diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 26e382f..12cf428 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ In short, this allows you to integrate Twitch Chat to your Unity projects.
- Parsing Twitch emotes and badges
- Optional anonymous login
- Automatic ratelimit checks
+- Name color normalization (similar to native Twitch chat)
### Unsupported features
- Special messages (whispers, sub/resub, raids, first time viewers, etc)
@@ -39,36 +40,39 @@ https://github.com/lexonegit/Unity-Twitch-Chat.git?path=/Unity-Twitch-Chat/Asset
## Quick start
1. Install the Unity package (see above)
2. Create a new empty GameObject and add the `Twitch IRC` component.
-3. In the inspector, set your Twitch authentication details (OAuth, username, channel)
-You can generate an OAuth token at https://twitchapps.com/tmi/
-OAuth and username are not needed if `Use Anonymous Login` is enabled.
-4. Make sure `Connect On Start` is enabled and press play – You should now see JOIN messages, etc. in the console.
-5. To start handling chat messages, add a listener to the `IRC.OnChatMessage` event. The listener will receive `Chatter` objects which contain information about the chat message, such as the chatter name, message, emotes, etc...
+3. In the inspector, set your Twitch details (OAuth, username, channel)
+ - You can generate an OAuth token at https://twitchapps.com/tmi/
+ - Alternatively you can enable `Use Anonymous Login` to use without OAuth
+4. Make sure `Connect IRC On Start` and `Join Channel On Start` are enabled and press play – You should now see JOIN messages, etc. in the console.
+5. Create a new script that has a listener for the `IRC.OnChatMessage` event.
+ - See ListenerExample.cs for reference.
+ - The listener will receive `Chatter` objects which contain information about each chat message, such as the chatter name, message, emotes, etc...
Having issues? Check out the included ExampleProject for a better understanding.
## Example project
Spawn chatters as jumping boxes. Box color is based on their primary badge.
## API documentation
### IRC.cs
-- **IRC.Connect()** -> Connects to Twitch IRC
-- **IRC.Disconnect()** - Disconnects from Twitch IRC
-- **IRC.SendChatMessage(string message)** -> Sends a chat message to the channel
-- **IRC.JoinChannel(string channel)** -> Join a Twitch channel
-- **IRC.LeaveChannel(string channel)** -> Leave a Twitch channel
-- **IRC.Ping()** -> Sends a PING message to the Twitch IRC server
-- **IRC.OnChatMessage** -> Event that is invoked when a chat message is received
-- **IRC.OnConnectionAlert** -> Event that is invoked when a connection alert is received
-- **IRC.ClientUserTags** -> The tags (badges, name color, etc) of the client user
+- `void` **Connect()** - Connects to Twitch IRC
+- `void` **Disconnect()** - Disconnects from Twitch IRC
+- `void` **SendChatMessage(string message)** - Sends a chat message to the channel
+- `void` **JoinChannel(string channel)** - Join a Twitch channel
+- `void` **LeaveChannel(string channel)** - Leave a Twitch channel
+- `void` **Ping()** - Sends a PING message to the Twitch IRC server
+- `event` **OnChatMessage** - Event that is invoked when a chat message is received
+- `event` **OnConnectionAlert** - Event that is invoked when a connection alert is received
+- `IRCTags` **ClientUserTags** - Returns the tags of the client user (badges, name color, etc)
### Chatter.cs
-- **Chatter.GetNameColor()** -> Returns the color of the chatter's name
-- **Chatter.IsDisplayNameFontSafe()** -> Returns true if displayName is "font-safe" meaning that it only contains characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _
-- **Chatter.ContainsEmote(string emoteId)** -> Returns true if the chatter's message contains the specified emote (by id)
-- **Chatter.HasBadge(string badgeName)** -> Returns true if the chatter has the specified badge
+- `Color` **GetNameColor()** - Returns the color of the chatter's name
+- `bool` **IsDisplayNameFontSafe()** - Returns true if displayName is "font-safe" meaning that it only contains characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _
+- `bool` **ContainsEmote(string emoteId)** - Returns true if the chatter's message contains the specified emote (by id)
+- `bool` **HasBadge(string badgeName)** - Returns true if the chatter has the specified badge
## License
MIT License
@@ -77,4 +81,4 @@ Spawn chatters as jumping boxes. Box color is based on their primary badge.
Intro Fighters, stream overlay game https://lexone.itch.io/introfighters
-*Did you make something cool? Contact me (Lexone#3407) to get featured here!*
+*Did you make something cool? Contact me (lexone on Discord) to get featured here!*