局部变量 尽量短,能表达清楚意思即可,能简写就简写,比如"err" 表示 "error"; "fd" 表示文件描述符 ,循环变量可以使用i,j,k ;结构体成员变量不需要"m_"前缀;全局变量"g_"开头
常量名 全大写,单词之间"_"分割,如 "MAX_NUMBER_OF_SLAB_CLASSES" ;
宏定义 对于options 宏定义,适当使用前缀 ,比如:
/* Client classes for client limits, currently used only for
* the max-client-output-buffer limit implementation. */
#define CLIENT_TYPE_NORMAL 0 /* Normal req-reply clients + MONITORs */
#define CLIENT_TYPE_SLAVE 1 /* Slaves. */
#define CLIENT_TYPE_PUBSUB 2 /* Clients subscribed to PubSub channels. */
#define CLIENT_TYPE_MASTER 3 /* Master. */
枚举 使用前缀:
enum conn_states {
conn_listening, /**< the socket which listens for connections */
conn_new_cmd, /**< Prepare connection for next command */
conn_waiting, /**< waiting for a readable socket */
conn_read, /**< reading in a command line */
conn_parse_cmd, /**< try to parse a command from the input buffer */
conn_write, /**< writing out a simple response */
conn_nread, /**< reading in a fixed number of bytes */
conn_swallow, /**< swallowing unnecessary bytes w/o storing */
conn_closing, /**< closing this connection */
conn_mwrite, /**< writing out many items sequentially */
conn_closed, /**< connection is closed */
conn_max_state /**< Max state value (used for assertion) */
函数命名 全小写,单词之间"_"分割。如"split_cmdline_strerror()"
所有注释使用 "/* 这里是注释 */ "
合理使用static,const 等关键字,能提升程序的安全性,也能避免函数命名冲突