webpg-npapi is an NPAPI plugin project that provides GnuPG related Public/Private Key operations for use in major browsers.
This is a FireBreath NPAPI plugin project, and this repository includes a submodule of FireBreath 1.5
Documentation and Class reference can be found here: http://webpg.org/docs/webpg-npapi/
In order for this plugin to work, you must have a working GnuPG installation.
On Debian-based systems you can install GNUPG2 by running the command
sudo apt-get install gnupg2
The easiest way to install on OS X is to use the GPGTools Installer.
From the root of this repository, type one of the following - depending on your OS:
./firebreath/prepmake.sh . build
firebreath/prepmac.sh . build
firebreath/prepmac.sh . build -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel
firebreath/prepmac.sh . build -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel
firebreath\prep2008.cmd . build
firebreath\prep2009.cmd . build
firebreath\prep2010.cmd . build
cd ./build
make webpgPlugin
xcodebuild -target webpgPlugin
cmake --build . --config MinSizeRel --target webpgPlugin
The compiled so file can be found at:
The compiled .plugin file can be found at:
The compiled .dll file can be found at: