: An event emitter, whose events are of type T
: An event emitter that you can either listen to OR send new events on.
: A property that notifies listeners when the value changes. Essentially a BehaviorSubject
with a guaranteed starting value.
: An observable that just gives you something
then stops.
myObservable.subscribeAutoDispose(myView, ViewType::property OR ViewType::setter)
// some common examples
someTextObservable.subscribeAutoDispose(textView, TextView::setText)
someRatioObservable.subscribeAutoDispose(progressBar, ProgressBar::progressRatio)
someBooleanObservable.subscribeAutoDispose(view, View::exists) // visibility = VISIBLE or GONE
someBooleanObservable.subscribeAutoDispose(view, View::visible) // visibility = VISIBLE or INVISIBLE
someBooleanObservable.subscribeAutoDispose(viewFlipper, ViewFlipper::showLoading)
// You can use the 'into' alias as well.
someTextObservable.into(textView, TextView::setText)
someRatioObservable.into(progressBar, ProgressBar::progressRatio)
someBooleanObservable.into(view, View::exists) // visibility = VISIBLE or GONE
someBooleanObservable.into(view, View::visible) // visibility = VISIBLE or INVISIBLE
someBooleanObservable.into(viewFlipper, ViewFlipper::showLoading)
someObservable.subscribeAutoDispose(view) { value ->
// Do something with `value`
someObservable.into(view) { value ->
// Do something with `value`
Typically used with a ValueSubject
There are multiple overloads for bind
depending on the type.
myIntSubject.bind(seekBar, 1..10)
myFloatSubject.bind(seekBar) // Binds between 0f and 1f smoothly
myBooleanSubject.bind(toggleableView) // CheckBox, RadioButton, ToggleButton
myLocalDate.bind(button) // Opens date selector
myLocalTime.bind(button) // Opens time selector
myLocalDateTime.bind(button) // Opens both
myListSubject.showIn(recyclerView) { singleValueObservable: Observable<T> ->
val xml = RowBinding.inflate(dependency.layoutInflater)
singleValueObservable.map { it.toString() }.subscribeAutoDispose(xml.title, TextView::setText)
return@showIn xml.root
myListSubject.showIn(linearLayout) { obs -> /*...*/ }
myListSubject.showIn(viewPager) { obs -> /*...*/ }
myListSubject.showIn(spinner, selectedValueSubject) { item -> item.toString() }
myListSubject.showIn(autoCompleteTextView, { itemSelected -> }) { item -> item.toString() }
myView.onClick(observable) { it: ValueFromObservable -> /* do something */ }
data class Post(val title: String, val content: String)
val postObs: Observable<Post> = getPost()
postObs.map { it.title }.subscribeAutoDispose(titleView, TextView::setText)
postObs.map { it.content }.subscribeAutoDispose(contentView, TextView::setText)
class MyViewGenerator(): ViewGenerator {
// Place the properties used in your view here, usually in the form of ValueSubjects
val email = ValueSubject("")
// Write the function that shows a view for this data
override fun generate(dependency: ActivityAccess): View {
// Inflate your XML here or generate your UI
// whatever you want, I'm not a cop
val xml = MyViewBinding.inflate(dependency.layoutInflater)
// Bind your views to data
// Finally, return the root view
return xml.root
Use a SwapView
and ViewGenerator
val viewStack = ValueSubject<List<ViewGenerator>>(listOf())
viewStack.value = listOf(MyViewGenerator(), OtherViewGenerator())
viewStack.showIn(swapView, dependency)
Access to an Android Activity
comes through the ActivityAccess
a ViewGenerator
is given.
override fun generate(dependency: ActivityAccess): View {
button.setOnClickListener {
dependency.activity // the activity itself
dependency.onResume.subscribeAutoDispose(view) {
println("Resuming the activity")
dependency.onPause.subscribeAutoDispose(view) {
println("Pausing the activity")
dependency.requestPermission(aPermission).subscribeAutoDispose(view) { granted ->
println("Permission was granted? $granted")
dependency.startIntentRx(intent, options).subscribeAutoDispose(view) { result ->
println("Got code ${result.code} with intent ${result.intent}")
dependency.geocode("Logan Utah").subscribeAutoDispose(view) {
println("Geocoded to latitude ${it.firstOrNull()?.latitude}")
dependency.geocode(37.0, 96.0).subscribeAutoDispose(view) {
println("Geocoded to country ${it.firstOrNull()?.countryName}")
dependency.share("My Stuff", url = "https://lightningkite.com")
dependency.openMap(37.0, 96.0, label = "United States")
title = "Lightning Kite Meet 'n Greet",
description = "Come meet us!",
location = "Logan, UT",
start = ZonedDateTime.of(2022, 8, 25, 12, 0, 0, 0, ZoneId.of("MST")),
end = ZonedDateTime.of(2022, 8, 25, 14, 0, 0, 0, ZoneId.of("MST")),
dependency.requestLocation().subscribeAutoDispose(view) {
println("You are at ${it.latitude}, ${it.longitude}")
dependency.requestImageGallery().subscribeAutoDispose(view) { it: Uri ->
println("Got image $it")