The Information Editor contains a series of boxes that curators can use to add metadata to all annotations. The Information Editor for all annotation types includes a table for Attributes, a table for Comments, and radio buttons to mark one of any possible Statuses for an annotation. It is possible to pre-load customized options that curators can access via drop-down menu. These pre-loaded, or 'canned' options can be configured from the Admin tab in the Annotator Panel.
This document describes how to customize and add canned elements.
Admins may configure a list of 'Statuses' to offer curators a list of radio buttons that mark the status of an annotation.
Follow these steps to configure a list of possible Statuses and make them available to curators using the Admin tab in the Annotator Panel.
- Navigate to the Admin tab in the Annotator Panel
- Select (click) the Statuses option to navigate to a new tab.
- Use the New Status button on the upper left corner to create a new Status. In the box 'Value' enter the new status as it will appear in the drop-down menu.
- Click on the Create button at the bottom of the options to save the new value (i.e. status). Use the AvailableStatus List button on the upper left of this page to return to the list of statuses without creating a new one.
From the list of existing statuses, you may select (click) any status to review, edit, or delete the status.
'Key' and 'Value' options can be customized to pre-load frequently used options and make them available to curators. The Attributes box has two columns. The 'Tag' column is populated using the Keys and the 'Values' column contains, the name indicates, Values.
Follow these steps to configure a list of frequently used tags and make them available to curators using the Admin tab in the Annotator Panel.
- Navigate to the Admin tab in the Annotator Panel
- Select (click) the Canned Key option to navigate to a new tab.
- Use the New Canned Key button on the upper left corner to create a new Tag.
- In the box 'Label' enter the new tag as it will appear in the drop-down menu.
- Enter any additional details about this tag in the box labeled as 'Metadata'.
- Choose the types of annotations for which this tag should be available by selecting at least one of the 'Feature Types'. Hold down the 'Shift' key to select multiple types of annotations.
- Click on the Create button at the bottom of the options to save the new tag (i.e. key). Use the CannedKey List button on the upper left of this page to return to the list of keys without creating a new one.
From the list of existing keys, you may select (click) any key to review, edit, or delete the key.
Configure a list of frequently used values and make them available to curators using the Admin tab in the Annotator Panel.
- Navigate to the Admin tab in the Annotator Panel
- Select (click) the Canned Values option to navigate to a new tab.
- Use the New Canned Value button on the upper left corner to create a new Tag.
- In the box 'Label' enter the new value as it will appear in the drop-down menu.
- Enter any additional details about this value in the box labeled as 'Metadata'.
- Choose the types of annotations for which this value should be available by selecting at least one of the 'Feature Types'. Hold down the 'Shift' key to select multiple types of annotations.
- Click on the Create button at the bottom of the options to save the new value. Use the CannedValue List button on the upper left of this page to return to the list of values without creating a new one.
From the list of existing values, you may select (click) any value to review, edit, or delete the value.
Admins may configure a list of frequently used comments and make them available for curators from the Comments box in the Information Editor. Comments can be customized by each community according to their needs.
Follow these steps to create and configure a list of comments:
- Navigate to the Admin tab in the Annotator Panel
- Select (click) the Canned Comments option to navigate to a new tab.
- Use the New Canned Comment button on the upper left corner to create a new comment.
- In the box 'Comment' enter the new comment as it will appear in the drop-down menu.
- Enter any additional details about this comment in the box labeled as 'Metadata'.
- Choose the types of annotations for which this comment should be available by selecting at least one of the 'Feature Types'. Hold down the 'Shift' key to select multiple types of annotations.
- Click on the Create button at the bottom of the options to save the new comment. Use the CannedComment List button on the upper left of this page to return to the list of comments without creating a new one.
From the list of existing comments, you may select (click) any comment to review, edit, or delete the comment.