This document is a WIP, but will contain a list of things that are different from the pre-1.0.0 version of redux-observable.
The final version of 1.0.0 is not yet released, but to install the latest pre-release (alpha/beta/rc) you can use:
npm install --save-exact redux-observable@next
# or
yarn add redux-observable@next --exact
Please keep in mind that as a pre-release, it's possible breaking changes will be introduced between versions. Feedback is definitely appreciated!
The npm
version tag will immediately resolve to what ever the latest pre-release version is, e.g. 1.0.0-alpha.0 (or what ever it currently is). Using the above commands, that exact version will get saved in your package.json so that you don't accidentally pick up any future pre-release that may or may not have unexpected breaking changes.
Version 1.0.0 of redux-observable requires v6.0.0 of RxJS. As of this writing 6.0-final is not yet released, but you can install the release candidate (rc). Documentation around it is also fairly sparse, but the biggest change is how you import and use operators. The so called "pipeable" operators and more information can be found here: ReactiveX/rxjs/doc/
There will likely be a backwards compatibility layer provided with RxJS that will allow you to use the old import-style and prototype-based operators. This should still work with redux-observable, if you have issues definitely file an issue.
In 1.0.0 you no longer provide your root Epic to createEpicMiddleware
. Instead, you call
on the instance of the middleware after you have created your store with it.
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware();
const store = createStore(rootReducer, applyMiddleware(epicMiddleware));;
This change was neccesary because in redux v4 you are no longer supposed to dispatch actions while middleware is still be setup, which an Epic could have done with the previous API.
This new API also gives you the ability to easily add Epics later, as in async lazy loading. Subsequent calls of
do not replace the previous ones, they are merged together.
The optional configuration/options argument to createEpicMiddleware
for providing dependencies, adapters, etc is now the first and only argument to createEpicMiddleware(options)
In 1.0.0 we now subscribe to your root Epic, and dispatch actions emitted by it, using the queueScheduler from RxJS. This is a bit hard to explain (and understand) but as the name suggests, a queue is used. If the queue is empty, the action is emitted as usual, but if that action synchronously causes other actions to be emitted they will be queued up until the call stack of the first action returns.
In a large majority of cases this will have no perceivable impact, but it may affect the order of any complex epic-to-epic communication you have.
One benefit is that actions which are emitted by an epic on start up are not missed by epics which come after it. e.g. With combineEpics(epic1, epic2)
previously if epic1 emitted on startup, epic2 would not receive that action because it had not yet been set up. It also changes the potential order of complex epic-to-epic communication in a way that most may find more intuitive.
Take this example:
const epic1 = action$ =>
mergeMap(() =>
of({ type: 'SECOND' }, { type: 'THIRD' })
const epic2 = action$ =>
map(() => ({ type: 'FOURTH' })),
startWith({ type: 'FIRST' })
// notice that epic2 comes *after* epic1
const rootEpic = combineEpics(epic1, epic2);
In older version of redux-observable, your reducers would have been missing the FOURTH:
However in 1.0.0 it now would see it as the last one:
In that example, the SECOND action is now seen by epic2 because it is queued on the same schedule as subscribing (setting up) the Epics themselves is. Since the middleware will try to subscribe to the Epics first, it now always will finish doing so before any action is emitted--so epic2 doesn't miss any actions.
Another way of looking at it is that when an individual Epic is synchronously emitting actions, they will always be emitted in the sequence provided, without any other Epics being able to sneak another action in-between. When we did of({ type: 'SECOND' }, { type: 'THIRD' })
, we now know for sure that THIRD will immediately follow SECOND; in older versions of redux-observable this wasn't guaranteed as another Epic could have been listening for SECOND and emitted some other action before THIRD, because they shared the same call-stack.
Because this is dealing with very complex recursion, call stacks, and sequences, this may be tough to fully wrap your head around. We hope that what actually happens in practice is itself more intuitive, even if truly understanding how things are queued is now.
If you were using epicMiddleware.replaceEpic
, you can achieve similar behavior by dispatching your own END
action that your root Epic listens for with a takeUntil
, directing it to terminate. You then call
with the next root Epic you wish to run.
// Your root Epic uses function composition to add the takeUntil.
// It combines your epics together, but instead of returning that new combined epic
// it calls it, providing the action$, state$, etc so that we can pipe the takeUntil
// on the result
const rootEpic = (action$, =>
combineEpics(epic1, epic2, ...etc)(action$,
function replaceRootEpic(nextRootEpic) {
store.dispatch({ type: 'END' });;
The ability to call store.dispatch()
inside your Epics was originally provided as an escape hatch, to be used rarely, if ever. Unfortunately in practice we've seen a large number of people using it extensively. Instead, Epics should emit actions through the Observable the Epic returns, using idiomatic RxJS. If you're looking for the ability to directly call dispatch yourself (rather than emit through streams) you may be interested in using an alternative middleware that is less opinionated around RxJS.
This is unrelated to usage of store.dispatch inside your UI components or anywhere outside of redux-observable--you will continue to use it there
const somethingEpic = action$ =>
.switchMap(() =>
.do(() => store.dispatch({ type: SOMETHING_ELSE }))
.map(response => ({ type: SUCCESS, response }))
// Now uses rxjs v6 pipeable operators
const somethingEpic = action$ =>
switchMap(() =>
mergeMap(response => of(
{ type: SUCCESS, response }
In v1.0.0 store.dispatch()
is strongly deprecated and will be completely removed in v2.0.0 which will come fairly quickly (if it is not already out by now).
As store.dispatch
is being removed, and since redux-observable has had several years to be used and mature in the wild, it became clear that calling store.getState()
is useful but there are also use cases to having an Observable of state$ too.
In v1.0.0 of redux-observable, the second argument to your Epics is now a custom StateObservable, referred to from now on as state$
. It has a value
property that always contains the latest value of your redux state. This can be used in the same imperative way you used to use store.getState()
Since state$
is also an Observable you can now compose it into other streams as you might expect and react to state changes--you can also call state$.subscribe()
directlly, but it's usually more idiomatic to compose it with other operators rather than explicitly calling subscribe
I expect a majority of people to use the imperative state$.value
form most of the time simply because it's more terse and a majority of the time you don't actually want to react to changes in the state.
const fetchUserEpic = (action$, store) =>
.mergeMap(action =>
ajax(`/users/${}`, { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${store.getState().authToken}` }) // <----- here
.map(response => fetchUserFulfilled(response))
// Also now using v6 pipe operators
const fetchUserEpic = (action$, state$) =>
mergeMap(action =>
ajax(`/users/${}`, { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${state$.value.authToken}` })).pipe( // <----- here
map(response => fetchUserFulfilled(response))
// or the "reactive" way, but more verbose.
const fetchUserEpic = (action$, state$) =>
mergeMap(([action, state]) =>
getJson(`/users/${}`, { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${state.authToken}` }).pipe(
map(respose => fetchUserFulfilled(response))
Since it's a stream, you can do all sorts of cool things:
// This code is UNTESTED and likely has bugs, just here to give you the gist.
// It shows one possible way of having an auto-save feature based on the state
// changing instead of needing to know all the possible actions that could change
// that state.
const autoSaveEpic = (action$, state$) =>
exhaustMap(() =>
throttleTime(500, { leading: false, trailing: true }),
concatMap(googleDocument =>
map(() => saveGoogleDocFulfilled()),
catchError(e => of(saveGoogleDocRejected(e)))
Have a cool use case for state$? Please let us know by opening an issue ticket so we can feature it!
Are we missing something about the migration? Open an issue or open a PR if possible!