Manage your browser based environment configuration with conviction.
Confiction is inspired by Convict and Conf.
npm install confiction
Then define your schema somewhere within your project, eg:
// config.ts
import { Confiction, Schema } from '../dist';
const schema = {
url: {
doc: 'The api endpoint url.',
format: 'string',
default: 'http://localhost:3000',
token: {
doc: 'An auth token to be sent alongside API requests.',
format: 'string',
default: '<TOKEN>',
type Config = {
[k in keyof typeof schema]: typeof schema[k]['default'];
type CID = Config['url'];
export const config = new Confiction(schema as Schema<Config>);
You can optionally override default config (eg, on page load) like so:
// index.ts
import { config } from './config';
fetch('/config.json').then(async (res) => {
// Some config values that override default ones.
const newConfig = await res.json();
And to use your config store you can simply get the values from the exported config
// someFile.ts
import { config, Config } from './config';
// Type matching the config entry.
const api = config.get<Config, 'passwordRetries'>('passwordRetries');
// Casting the type of a config value.
const token = config.get<string>('token');
fetch(`${api}/me`, {
headers: {
authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
Confiction is in its early days still but I intend to improve it in the near future a number of new features so if you feel like something should be added into the library feel free to open an issue about it. A few things that I already plan on adding include:
This should allow for potentially interesting use cases such as feature flags, easter eggs or real time client side debugging.
This should allow for a better grouping of configs and more complex schemas that would suite a larger number of use cases.
Right now schema validation is done in a very naive way. In the future I intend to support more complex validation formats such as those present in Convict.