All endpoints require authentication of some form.
GET endpoints do not require user authentication, but they do require at the least application authentication. This means that either an OAuth client ID or a user access token must be present. To make a request with a client ID, simply send it as a GET parameter, like this:
All API POST requests are required to be user authenticated via an oAuth 2 access token. It's easy to request a token via the command line to get a feel for how things work:
curl -i \
-F grant_type="password" \
-F username="<your Designer News username>" \
-F password="<your Designer News password>" \
-F client_id="<client_id_goes_here>" \
-F client_secret="<client_secret_goes_here>"
Which will return an Access token response like this one:
The access token must then be passed in the Authorization header for all POST requests. See examples below for more information.