An Ansible role that installs Drush on Linux.
Supports global installation via Composer or via packaged download (faster).
- Composer (only required if installing via Composer rather than from a packaged download).
- PEAR (only required to install Drush 6 & below).
Available variables are listed below, along with their default values (see defaults/main.yml):
drush_install_path: /usr/local/share/drush
The location of the entire drush installation (includes all the supporting files, as well as the drush executable file.
drush_path: /usr/local/bin/drush
The path where drush will be installed and available to your system. Should be in your user's $PATH so you can run commands simply with drush
instead of the full path.
drush_version: 8.1.0
The version of Drush to install (examples: "8.0.2", "7.x", "7.1.0", "master"). This should be a string as it refers to a git branch, tag, or commit hash.
drush_prefer_packaged_download: true
If set to true
, the role will attempt to install Drush from a downloaded .phar file. Note that .phar files are only available through later releases of Drush and will require drush_version
to be set to 8.0.0-rc3
or higher.
drush_composer_path: /usr/local/bin/composer
Path to where Composer is installed.
drush_keep_updated: no
Whether to keep Drush up-to-date with the latest revision of the branch specified by drush_version.
- hosts: servers
- { role: hashbangcode.pantheon-cli }
This role was created by Dan Bohea originally for use with Vlad.
Hat tip to @geerlingguy. Some of this role is based on his Drush role.