swfdecrypt_w32_unix.cpp Win32 + Linux port of swfdecrypt
burpsuite/burp.sh Init script with custom Java memory parameters, etc.
burpsuite/mkBurpExtension.sh Extensions creator helper
burpsuite/extensions/HTTPInjector.py Extension to inject JavaScript by @Agarry_FR
burpsuite/extensions/RandomUUID.py Standard Life RandomUUID injector for web app test
burpsuite/extensions/SQLiPy.py Fixed SQLMap extension (the bappstore does not work)
burpsuite/extensions/base64/ Java Base64 enc/dec extension
burpsuite/burp_issue2appendix.py Reads an Burp Suite issues XML file and print all the issues, payloads and details
burpsuite/burp_item2appendix.py Reads an Burp Suite issues XML file and print all the issues, payloads and details
burpsuite/burp_item2web.py: Reads an Burp Suite issues XML file and creates the web hierarchy of the scoped web site (imagine that you could dump the contents spidered by Burp's spider to the filesystem) [Note: Incompleted]
burpsuite/burp_item.xml: test XML file
nmap/http-ms15-034.nse MS15-034 Nmap NSE scrip
drozer/object_input_stream.py CVE-2014-7911 java.io.ObjectInputStream Android<5.0
drozer/secure_random.py java.secure.SecureRandom (patched module)
android/dump_preferences.sh: Dump Android application preferences (/data/data/appname)
android/dump_sqlite.sh: Explore the filesystem for sqlite
android/logcat.sh: Android LogCat Wrapper
android/mystrace.sh: Android strace wrapper
android/screenshot.sh: Takes a screenshot of a device's screen
android/install_strace.sh: Installs strace on an Android device
ios/install-iRET-deps.sh: Installs iRET on an iOS device
ios/install_pentest_iOS_env.sh: Installs all pentest toolz on an iOS device
ios/iOSaudit.sh: Performs a quick security audit of an iOS app
Execution example:
iPhone:~ root# ./iOSaudit.sh Test.ipa
[*] >> iOS app quick audit
[*] >> [email protected]
[*] Unpacking Test.ipa
[*] Searching ipa binary...
[*] Checking binary Payload/Test.app/Test
[*] Detected architectures:
[*] > armv7
[*] > armv7s
[*] Discovering _check_ procedures
[*] > Executing _check_stack
[*] [SUCCESS] Stack guard found: __stack_chk_guard
[*] > Executing _check_pie
[*] [SUCCESS] PIE is enabled
[*] > Executing _check_arc
[*] [SUCCESS] ARC found: _objc_retain
[*] > Executing _check_badcalls
[*] [FAIL] found function call _malloc
[*] Done