Navitia is the open API for building cool stuff with mobility data. It provides the following services
- journeys computation
- line schedules
- next departures
- exploration of public transport data / search places
- and sexy things such as isochrones
You can find the documentation here.
The goal of this package is to provide a dead simple way to request navitia's API.
To install package:
pip install navitia_client
You first have to ask for an API key, for Navitia API, you can get it here. Suppose you have it:
from navitia_client import Client
client = Client(user=NAVITIA_USER)
# Get all journeys from a given point or ressource:
stop_area = "stop_area:OIF:SA:8768138"
response1 = client.journeys(origin=stop_area, verbose=True)
# Get route_schedules for given stop point:
stop_point = "stop_point:OIF:SP:10:1145"
response2 = client.route_schedules(stop_point=stop_point, verbose=True)
# Compute a custom request (raw_url, and extra_params):
raw_url = 'coverage/fr-idf/stop_areas/stop_area:OIF:SA:8768138/places_nearby'
response3 = client.raw(url=raw_url, verbose=True)
# Compute custom multi-pages request:
url = 'coverage/fr-idf/lines'
response4 = client.raw(url, multipage=True, page_limit=10, verbose=True)
# Compute invert geocoding request:
lat = '48.866667'
lon = '2.333333'
response5 = client.inverted_geocoding(lat=lat, lon=lon, verbose=True)
# Compute explore ressource request, single or multipage:
response6 = client.explore("networks", verbose=True)
response7 = client.explore("lines", multipage=True, page_limit=5, count_per_page=50, verbose=True)
# Compute departures request:
response8 = client.departures(coords=coords, verbose=True)
response9 = client.departures(
collection_name="stop_points", object_id=stop_point, verbose=True)
Client class has multiple methods:
- Client.raw() : when you want to choose freely url and parameters, and still benefit from core functionalities, for instance multipage
- Client.journeys() : computes journeys
- Client.route_schedules() : computes route_schedules
- Client.explore() : explore transportation objects as lines, routes, networks etc
- Client.inverted_geocoding() : get address from coordinates
- Client.departures() : get departures from coords or object.
And many more to come:
- isochrones
- arrivals
- many others...
- verbose=True parameter if you want to get information in console about requests.
- client.requested_urls attribute if you want to see all urls requested by your client.
- replace multiprocessing by gevent async requests
- unit tests
- code documentation with sphynx
All api points: :
- Coverage - OK (raw)
- Datasets - OK (raw)
- Contributors - OK (raw)
- Inverted geocoding - OK (tests to finish, and parameters check)
- Public Transportation Objects exploration - OK
- Autocomplete on Public Transport objects - TODO
- Autocomplete on geographical objects - TODO
- Places Nearby - TODO
- Isochrones (currently in Beta) - TODO
- Route Schedules - WORK IN PROGRESS
- Stop Schedules - TODO
- Departures - WORK IN PROGRESS (tests, check parameters)
- Arrivals - TODO
- Traffic reports - TODO