawley)
  • [Enqueue] Use simplified transport configuration. #942 (makasim)
  • [Filter] Add resolution loader implementation. #941 (robfrawley)
  • [Travis] Remove Symfony 3.3 from allowed failures. #940 (robfrawley)
  • [Utility] Use simplified Symfony kernel version comparison operation. #939 (robfrawley)


  • [Data Loader] The arguments for the FileSystemLoader class constructor have changed. Passing an array of roots as the third parameter and an (optional) LocatorInterace as the fourth parameter is deprecated. A LocatorInterface should now be passed as third parameter, and the array of roots to the LocatorInterface::__construct() method directly. All prior signatures will continue to work until 2.0 is release.
  • [Console] Added the --force parameter to resolve console command to force image resolution regardless of cache. Added the --as-script parameter to resolve console command to disable verbose, "prettified" output.
  • [Composer] Imagine library upgraded to version 0.7.x.