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File metadata and controls

1012 lines (865 loc) · 26.4 KB


  1. Basic Usage
  2. Handling Submit
  3. Global Options
  4. Form types
  5. Default form types
  6. Form definitions
  7. Overriding field types and order
  8. Standard Options
    1. onChange
    2. Validation Messages
    3. Inline feedback icons
    4. ngModelOptions
  9. Specific options and types
    1. fieldset and section
    2. conditional
    3. select and checkboxes
    4. actions
    5. button
    6. radios and radiobuttons
    7. help
    8. tabs
    9. array
    10. tabarray
  10. Post process function
  11. Extending Schema Form

Basic Usage

First, expose your schema, form, and model to the $scope. Don't forget to load the ``schemaForm` module.

angular.module('myModule', ['schemaForm'])
       .controller('FormController', function($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      name: { type: "string", minLength: 2, title: "Name", description: "Name or alias" },
      title: {
        type: "string",
        enum: ['dr','jr','sir','mrs','mr','NaN','dj']

  $scope.form = [
      type: "submit",
      title: "Save"

  $scope.model = {};

Then load them into Schema Form using the sfSchema, sfForm, and sfModel directives.

<div ng-controller="FormController">
    <form sf-schema="schema" sf-form="form" sf-model="model"></form>

The sfSchema directive doesn't need to be on a form tag, in fact it can be quite useful to set it on a div or some such inside the form instead. Especially if you like to prefix or suffix the form with buttons or fields that are hard coded.

Example with custom submit buttons:

<div ng-controller="FormController">
    <p>bla bla bla</p>
    <div sf-schema="schema" sf-form="form" sf-model="model"></div>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">
    <button type="button" ng-click="goBack()">Cancel</button>

Handling Submit

Schema Form does not care what you do with your data, to handle form submit the recomended way is to use the ng-submit directive. It's also recomended to use a name attribute on your form so you can access the FormController and check if the form is valid or not.

You can force a validation by broadcasting the event schemaFormValidate, ex $scope.$broadcast('schemaFormValidate'), this will immediately validate the entire form and show any errors.

Example submit:

function FormController($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      name: { type: "string", minLength: 2, title: "Name", description: "Name or alias" },
      title: {
        type: "string",
        enum: ['dr','jr','sir','mrs','mr','NaN','dj']

  $scope.form = [
      type: "submit",
      title: "Save"

  $scope.model = {};

  $scope.onSubmit = function(form) {
    // First we broadcast an event so all fields validate themselves

    // Then we check if the form is valid
    if (form.$valid) {
      // ... do whatever you need to do with your data.

And the HTML would be something like this:

<div ng-controller="FormController">
    <form name="myForm"

Global Options

Schema Form also have two options you can set globally via the sf-options attribute which should be placed along side sf-schema.

sf-options takes an object with the following possible attributes.

supressPropertyTitles by default schema form uses the property name in the schema as a title if none is specified, set this to true to disable that behavior
formDefaults an object that will be used as a default for all form definitions

formDefaults is mostly useful for setting global ngModelOptions i.e. changing the entire form to validate on blur. But can also be used to set Validation Messages for all fields if you like a bit more friendlier messages.


<div ng-controller="FormController">
    <form sf-schema="schema"
          sf-options="{ formDefaults: { ngModelOptions: { updateOn: 'blur' } }}"></form>

Form types

Schema Form currently supports the following form field types out of the box:

Form Type Becomes
fieldset a fieldset with legend
section just a div
conditional a section with a ng-if
actions horizontal button list, can only submit and buttons as items
text input with type text
textarea a textarea
number input type number
password input type password
checkbox a checkbox
checkboxes list of checkboxes
select a select (single value)
submit a submit button
button a button
radios radio buttons
radios-inline radio buttons in one line
radiobuttons radio buttons with bootstrap buttons
help insert arbitrary html
tab tabs with content
array a list you can add, remove and reorder
tabarray a tabbed version of array

More field types can be added, for instance a "datepicker" type can be added by including the datepicker addon

Default form types

Schema Form defaults to certain types of form fields depending on the schema for a property.

Schema Form type
"type": "string" text
"type": "number" number
"type": "integer" number
"type": "boolean" checkbox
"type": "object" fieldset
"type": "string" and a "enum" select
"type": "array" and a "enum" in array type checkboxes
"type": "array" array

Form definitions

If you don't supply a form definition, it will default to rendering the after the defaults taken from the schema.

A form definition is a list where the items can be

  • A star, "*"
  • A string with the dot notated name/path to a property, "name"
  • An object with that defines the options for a form field., { key: "name" }

The star, "*" means "use the default for the entire schema" and is useful when you want the defaults plus an additional button.


  { type: 'submit', title: 'Save' }

The string notation, "name", is just a shortcut for the object notation { key: "name" } where key denotes what part of the schema we're creating a form field for.

Overriding field types and order

The order of the fields is technically undefined since the order of attributes on an javascript object (which the schema ends up being) is undefined. In practice it kind of works though. If you need to override the order of the forms, or just want to be sure, specify a form definition.


var schema = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "surname":     { "type": "string" },
    "firstname":   { "type": "string" },


You can also override fields to force the type and supply other options: ex.

var schema = {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "surname":     { "type": "string" },
    "firstname":   { "type": "string" },

    key: "surname",
    type: "select",
    titleMap: [
      { value: "Andersson", name: "Andersson" },
      { value: "Johansson", name: "Johansson" },
      { value: "other", name: "Something else..."}

Standard Options

General options most field types can handle:

  key: "address.street",      // The dot notatin to the attribute on the model
  type: "text",               // Type of field
  title: "Street",            // Title of field, taken from schema if available
  notitle: false,             // Set to true to hide title
  description: "Street name", // A description, taken from schema if available, can be HTML
  validationMessage: "Oh noes, please write a proper address",  // A custom validation error message
  onChange: "valueChanged(form.key,modelValue)", // onChange event handler, expression or function
  feedback: false,             // Inline feedback icons
  placeholder: "Input...",     // placeholder on inputs and textarea
  ngModelOptions: { ... },     // Passed along to ng-model-options
  readonly: true               // Same effect as readOnly in schema. Put on a fieldset or array
                               // and their items will inherit it.


The onChange option can be used with most fields and its value should be either an angular expression, as a string, or a function. If its an expression it will be evaluated in the parent scope of the sf-schema directive with the special locals modelValue and form. If its a function that will be called with modelValue and form as first and second arguments.


$scope.form = [
    key: "name",
    onChange: "updated(modelValue,form)"
    key: "password",
    onChange: function(modelValue,form) {
      console.log("Password is",modelValue);

Validation Messages

Per default all error messages comes from the schema validator tv4, this might or might not work for you. If you supply a validationMessage property in the form definition, and if its value is a string that will be used instead on any validation error.

If you need more fine grained control you can supply an object instead with keys matching the error codes of tv4. See tv4.errorCodes


  key: "address.street",
  validationMessage: {
    tv4.errorCodes.STRING_LENGTH_SHORT: "Address is too short, man.",
    "default": "Just write a proper address, will you?"   //Special catch all error message

You can also set a global validationMessage in formDefaults see Global Options.

Inline feedback icons

input and textarea based fields get inline status icons by default. A check when everything is valid and a cross when there are validation errors.

This can be turned off or configured to other icons. To turn off just set feedback to false. If set to a string that string is evaluated by a ngClass in the decorators scope. If not set att all the default value is { 'glyphicon': true, 'glyphicon-ok': hasSuccess(), 'glyphicon-remove': hasError() }

ex. displaying an asterisk on required fields

  $sope.form = [
      key: "name",
      feedback: "{ 'glyphicon': true, 'glyphicon-asterisk': form.requires && !hasSuccess && !hassError() ,'glyphicon-ok': hasSuccess(), 'glyphicon-remove': hasError() }"

Useful things in the decorators scope are

Name Description
hasSuccess() true if field is valid and not pristine
hasError() true if field is invalid and not pristine
ngModel The controller of the ngModel directive, ex. ngModel.$valid
form The form definition for this field


Angular 1.3 introduces a new directive, ngModelOptions, which let's you set a couple of options that change how the directive ng-model works. Schema Form uses ng-model to bind against fields and therefore changing theses options might be usefule for you.

One thing you can do is to change the update behavior of ng-model, this is how you get form fields that validate on blur instead of directly on change.


  key: "email",
  ngModelOptions: { updateOn: 'blur' }

See Global Options for an example how you set entire form to validate on blur.

Specific options and types

fieldset and section

fieldset and section doesn't need a key. You can create generic groups with them. They do need a list of items to have as children.

  type: "fieldset",
  items: [
    { key: "surname", notitle: true }


A conditional is exactly the same as a section, i.e. a <div> with other form elements in it, hence they need an items property. They also need a condition which is a string with an angular expression. If that expression evaluates as thruthy the conditional will be rendered into the DOM otherwise not. The expression is evaluated in the parent scope of the sf-schema directive (the same as onClick on buttons) but with access to the current model and current array index under the name model and arrayIndex. This is useful for hiding/showing parts of a form depending on another form control.

ex. A checkbox that shows an input field for a code when checked

function FormCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.person = {}

  $scope.schema = {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "name": {
        "type": "string",
        "title": "Name"
      "eligible": {
        "type": "boolean",
        "title": "Eligible for awesome things"
      "code": {
        "title": "The Code"

  $scope.form = [
        type: "conditional",
        condition: "person.eligible", //or "model.eligable"
        items: [

Note that angulars two-way binding automatically will update the conditional block, no need for event handlers and such. The condition need not reference a model value it could be anything in scope.

The same example, but inside an array:

function FormCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.persons = []

  $scope.schema = {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "persons": {
        "type": "array",
        "items": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "name": {
              "type": "string",
              "title": "Name"
            "eligible": {
              "type": "boolean",
              "title": "Eligible for awesome things"
            "code": {
              "title": "The Code"

  $scope.form = [
      "key": "persons",
      "items": [
          type: "conditional",
          condition: "persons[arrayIndex].eligible", //or "model.eligable"
          items: [

Note that arrays inside arrays won't work with conditional.

select and checkboxes

select and checkboxes can take an attribute, titleMap, wich defines a name and a value. The value is bound to the model while the name is used for display. In the case of checkboxes the names of the titleMap can be HTML.

A titleMap can be specified as either an object (same as in JSON Form), where the propery is the value and the value of that property is the name, or as a list of name-value objects. The latter is used internally and is the recomended format to use. Note that when defining a titleMap as an object the value is restricted to strings since property names of objects always is a string.

As a list:

  type: "select",
  titleMap: [
    { value: "yes", name: "Yes I do" },
    { value: "no", name: "Hell no" }

As an object:

  type: "select",
  titleMap: {
    "yes": "Yes I do",
    "no": "Hell no"


actions behaves the same as fieldset, but can only handle buttons as chidren.

  type: "actions",
  items: [
    { type: 'submit', title: 'Ok' }
    { type: 'button', title: 'Cancel', onClick: "cancel()" }

The submit button has btn-primary as default. The button has btn-default as default. We can change this with style attribute:

  type: "actions",
  items: [
    { type: 'submit', style: 'btn-success', title: 'Ok' }
    { type: 'button', style: 'btn-info', title: 'Cancel', onClick: "cancel()" }


button can have a onClick attribute that either, as in JSON Form, is a function or a string with an angular expression, as with ng-click. The expression is evaluated in the parent scope of the sf-schema directive.

  { type: 'button', title: 'Ok', onClick: function(){ ...  } }
  { type: 'button', title: 'Cancel', onClick: "cancel()" }

The submit button has btn-primary as default. The button has btn-default as default. We can change this with style attribute:

  { type: 'button', style: 'btn-warning', title: 'Ok', onClick: function(){ ...  } }
  { type: 'button', style: 'btn-danger', title: 'Cancel', onClick: "cancel()" }

radios and radiobuttons

Both type radios and radiobuttons work the same way. They take a titleMap and renders ordinary radio buttons or bootstrap 3 buttons inline. It's a cosmetic choice.

The titleMap is either a list or an object, see select and checkboxes for details. The "name" part in the titleMap can be HTML.


function FormCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      choice: {
        type: "string",
        enum: ["one","two"]

  $scope.form = [
      key: "choice",
      type: "radiobuttons",
      titleMap: [
        { value: "one", name: "One" },
        { value, "two", name: "More..." }

The actual schema property it binds doesn't need to be a string with an enum. Here is an example creating a yes no radio buttons that binds to a boolean.


function FormCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      confirm: {
        type: "boolean",
        default: false

  $scope.form = [
      key: "choice",
      type: "radios",
      titleMap: [
        { value: false, name: "No I don't understand these cryptic terms" },
        { value: true, , name: "Yes this makes perfect sense to me" }

With radiobuttons, both selected and unselected buttons have btn-primary as default. We can change this with style attribute:

function FormCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      choice: {
        type: "string",
        enum: ["one","two"]

  $scope.form = [
      key: "choice",
      type: "radiobuttons",
      style: {
		selected: "btn-success",
		unselected: "btn-default"
	  titleMap: [
     { value: "one", name: "One" },
     { value, "two", name: "More..." }


Help fields is not really a field, but instead let's you insert arbitrary HTML into a form, suitable for help texts with links etc.

The get a help field you need to specify the type help and have a html snippet as a string in the option helpvalue


function FormCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      name: {
        title: "Name",
        type: "string"

  $scope.form = [
      type: "help",
      helpvalue: "<h1>Yo Ninja!</h1>"


The tabs form type lets you split your form into tabs. It is similar to fieldset in that it just changes the presentation of the form. tabs takes a option, also called tabs, that is a list of tab objects. Each tab object consist of a title and a items list of form objects.


function FormCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      name: {
        title: "Name",
        type: "string"
      nick: {
        title: "Nick",
        type: "string"
      alias: {
        title: "Alias",
        type: "string"
      tag: {
        title: "Tag",
        type: "string"

  $scope.form = [
      type: "tabs",
      tabs: [
          title: "Tab 1",
          items: [
          title: "Tab 2",
          items: [


The array form type is the default for the schema type array. The schema for an array has the property "items" which in the JSON Schema specification can be either another schema (i.e. and object), or a list of schemas. Only a schema is supported by Schema Form, and not the list of schemas.

The form definition has the option items that should be a list of form objects.

The rendered list of subforms each have a "Remove" button and at the bottom there is an "Add" button. The default "Add" button has class btn-default and text Add. Both could be changed using attribute add, see example below.

If you like to have drag and drop reordering of arrays you also need ui-sortable and its dependencies jQueryUI, see ui-sortable documentation for details of what parts of jQueryUI that is needed. You can safely ignore these if you don't need the reordering.

In the form definition you can refer to properties of an array item by the empty bracket notation. In the key simply end the name of the array with []

Given the schema:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "subforms": {
      "type": "array",
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "name": { "type": "string" },
          "nick": { "type": "string" },
          "emails": {
            "type": "array",
            "items": {
              "type": "string"

Then subforms[].name refers to the property name of any subform item, subforms[].emails[] refers to the subform of emails. See example below for usage.

Single list of inputs example:

function FormCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      names: {
        type: "array",
        items: {
          title: "Name",
          type: "string"

  $scope.form = ['*'];

Example with sub form, note that you can get rid of the form field the object wrapping the subform fields gives you per default by using the items option in the form definition.

function FormCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "subforms": {
        "type": "array",
        "items": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "name": { "type": "string" },
            "nick": { "type": "string" },
            "emails": {
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "string"

  $scope.form = [
      key: "subforms",
      add: "Add person",
      style: {
		add: "btn-success"
      items: [


The tabarray form type behaves the same way and has the same options as array but instead of rendering a list it renders a tab per item in list.

By default the tabs are on the left side (follows the default in JSON Form), but with the option tabType you can change that to eiter "top" or "right" as well.

Every tab page has a "Remove" button. The default "Remove" button has class btn-default and text Remove. Both could be changed using attribute remove, see example below.

In this case we have an "Add" link, not an "Add" button. Therefore, the attribute add only changes the text of the link. See example below.

Bootstrap 3 doesn't have side tabs so to get proper styling you need to add the dependency bootstrap-vertical-tabs. It is not needed for tabs on top.

The title option is a bit special in tabarray, it defines the title of the tab and is considered a angular expression. The expression is evaluated with two extra variables in context: value and $index, where value is the value in the array (i.e. that tab) and $index the index.

Example with tabs on the top:

function FormCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.schema = {
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "subforms": {
        "type": "array",
        "items": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "name": { "type": "string" },
            "nick": { "type": "string" },
            "emails": {
              "type": "array",
              "items": {
                "type": "string"

  $scope.form = [
      type: "tabarray",
      tabType: "top",
      title: "value.nick || ('Tab '+$index)"
      key: "subforms",
      remove: "Delete",
      style: {
		remove: "btn-danger"
	  add: "Add person",
      items: [

Post process function

If you like to use ["*"] as a form, or aren't in control of the form definitions but really need to change or add something you can register a post process function with the schemaForm service provider. The post process function gets one argument, the final form merged with the defaults from the schema just before it's rendered, and should return a form.

Ex. Reverse all forms

angular.module('myModule', ['schemaForm']).config(function(schemaFormProvider){

    return form;
