4.0.2 2019-07-21 20:57:09
- 01a3ec4 ✨ [feature] add characteristic of onchange and showFooter
4.0.1 2019-02-21 11:11:09
4.0.0 2018-10-26 12:39:53
- 88e8b68 📚 [document] edit readme document.
- daf0b98 ✨ [feature] add feature of caption customized(#31)
3.0.12 2018-05-17 21:29:57
- a6ec20b 🐛 [bug]fix when scrolling 2 wheels at the same it is possible to set a date outside min/maxDate(#27)
- 3f6ef0d 🐛 [bug]fix readme.md error
- f4f3f01 📚 [document] update readme.md
3.0.11 2018-05-12 10:57:46
3.0.10 2018-04-24 22:50:29
- 99ce5da 🐛 [bug]fix the current date is not between the maximum and the minimum date.(#17)
- 8582c7e ✨ [feature] add test case for dateSteps(#21)
3.0.9 2018-04-23 10:48:04
- 8508a7e ✨ [feature] add test case for dateSteps
- 34ff8c6 ✨ [feature] Add characteristics of set a time step
3.0.8 2017-10-15 23:17:08
3.0.7 2017-10-12 08:11:11
- 9155be0 ✨ [feature] update some depend packages(#15)
- 1feaa24 🔧 [config] add react storybook.
- 81dd701 🔧 [config] add package-lock.json file.
- e925080 📚 [document] edit readme document.
3.0.6 2017-07-08 20:21:30
- 1d847d8 📚 [document] edit readme document.
- d2c3372 ✨ [feature] Add characteristics of automatic configuration Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second.
3.0.5 2017-07-03 20:47:51
- cec3c8a ✨ [feature] add feature of button customized.(#3)
- 49d2fc7 🐛 [bug]fix android4.4 TouchEvent has PageY propery (#9)
- 436906c 📚 [document] edit LICENSE.md fullname.
3.0.4 2017-04-09 17:12:18
- e2a2935 📦 [refact] edit test code for simulate event.
- b743448 🐛 [bug]fix scrolling up will refresh page.
3.0.3 2017-01-05 15:06:48
3.0.2 2016-12-18 14:45:39
- 14b868c [changed] ✅ update version,An increase of five theme,A slide can move multiple dates.
- 9e2df2f [changed] add modal layer and add rollup for production
- 4516b14 [changed] 修改finish-btn行高
- 2025c43 [added] 添加README.md关键词
- 37441d7 [added] 添加注释, 测试用例
- 1687e8e [fixed] 取消isOpen, onCancel属性
- 305fb68 [changed] 修改README
- a1f1db9 [fixed] 修复滚动快速出现的bug
- 5a93fe9 [changed] 更新了READEME
- 6d2a00b [added] 添加README.md
- 9be9fe6 [added] 添加.travis.yml
- a2cd387 [fixed] 解决changlog无效的问题