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99 lines (65 loc) · 5.23 KB

Thanks for considering contributing! The information below is intended to help you contribute.

Running tests

# run all regression tests
make test

# only run regression tests that have $FILTER in regression sql file path
make test FILTER=hnsw

# run parallel tests
make test-parallel

Running make test will run the lantern regression tests, these run independent of one another. At the moment the tests for make test-parallel are under development, they can be found in test/parallel. The goal of the parallel tests is to generate a more realistic workload on the index to discover timing errors and other bugs dependent on more complex use, they run in the same database.

Running benchmarks

This requires Python to be installed. Please check the for pip requirements.

# set up benchmarking, run benchmarks, and print results
make benchmark

# run benchmarks and print results (skip setup)
make benchmark-skip-setup

# print most recent benchmark results (skip setup and running benchmarks)
make benchmark-print-only

VSCode and IntelliSense

.vscode/c_cpp_properties is configured to use ./build/compile_commands.json. If you build Lantern in a different directory, make sure to update .vscode config appropriately in order to have IntelliSense working.

Debugging the C codebase

If you make changes to the C codebase, in addition to make test and make parallel-test, you can also use the utility in a tmux session to easily attach gdb to the psql backend and find out what breaks. Below is a short recording demonstrating the use of


Running sanitizers

To ensure that code is safe, pull requests are tested using google's AddressSanitizer. Additionally UBSan is run against releases. A docker container is provided for testing changes locally. it can be invoked by running the script scripts/sanitizers/ Please note that this script must be run in the root directory of the lantern repository. By default it will build postgres 15.4 and run tests against it instrumented only with AddressSanitizer. If you would like to run UBSan you can pass the -u flag. If you wish to test against a specific version you can use the -v flag specifying a specific version, e.g. scripts/sanitizers/ -u -v11.21

Getting code coverage report locally

Make sure lcov is installed. It is installed in our development dockerfile (

Then, run the following (or equivalent) from the root of the repository, in order to:

  1. Configure a coverage build via cmake
  2. Build and install a coverage-enabled binary
  3. Run the tests (you can run other workloads here as well)
  4. Generate a coverage report
mkdir -p build_coverage && (cd build_coverage && cmake .. -DCODECOVERAGE=1 && sudo make install -j && make test && make cover)

Adding/modifying LanternDB's SQL interface

When modifying the SQL interface, you add relevant SQL logic under sql/. In addition, you add an update script under sql/updates, in a file named [CURRENT_VERSION]--latest.sql. You should create this file if it does not exist.

Note that you never modify an already existing update file that does not have latest in its name.

The files that do not have latest in the name are part of a previous releases and help LanternDB users update to a newer version of the extension via ALTER EXTENSION lantern UPDATE.

Browsing the Postgres repository offline

You can download PostgreSQL source code from their ftp server. Alternatively, can clone their git repository.

# full repository
git clone
# release head only
git clone --single-branch --branch REL_15_STABLE --depth=1

Modifying Lantern's index storage format

When making changes to the storage fromat, make sure that both internal and external codepaths agree and generate the same index Make sure to also run lantern_cli tests, which tests external index creation via the cli and imports the created index into the database

make install -j && (cd ../lantern_extras/lantern_cli/ && cargo build) && LANTERN_CLI=../lantern_extras/target/debug/lantern-cli  python3 ../scripts/

Preparing a release

  1. Update LANTERN_VERSION variable at the top of CMakeLists.txt file
  2. Prepare the SQL update script for the release
    1. If there already is an update script for the current release with a 'latest' suffix, rename it according to the version name being released
    2. If there is no such file, create an empty update file for the current release
  3. Build the project with cmake -DBUILD_FOR_DISTRIBUTING=YES that will embed cmake version number into the binary. Alternatively, if you want to embed a different version name into the binary, build with -DRELEASE_ID=[version name] where the version name is the name of the release and the name used in update file above