diff --git a/examples/C/src/rosace/README.md b/examples/C/src/rosace/README.md
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--- a/examples/C/src/rosace/README.md
+++ b/examples/C/src/rosace/README.md
@@ -29,4 +29,8 @@ Note that these files have a difference [LICENSE](LICENSE.md) than the standard
RosaceController.lf: A controller for an aircraft (from the ROSACE case study).
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diff --git a/examples/C/src/rosace/RedundantRosace.lf b/examples/C/src/rosace/RedundantRosace.lf
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/C/src/rosace/RedundantRosace.lf
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+ * @brief This is a variant of the ROSACE case study with a redundant controller.
+ *
+ * It is drawn from the following paper:
+ *
+ * Deschamps, Henrick and Cappello, Gerlando and Cardoso, Janette and Siron, Pierre Coincidence
+ * Problem in CPS Simulations: the R-ROSACE Case Study. (2018) In: 9th European Congress Embedded
+ * Real Time Software and Systems ERTS2 2018, 31 January 2018 - 2 February 2018 (Toulouse, France).
+ * https://www.erts2018.org/authors_detail_inverted_Cappello%20Gerlando.html
+ *
+ * The Arbitrator in this program assumes it will receive logically simulatenous inputs from two controllers.
+ * If it receives any one input from a controller, it checks for the presence first of an input from the first
+ * controller, then the second controller. If it receives an input from both controllers, it will choose the
+ * input from the first controller.
+ *
+ * FailSilent reactors are inserted to emulate failures of the controllers.
+ * At a specified logical time, these simply drop the input.
+ *
+ * @author Edward A. Lee
+ */
+target C {
+ fast: true,
+ build: "./build_run_plot.sh RedundantRosace",
+ timeout: 10 min
+import Aircraft from "AircraftSimulator.lf"
+import RosaceController from "RosaceController.lf"
+import PrintToFile from "../lib/PrintToFile.lf"
+import Command from "Rosace.lf"
+preamble {=
+ // Shared constants.
+ // Trimming parameters
+ #define Va_eq (230.0) // Nominal airspeed?
+ #define h_eq (10000.0)
+ #define delta_th_eq (1.5868660794926)
+ #define delta_e_eq (0.012009615652468)
+reactor Arbitrator {
+ input delta_thc1: double // Engine control
+ input delta_ec1: double // Elevator control
+ input delta_thc2: double // Engine control
+ input delta_ec2: double // Elevator control
+ output delta_thc: double // Engine control
+ output delta_ec: double // Elevator control
+ reaction(delta_thc1, delta_ec1, delta_thc2, delta_ec2) -> delta_thc, delta_ec {=
+ if (delta_thc1->is_present) {
+ lf_set(delta_thc, delta_thc1->value);
+ } else if (delta_thc2->is_present) {
+ lf_print_warning("First controller delta_thc input is missing.");
+ lf_set(delta_thc, delta_thc2->value);
+ } else {
+ lf_print_error("Both controllers' delta_thc inputs are missing!");
+ }
+ if (delta_ec1->is_present) {
+ lf_set(delta_ec, delta_ec1->value);
+ } else if (delta_ec2->is_present) {
+ lf_print_warning("First controller delta_ec input is missing.");
+ lf_set(delta_ec, delta_ec2->value);
+ } else {
+ lf_print_error("Both controllers' delta_ec inputs are failed!");
+ }
+ =}
+reactor FailSilent(fail_time: time = 0) {
+ input in: double
+ output out: double
+ reaction(in) -> out {=
+ if (self->fail_time > 0 && lf_time_logical() < self->fail_time) {
+ lf_set(out, in->value);
+ }
+ =}
+main reactor(filter_period: time = 10 ms) {
+ a = new Aircraft()
+ c = new RosaceController(filter_period=filter_period)
+ altitude = new Command(value=11000) // Altitude command
+ speed = new Command(value=0.0) // Delta airspeed from nominal Va_eq (230)
+ p_h = new PrintToFile(filename="altitude.data")
+ p_Va = new PrintToFile(filename="airspeed.data")
+ a.h, a.az, a.Vz, a.q, a.Va -> c.h, c.az, c.Vz, c.q, c.Va
+ altitude.c -> c.c
+ speed.c -> c.s
+ // Backup controller.
+ c2 = new RosaceController(filter_period=filter_period)
+ a.h, a.az, a.Vz, a.q, a.Va -> c2.h, c2.az, c2.Vz, c2.q, c2.Va
+ altitude.c -> c2.c
+ speed.c -> c2.s
+ f1 = new FailSilent(fail_time=100 s)
+ ar = new Arbitrator()
+ c.delta_thc -> f1.in
+ f1.out -> ar.delta_thc1
+ c.delta_ec -> ar.delta_ec1
+ c2.delta_ec -> ar.delta_ec2
+ c2.delta_thc -> ar.delta_thc2
+ ar.delta_ec -> a.delta_ec
+ ar.delta_thc -> a.delta_thc
+ a.h -> p_h.y // Print connections.
+ a.Va -> p_Va.y
diff --git a/examples/C/src/rosace/RedundantRosace.png b/examples/C/src/rosace/RedundantRosace.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0f1a94a
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/C/src/rosace/RedundantRosace.png differ
diff --git a/examples/C/src/rosace/RedundantRosace.svg b/examples/C/src/rosace/RedundantRosace.svg
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+++ b/examples/C/src/rosace/RedundantRosace.svg
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