-| image.repository | | "dbgate/dbgate"
-| image.pullPolicy | | Always
-| image.tag | Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. | "alpine"
-| imagePullSecrets | | []
-| nameOverride | | ""
-| fullnameOverride | | ""
-| serviceAccount.create | Specifies whether a service account should be created | true
-| serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations to add to the service account | {}
-| serviceAccount.name | The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template | ""
-| podAnnotations | | {}
-| podSecurityContext | | {}
-| service.type | | ClusterIP
-| service.port | | 80
-| resources | | {}
-| nodeSelector | | {}
-| tolerations | | []
-| affinity | | {}
-| namespace.create | | false
-| gateway.className | | "ace"
-| gateway.port | | 8082
-| gateway.tlsSecretRef.name | | service-presets-cert
-| gateway.tlsSecretRef.namespace | | ace
-| gateway.referenceGrant.create | | true
-| keda.proxyService.namespace | | "keda"
-| keda.proxyService.name | | "keda-add-ons-http-interceptor-proxy"
-| keda.proxyService.port | | 8080
-| targetPendingRequests | | 200
-| autoscaling.http.minReplicas | | 0
-| autoscaling.http.maxReplicas | | 1
-| app.service.name | | ""
-| app.service.namespace | | ""
-| app.authSecret.name | | ""
+| Parameter | Description | Default |
+| replicaCount | | 1
+| image.repository | | "dbgate/dbgate"
+| image.pullPolicy | | Always
+| image.tag | Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. | "alpine"
+| imagePullSecrets | | []
+| nameOverride | | ""
+| fullnameOverride | | ""
+| serviceAccount.create | Specifies whether a service account should be created | true
+| serviceAccount.annotations | Annotations to add to the service account | {}
+| serviceAccount.name | The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template | ""
+| podAnnotations | | {}
+| podSecurityContext | | {}
+| service.type | | ClusterIP
+| service.port | | 80
+| resources | | {}
+| nodeSelector | | {}
+| tolerations | | []
+| affinity | | {}
+| namespace.create | | false
+| gateway.className | | "ace"
+| gateway.port | | 8082
+| gateway.tlsSecretRef.name | | service-presets-cert
+| gateway.tlsSecretRef.namespace | | ace
+| gateway.referenceGrant.create | | true
+| keda.proxyService.namespace | | "keda"
+| keda.proxyService.name | | "keda-add-ons-http-interceptor-proxy"
+| keda.proxyService.port | | 8080
+| targetPendingRequests | | 200
+| autoscaling.http.minReplicas | | 0
+| autoscaling.http.maxReplicas | | 1
+| app.kind | MicrosoftSQLServer: mssql@dbgate-plugin-mssql MySQL: mysql@dbgate-plugin-mysql MariaDB: mariadb@dbgate-plugin-mysql Postgres: postgres@dbgate-plugin-postgres MongoDB: mongo@dbgate-plugin-mongo Redis: redis@dbgate-plugin-redis | ""
+| app.service.name | | ""
+| app.service.namespace | | ""
+| app.authSecret.name | | ""
Specify each parameter using the `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm upgrade -i`. For example:
diff --git a/charts/dbgate/ci/ci-values.yaml b/charts/dbgate/ci/ci-values.yaml
index 91704494c..e86231b47 100644
--- a/charts/dbgate/ci/ci-values.yaml
+++ b/charts/dbgate/ci/ci-values.yaml
@@ -4,3 +4,10 @@ namespace:
# securityContext:
# seccompProfile:
# type: RuntimeDefault
+ kind: "Postgres"
+ service:
+ name: "pg"
+ namespace: "demo"
+ authSecret:
+ name: "pg-auth"
diff --git a/charts/dbgate/templates/deployment.yaml b/charts/dbgate/templates/deployment.yaml
index e8dcebffe..5de62d2fc 100644
--- a/charts/dbgate/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/charts/dbgate/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+{{ $engines := dict }}
+{{ $_ := set $engines "MicrosoftSQLServer" (dict "name" "mssql@dbgate-plugin-mssql") }}
+{{ $_ := set $engines "MySQL" (dict "name" "mysql@dbgate-plugin-mysql") }}
+{{ $_ := set $engines "MariaDB" (dict "name" "mariadb@dbgate-plugin-mysql") }}
+{{ $_ := set $engines "Postgres" (dict "name" "postgres@dbgate-plugin-postgres") }}
+{{ $_ := set $engines "MongoDB" (dict "name" "mongo@dbgate-plugin-mongo") }}
+{{ $_ := set $engines "Redis" (dict "name" "redis@dbgate-plugin-redis") }}
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
@@ -38,22 +46,22 @@ spec:
value: "PRIMARY"
- value: "postgres@dbgate-plugin-postgres"
+ value: {{ dig .Values.app.kind "name" "