This repository contains examples of lectures on Java programming. The examples cover various topics and are organized into separate directories based on the lecture topic.
To run these examples, you'll need to have a Java development environment set up on your computer. You can use any IDE that you're comfortable with, such as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or NetBeans.
Each lecture example is contained within its own directory, with a name that corresponds to the lecture topic. The directory contains one or more Java files that demonstrate the concepts covered in the lecture.
To run an example, open the corresponding directory in your IDE and run the main class. The output of the program will be displayed in the console.
Chapter 1~8 Java basics: Examples of some java basics like conditional statments and loops.
Chapter 9 - Classes and Objects: Examples of how to declare and use classes in Java, including constructors, methods, and fields.
Chapter 10 - Thinking in Objects: Examples of how to use inheritance in Java, including overriding methods and using the super keyword.
Chapter 11 - Inheritance and Polymorphism: Examples of how to use inheritance polymorphism in Java, including upcasting and downcasting.
Chapter 12 - Exception Handeling and Text IO: Examples of how to handle errors/exception in your code followed by few examples on how to read different type of files.
Chapter 13 - Abstract Classes and Interfaces: Examples of how to use Abstract classes and Interfaces.
Chapter 14 - Concurency and Multi-threading: Examples on how to concurrently run mutiple threads using java.
Chapter 15~17 - Graphical User Interface: Examples on how to create GUIs using JavaFX as well as other libraries.
If you have an example that you'd like to contribute to this repository, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. Make sure to include a description of the example and any relevant comments in the code.
Most examples were generated using ChatGPT