- 1: Find the last element
- 2: Find the second-last element
- 3: Find the K'th element
- 4: Find the number of elements
- 5: Reverse a list
- 6: Detect palindrome
- 7: Flatten a nested list
- 8: Eliminate consecutive duplicates
- 9: Pack consecutive duplicates
- 10: Run-length encoding
- 11: Modified run-length encoding
- 12: Decode a run-length encoded list
- 13: Direct run-length encoding
- 14: Duplicate elements
- 15: Replicate elements K times
- 16: Drop every N'th element
- 17: Split a list
- 18: Extract a slice
- 19: Rotate a list
- 20: Remove the K'th element
- 21: Insert an element
- 22: Integers within a range
- 23: Random selection
- 24: Draw N diffrent random numbers
- 25: Random permutation
- 26: Generate combinations
- 27: Group into disjoint subsets
- 28A: Sorting a list of lists
- 28B: Sorting by length frequency