diff --git a/examples/C/src/synchrophasors/Synchrophasors.html b/examples/C/src/synchrophasors/Synchrophasors.html
index ee20d993..08846703 100644
--- a/examples/C/src/synchrophasors/Synchrophasors.html
+++ b/examples/C/src/synchrophasors/Synchrophasors.html
@@ -63,16 +63,12 @@
try {
// console.log('"' + message + '"');
var data = JSON.parse(message);
- chart.data.datasets[0] = {
- label: 'real part',
- data: data.real,
- borderWidth: 1
- };
- chart.data.datasets[1] = {
- label: 'imaginary part',
- data: data.imaginary,
- borderWidth: 1
- };
+ for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ if (data[i][0] < chart.data.datasets[0].data.length) { // Safety check.
+ chart.data.datasets[0].data[data[i][0]] = data[i][1][0] // Real part.
+ chart.data.datasets[1].data[data[i][0]] = data[i][1][1] // Imaginary part.
+ }
+ }
} catch(error) {
diff --git a/examples/C/src/synchrophasors/Synchrophasors.lf b/examples/C/src/synchrophasors/Synchrophasors.lf
index 72a60112..1e2e851a 100644
--- a/examples/C/src/synchrophasors/Synchrophasors.lf
+++ b/examples/C/src/synchrophasors/Synchrophasors.lf
@@ -82,47 +82,66 @@ reactor PhaseMeasurementUnit(
+ * Upon receiving inputs on the `phasors` port, construct a JSON string to
+ * convey the update via a web socket to the observing web page, if one is connected.
+ * The array has the form `[[channel, [real, imag]], ...]`, where `channel` is the index of the
+ * multiport input providing new data, and `real` and `imag` are the real and imaginary
+ * parts of the data. The size of the array is the number of present inputs.
+ *
+ * To avoid overwhelming the web socket communication, this reactor accumulates all inputs
+ * that arrive during a period of physical time given by the `period` parameter before sending
+ * any data out over the web socket. This can result in some data points being updated more than
+ * once in a single message. It will also send out data whenever the local buffer fills up.
+ */
reactor Observer(
- // Number of inputs
- n: int = 2) {
+ n: int = 2, // Number of inputs
+ period: time = 100 ms
+) {
input[n] phasors: timestamped_complex_t
state connected: bool = false
+ state json: char* = {= NULL =}
+ state p: char* = {= NULL =}
+ state last_sent: time = 0
w = new WebSocketServerString(
initial_file = {= LF_SOURCE_DIRECTORY LF_FILE_SEPARATOR "Synchrophasors.html" =})
reaction(phasors) -> w.in_dynamic {=
- char* json = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (30 * (10 * self->n)));
- char* p = json; // pointer to next position to write.
- snprintf(p, 10, "{\"real\":[");
- p += 9;
- for (int n = 0; n < self->n; n++) {
- if (n != 0) {
- *p++ = ',';
- *p++ = ' ';
- }
- long int height = lround(phasors[n]->value.phasor.real * 100);
- int len = snprintf(p, 5, "%3ld", height);
- if (len > 0) p += len; // Excluding trailing null terminator.
- }
- snprintf(p, 16, "],\"imaginary\":[");
- p += 15;
- for (int n = 0; n < self->n; n++) {
- if (n != 0) {
- *p++ = ',';
- *p++ = ' ';
- }
- long int height = lround(phasors[n]->value.phasor.imaginary * 100);
- int len = snprintf(p, 5, "%3ld", height);
- if (len > 0) p += len; // Excluding trailing null terminator.
- }
- *p++ = ']';
- *p++ = '}';
- *p = '\0';
if (self->connected) {
- lf_set(w.in_dynamic, json);
+ for (int n = 0; n < self->n; n++) {
+ if (phasors[n]->is_present) {
+ if (self->json == NULL) {
+ // Construct array big enough to hold the maximum possible size string, which
+ // occurs when all inputs are present. The fact that this buffer always has the
+ // same size should help prevent memory fragmentation because malloc will repeatedly
+ // allocate the same memory once it has been processed and freed by the
+ // WebSocketServerString reactor.
+ self->json = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (3 + (20 * self->n)));
+ self->p = self->json; // pointer to next position to write.
+ *self->p++ = '[';
+ } else {
+ *self->p++ = ',';
+ }
+ long int real = lround(phasors[n]->value.phasor.real * 100);
+ long int imag = lround(phasors[n]->value.phasor.imaginary * 100);
+ int len = snprintf(self->p, 18, "[%3d,[%4ld,%4ld]]", n, real, imag);
+ if (len > 0) self->p += len; // Excluding trailing null terminator.
+ interval_t now = lf_time_physical_elapsed();
+ if (self->p - self->json > 2 + 20 * (self->n - 1) // Not enough room for another entry
+ || now - self->last_sent >= self->period // Enough physical time has elapsed.
+ ) {
+ self->last_sent = now;
+ *self->p++ = ']';
+ *self->p++ = '\0';
+ lf_set(w.in_dynamic, self->json);
+ // lf_print("%s", self->json);
+ self->json = NULL; // Mark to reallocate on next arrival.
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // lf_print("%s", json);
reaction(w.connected) {=