Utilities for phpIPAM, which is an open-source web IP address management application (IPAM).
Copy phpipam.conf.tmp as phpipam.conf and update configuration items. Some utilities requires the brother_ql command.
- phpipam2dhcpd
- phpipam2fzone
- phpipam2rzone
- Labels
- phpipam2label-ips
- phpipam2label-devs
- Administrative
- nmap2phpipam
- dns2phpipam
- updateaddresses
- phpipam2razor
- phpipam2ports
phpipam2dhcpd generates the configuration file for the ISC DHCP server. The utilitity requires read access for both API and user. Typical usage:
$ ./phpipam2dhcp [--no-vlan] <subnet>
$ ./phpipam2dhcpd # create file for isc-dhcp-server
phpipam2fzone generates the forward zone file for the bind DNS server. The utilitity requires read access for both API and user. Typical usage:
$ ./phpipam2fzone [--no-vlan] [--no-header] <subnet> [<subnet> ...]
$ ./phpipam2fzone # create db.ncbr.muni.cz file for bind server
phpipam2rzone generates the reverse zone file for the bind DNS server. The utilitity requires read access for both API and user. Typical usage:
$ ./phpipam2rzone [--no-vlan] [--no-header] <subnet>
$ ./phpipam2rzone # create db.147.251.90 file for bind server
phpipam2label-ips prints labels for IPs (hosts) on Brother QL-700 printer. This command requires the brother_ql command. Typical output is then:
./phpipam2label-ips -h # print help page
./phpipam2label-ips -s -n wolf18.ncbr.muni.cz
phpipam2label-devs prints labels for devices on Brother QL-700 printer. This command requires the brother_ql command. Typical usage is:
./phpipam2label-devs -h # print help page
./phpipam2label-devs -n 1.18SW1
nmap2phpipam populates given subnet with addresses retrieved by ARP scanning of subnet by nmap. The utilitity requires read/write access for both API and user. Typical usage:
# nmap -sP -PR -oX
$ ./nmap2phpipam -test # test mode - do not update IPAM
$ ./nmap2phpipam
dns2phpipam populates given subnet with addresses retrieved by scanning of DNS server. The utilitity requires read/write access for both API and user. Typical usage:
$ ./dns2phpipam -test # test mode - do not update IPAM
$ ./dns2phpipam
updateaddresses does mass update of addresses according to the user rules provided in the code. The utilitity requires read/write access for both API and user. Typical usage:
$ ./updateaddresses
phpipam2razor generates list of hosts with razor classes. The utilitity requires read access for both API and user. Typical usage:
$ ./phpipam2razor > nodes
phpipam2ports generates description of ports of given device. The utilitity requires read access for both API and user. Typical usage:
$ ./phpipam2ports 2S027SW2A # create 2S027SW2A.ports file