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Logo - v2

The second version of my personal website, built with Gatsby and hosted with Netlify.

Previous versions: Version 1

Netlify status DeepScan grade


🚀 Installing

  1. Install the gatsby CLI

    npm i -g gatsby-cli
  2. Clone the repository and change directories

    git clone
    cd portfolio-v2
  3. Install dependencies

    npm install
  4. Start the local server

    gatsby develop # local dev server
    gatsby build && gatsby serve # local prod server
  5. Open the source code and start editing!

    The site is now running at http://localhost:8000!

🧐 What's inside?

A quick look at the top-level files and directories.

  ├── node_modules # modules
  ├── content # the actual text of the website
  ├── src # source folder
      └── components # main components
          └── layouts
            ├── Head.js # SEO and meta tags that go in the head
            ├── index.js # layout file
          └── icons # collection of svg icons
          └── sections # section content
          └── bubbles # drag animation in about section
          ├── customCursor.js # custom cursor logic
          ├── footer.js
          ├── nav.js
      └── context
          ├── globalContext.js # handle cursor state
      └── hooks
          ├── useWindowSize.js # get dimensions of window
      └── images
      └── pages
          ├── index.js
          ├── 404.js
      └── styles # styled components styles
      └── utils
          ├── config.js # website info for SEO
  ├── static # static content
  ├── .gitignore
  ├── .prettierrc
  ├── gatsby-config.js # imports
  ├── gatsby-browser.js # wrap page with layout
  ├── gatsby-ssr.js # wrap page with layout
  ├── package-lock.json
  ├── package.json

🎨 Color Reference

Color Hex
Black #090C02 #090C02
Darker #141414 #141414
Purple Navy #5E548E #5E548E
Dark Red #D64045 #D64045
Light Red #FE4A49 #FE4A49
Lighter #f2f2f2 #f2f2f2
Accent #F397D6 #F397D6


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