- 9eef185c Add enableServiceLinks to pod spec
- 22ad2d1b Test against K8s 1.27.1 (#82)
- d3e98559 Use uid 65534 and test against K8s 1.27.0 (#81)
- f6a0ef16 Use ghcr.io/appscode/gengo (#80)
- 00cbce63 Use ghcr.io for appscode/golang-dev (#79)
- 8f21c8dd Update workflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#78)
- c53f9fe Prepare for release v2023.05.05 (#40)
- 0236b6a Test against K8s 1.27.1 (#39)
- 78c39e1 Use uid 65534 and test against K8s 1.27.0 (#38)
- 6e9dccc Use ghcr.io for appscode/golang-dev (#37)
- 87a6550 Update workflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#36)
- 139070bf Prepare for release v0.15.0 (#175)
- 86f87a0a Use ghcr.io for appscode/golang-dev (#174)
- ce2d1f90 Update workflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#173)
- eb90293 Prepare for release v2023.05.05 (#202)
- a43f89a Test against K8s 1.27.1 (#201)
- 10c283c Use uid 65534 and test against K8s 1.27.0 (#200)
- a07923e Use ghcr.io/appscode/gengo (#199)
- c1d0d8b Stop publishing to docker hub
- f66a6cd Use ghcr.io for appscode/golang-dev (#198)
- e246fef Update workflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#197)
- db46b65 Prepare for release v2023.05.05 (#421)
- f98f2bd Update workflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#419)
- bd48a69 Update wrokflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#417)
- 65c11c92 Prepare for release v0.15.0 (#99)
- 2836dc90 Configure enableServiceLinks to pod spec (#98)
- 6773611a Add Random Suffix with Secret Name (#97)
- 7536eece Create SA Token Secret if it does not exist (#96)
- 53843506 Use uid 65534 and test against K8s 1.27.0 (#95)
- fcc21ef1 Use ghcr.io for appscode/golang-dev (#94)
- 20b4f38e Update workflows (Go 1.20, k8s 1.26) (#93)