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File metadata and controls

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Hatrac Installation

Hatrac (pronounced "hat rack") is a simple object storage service for web-based, data-oriented collaboration.


  1. Install prerequisites
  • Apache HTTPD
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python
  • webauthn2
  1. Install hatrac Python package
  • python install
  1. Create hatrac daemon account
  2. Create hatrac PostgreSQL role
  3. Create and initialize hatrac database
  4. Create file storage directory under Apache
  5. Configure ~hatrac/hatrac_config.json
  6. Configure ~hatrac/webauthn2_config.json
  7. Configure mod_wsgi to run Hatrac

Basic testing

You can perform some local testing of Hatrac without configuring the whole web service stack:

# make sure Hatrac is installed
% python install

# get rid of any previous test data
% dropdb hatrac_test
% rm -rf hatrac_test_data

# create empty test database
% createdb hatrac_test

# run tests
% python test/

The test script should run to completion without printing anything. If it encounters errors, diagnostics will be printed and the script will exit. You MUST start with an empty test database and empty test data directory prior to each run of the test.

Example hatrac_config.json

This configuration works on a Fedora and Ubuntu host for a filesystem deployment:

    "storage_backend": "filesystem",
    "storage_path": "/var/www/hatrac",
    "database_type": "postgres",
    "database_name": "",
    "database_schema": "hatrac",
    "database_max_retries": 5

This configuration works for an Amazon AWS S3 deployment:

    "backend": "amazons3",
    "s3_bucket" : <S3_BUCKET_NAME>,
    "s3_connection": {
    "aws_access_key_id" : <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>,
	    "aws_secret_access_key": <AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>
    "database_type": "postgres",
    "database_name": "",
    "database_schema": "hatrac",
    "database_max_retries": 5

REST API testing

You can perform system testing of the whole web service stack, if configured with cookie-based authentication (such as using a companion ERMrest installation as described in the subsequent configration examples of this document):

# manually create a session cookie
% curl -b cookie -c cookie \
   -d username=testuser -d password=testpassword \

# run the test script
% COOKIES=cookie bash test/

Example Webauthn2 configuration

This configuration allows Hatrac to share an existing Webauthn2 deployment from an ERMrest installation (if ERMrest is configured with the same cookie name and path settings):

      "require_client": true,
      "require_attributes": true, 
      "listusers_permit": ["admin"], 
      "listattributes_permit": ["admin"], 
      "manageusers_permit": ["admin"], 
      "manageattributes_permit": ["admin"], 
      "session_expiration_minutes": 30, 
      "def_passwd_len": 10, 
      "hash_passwd_reps": 1000,
      "sessionids_provider": "webcookie", 
      "sessionstates_provider": "database", 
      "clients_provider": "database", 
      "attributes_provider": "database", 
      "handler_uri_usersession": "/ermrest/authn/session", 
      "web_cookie_name": "ermrest", 
      "web_cookie_path": "/", 
      "web_cookie_secure": true, 
      "setheader": false,

      "database_schema": "webauthn2", 
      "database_type": "postgres", 
      "database_name": "ermrest", 
      "database_max_retries": 5

Note: at present, Hatrac does not expose any Webauthn2 REST APIs so you MUST share an existing deployment as above if you want to use a local account and session-based login for testing. Additionally, you must then grant the ermrest role to the hatrac role in PostgreSQL so that Hatrac can look up client authentication information at runtime.

Example Apache configuration

See the sample wsgi_hatrac.conf file in the git repo, which would be installed under /etc/httpd/conf.d/ on Red Hat flavored machines:

AllowEncodedSlashes On

WSGIPythonOptimize 1
WSGIDaemonProcess hatrac processes=4 threads=4 user=hatrac maximum-requests=2000
WSGIScriptAlias /hatrac /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hatrac/hatrac.wsgi
WSGIPassAuthorization On

WSGISocketPrefix /var/run/wsgi/wsgi

<Location /hatrac>

   Require all granted

   WSGIProcessGroup hatrac

Working with SE-Linux

The following is an example set of commands to allow Hatrac to write to the filesystem in a Fedora installation. On other distributions, the appropriate path and SE-Linux contexts might vary slightly:

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db on
semanage fcontext --add --type httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/www/hatrac(/.*)?"
restorecon -rv /var/www/hatrac