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MERA with Language Model Evaluation Harness

MERA: Multimodal Evaluation for Russian-language Architectures

The LM-harness support for the MERA benchmark datasets.


This project provides a unified framework to test generative language models on MERA benchmark and its evaluation tasks.


To install lm-eval from the repository main branch, run:

pip install -e .

To support loading GPTQ quantized models, install the package with the auto-gptq extra:

pip install -e ".[auto-gptq]"

MERA Benchmark:

Run full benchmark with bash script

Sample command to run benchmark with ai-forever/rugpt3large_based_on_gpt2 model from Huggingface Hub:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 MERA_FOLDER="$PWD/mera_results/rugpt3large_760m_defaults" MERA_MODEL_STRING="pretrained=ai-forever/rugpt3large_based_on_gpt2,dtype=auto" bash

Use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to set cuda device visibility, MERA_FOLDER for path to store outputs, MERA_MODEL_STRING to setup model_args parameter of lm-evaluation-harness's Use MERA_COMMON_SETUP to change default parameters for model inferencing with (defaults are --model hf-causal --device cuda --max_batch_size=64 --batch_size=auto --inference). See more on parameters in next section.

Run specific bencmark manually (ruMMLU example)

Running specific benchmark available with script.


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 python --model hf-causal --model_args pretrained=mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1,dtype=auto,max_length=11000 \
--device cuda --output_base_path="$PWD/mera_results/Mistral-7B-v0.1_defaults" --max_batch_size=16 --batch_size=auto \
--inference --write_out --tasks rummlu --num_fewshot=5 \

Notes on settings

Use --tasks to provide comma separated list of tasks to run (available options are: bps, chegeka, lcs, mathlogicqa, multiq, parus, rcb, rudetox, ruethics, ruhatespeech, ruhhh, ruhumaneval, rummlu, rumodar, rumultiar, ruopenbookqa, rutie, ruworldtree, rwsd, simplear, use). Avoiding this argument will run all tasks with same provided settings.

--num_fewshot sets fewshot count. MERA supposes to run tasks with the following fewshot count:

  • --num_fewshot=0 (zeroshot) with multiq, parus, rcb, rumodar, rwsd, use, rudetox, ruethics, ruhatespeech, ruhhh, rutie, and ruhumaneval;
  • --num_fewshot=2 with bps and lcs;
  • --num_fewshot=4 with chegeka;
  • --num_fewshot=5 with mathlogicqa, ruworldtree, ruopenbookqa, simplear, rumultiar, and rummlu.

Use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to set cuda device visibility (setting --device cuda:3 works inconsisitently).

--model hf-causal is used for models compatible with transformers' AutoModelForCausalLM class and is most stable with MERA benchmark. You can try to use unstable hf-causal-experimental (AutoModelForCausalLM compatible) or hf-seq2seq (AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM) for your model.

--model_args is for comma separated parameters of from_pretrained method of autoclass. One should be aware of hardware requirements to run big models and limit maximum input length of models with parameter max_length to avoid out-of-memory errors during run.

--batch_size=auto is set to determine batch size for run automatically based on tasks and inputs maximum value to start search down is set with --max_batch_size. Bigger batches may speed up running whole MERA benchmark.

--output_base_path is path to dir (will be created) to store data for submission preparation and logs.

--inference important to use this key always, it allows to run on datasets without proper replies provided (score result 0 will be reported).

--write_out turn on extra logging, should be always on if the submission may be made public.

--no_cache is used to turn off caching of model files (datasets are not cached).

--output_path path to extra log file with parameters of run and results of task. It is preferred to be inside output_base_path directory.

Convert lm-harness to submission

Bash script above runs submission zip packing routine. Here is the way to run packing manually.

For converting run

python scripts/

Cmd arguments:

  • --outputs_dir — path to directory with outputs (MERA_FOLDER from bash script above)
  • --dst_dir — directory for store submission zip
  • --dataset_dir — path to lm_eval/datasets/
  • --logs_public_submit (--no-logs_public_submit) — pack logs for public submission in separate file (true by default)