diff --git a/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/issuer.yaml b/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/issuer.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea6a866c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/issuer.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
+kind: Issuer
+ name: pgpool-issuer
+ namespace: demo
+ ca:
+ secretName: pgpool-ca
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/pgpool.yaml b/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/pgpool.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a41347db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/pgpool.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+apiVersion: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
+kind: Pgpool
+ name: pgpool
+ namespace: demo
+ version: "4.5.0"
+ replicas: 1
+ postgresRef:
+ name: ha-postgres
+ namespace: demo
+ deletionPolicy: WipeOut
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/examples/pgpool/restart/ops.yaml b/docs/examples/pgpool/restart/ops.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9dd958c29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples/pgpool/restart/ops.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+apiVersion: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+kind: PgpoolOpsRequest
+ name: restart-pgpool
+ namespace: demo
+ type: Restart
+ databaseRef:
+ name: pgpool
+ timeout: 3m
+ apply: Always
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/examples/pgpool/restart/pgpool.yaml b/docs/examples/pgpool/restart/pgpool.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d61d4163b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examples/pgpool/restart/pgpool.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+apiVersion: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
+kind: Pgpool
+ name: pgpool
+ namespace: demo
+ version: "4.4.5"
+ replicas: 1
+ postgresRef:
+ name: ha-postgres
+ namespace: demo
+ deletionPolicy: WipeOut
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/_index.md b/docs/guides/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75a665f6a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+title: Reconfigure Pgpool TLS/SSL
+ docs_{{ .version }}:
+ identifier: pp-reconfigure-tls
+ name: Reconfigure TLS/SSL
+ parent: pp-pgpool-guides
+ weight: 46
+menu_name: docs_{{ .version }}
diff --git a/docs/guides/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/overview.md b/docs/guides/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/overview.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..799f9eaad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/overview.md
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+title: Reconfiguring TLS of Pgpool
+ docs_{{ .version }}:
+ identifier: pp-reconfigure-tls-overview
+ name: Overview
+ parent: pp-reconfigure-tls
+ weight: 10
+menu_name: docs_{{ .version }}
+section_menu_id: guides
+> New to KubeDB? Please start [here](/docs/README.md).
+# Reconfiguring TLS of Pgpool
+This guide will give an overview on how KubeDB Ops-manager operator reconfigures TLS configuration i.e. add TLS, remove TLS, update issuer/cluster issuer or Certificates and rotate the certificates of a `Pgpool`.
+## Before You Begin
+- You should be familiar with the following `KubeDB` concepts:
+ - [Pgpool](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/pgpool.md)
+ - [PgpoolOpsRequest](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/opsrequest.md)
+## How Reconfiguring Pgpool TLS Configuration Process Works
+The following diagram shows how KubeDB Ops-manager operator reconfigures TLS of a `Pgpool`. Open the image in a new tab to see the enlarged version.
+The Reconfiguring Pgpool TLS process consists of the following steps:
+1. At first, a user creates a `Pgpool` Custom Resource Object (CRO).
+2. `KubeDB` Provisioner operator watches the `Pgpool` CRO.
+3. When the operator finds a `Pgpool` CR, it creates `PetSet` and related necessary stuff like secrets, services, etc.
+4. Then, in order to reconfigure the TLS configuration of the `Pgpool` the user creates a `PgpoolOpsRequest` CR with desired information.
+5. `KubeDB` Ops-manager operator watches the `PgpoolOpsRequest` CR.
+6. When it finds a `PgpoolOpsRequest` CR, it pauses the `Pgpool` object which is referred from the `PgpoolOpsRequest`. So, the `KubeDB` Provisioner operator doesn't perform any operations on the `Pgpool` object during the reconfiguring TLS process.
+7. Then the `KubeDB` Ops-manager operator will add, remove, update or rotate TLS configuration based on the Ops Request yaml.
+8. Then the `KubeDB` Ops-manager operator will restart all the Pods of the pgpool so that they restart with the new TLS configuration defined in the `PgpoolOpsRequest` CR.
+9. After the successful reconfiguring of the `Pgpool` TLS, the `KubeDB` Ops-manager operator resumes the `Pgpool` object so that the `KubeDB` Provisioner operator resumes its usual operations.
+In the next docs, we are going to show a step-by-step guide on reconfiguring TLS configuration of a Pgpool using `PgpoolOpsRequest` CRD.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/guides/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/reconfigure-tls.md b/docs/guides/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/reconfigure-tls.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..608ec62ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/reconfigure-tls.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1046 @@
+title: Reconfigure Pgpool TLS/SSL Encryption
+ docs_{{ .version }}:
+ identifier: pp-reconfigure-tls-rs
+ name: Reconfigure Pgpool TLS/SSL Encryption
+ parent: pp-reconfigure-tls
+ weight: 10
+menu_name: docs_{{ .version }}
+section_menu_id: guides
+> New to KubeDB? Please start [here](/docs/README.md).
+# Reconfigure Pgpool TLS/SSL (Transport Encryption)
+KubeDB supports reconfigure i.e. add, remove, update and rotation of TLS/SSL certificates for existing Pgpool database via a PgpoolOpsRequest. This tutorial will show you how to use KubeDB to reconfigure TLS/SSL encryption.
+## Before You Begin
+- At first, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using [kind](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start/).
+- Install [`cert-manger`](https://cert-manager.io/docs/installation/) v1.0.0 or later to your cluster to manage your SSL/TLS certificates.
+- Now, install KubeDB cli on your workstation and KubeDB operator in your cluster following the steps [here](/docs/setup/README.md).
+- To keep things isolated, this tutorial uses a separate namespace called `demo` throughout this tutorial.
+ ```bash
+ $ kubectl create ns demo
+ namespace/demo created
+ ```
+> Note: YAML files used in this tutorial are stored in [docs/examples/pgpool](https://github.com/kubedb/docs/tree/{{< param "info.version" >}}/docs/examples/pgpool) folder in GitHub repository [kubedb/docs](https://github.com/kubedb/docs).
+## Add TLS to a Pgpool
+Here, We are going to create a Pgpool database without TLS and then reconfigure the pgpool to use TLS.
+### Prepare Postgres
+Prepare a KubeDB Postgres cluster using this [tutorial](/docs/guides/postgres/clustering/streaming_replication.md), or you can use any externally managed postgres but in that case you need to create an [appbinding](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/appbinding.md) yourself. In this tutorial we will use 3 node Postgres cluster named `ha-postgres`.
+### Deploy Pgpool without TLS
+In this section, we are going to deploy a Pgpool without TLS. In the next few sections we will reconfigure TLS using `PgpoolOpsRequest` CRD. Below is the YAML of the `Pgpool` CR that we are going to create,
+apiVersion: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
+kind: Pgpool
+ name: pgpool
+ namespace: demo
+ version: "4.5.0"
+ replicas: 1
+ postgresRef:
+ name: ha-postgres
+ namespace: demo
+ deletionPolicy: WipeOut
+Let's create the `Pgpool` CR we have shown above,
+$ kubectl create -f https://github.com/kubedb/docs/raw/{{< param "info.version" >}}/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/pgpool.yaml
+pgpool.kubedb.com/pgpool created
+Now, wait until `pgpool` has status `Ready`. i.e,
+$ kubectl get pp -n demo
+pgpool kubedb.com/v1alpha2 4.5.0 Ready 21s
+$ kubectl dba describe pgpool pgpool -n demo
+Name: pgpool
+Namespace: demo
+API Version: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
+Kind: Pgpool
+ Creation Timestamp: 2024-07-18T07:38:54Z
+ Finalizers:
+ kubedb.com
+ Generation: 2
+ Managed Fields:
+ API Version: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
+ Fields Type: FieldsV1
+ fieldsV1:
+ f:metadata:
+ f:annotations:
+ .:
+ f:kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration:
+ f:spec:
+ .:
+ f:clientAuthMode:
+ f:deletionPolicy:
+ f:healthChecker:
+ .:
+ f:failureThreshold:
+ f:periodSeconds:
+ f:timeoutSeconds:
+ f:postgresRef:
+ .:
+ f:name:
+ f:namespace:
+ f:replicas:
+ f:version:
+ Manager: kubectl-client-side-apply
+ Operation: Update
+ Time: 2024-07-18T07:38:54Z
+ API Version: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
+ Fields Type: FieldsV1
+ fieldsV1:
+ f:metadata:
+ f:finalizers:
+ .:
+ v:"kubedb.com":
+ f:spec:
+ f:authSecret:
+ Manager: kubedb-provisioner
+ Operation: Update
+ Time: 2024-07-18T07:38:54Z
+ API Version: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
+ Fields Type: FieldsV1
+ fieldsV1:
+ f:status:
+ .:
+ f:conditions:
+ f:phase:
+ Manager: kubedb-provisioner
+ Operation: Update
+ Subresource: status
+ Time: 2024-07-18T07:39:07Z
+ Resource Version: 98658
+ UID: 4c7a00d5-9c52-4e6b-aa74-98e82285d9e1
+ Auth Secret:
+ Name: pgpool-auth
+ Client Auth Mode: md5
+ Deletion Policy: WipeOut
+ Health Checker:
+ Failure Threshold: 1
+ Period Seconds: 10
+ Timeout Seconds: 10
+ Pod Template:
+ Controller:
+ Metadata:
+ Spec:
+ Containers:
+ Name: pgpool
+ Resources:
+ Limits:
+ Memory: 1Gi
+ Requests:
+ Cpu: 500m
+ Memory: 1Gi
+ Security Context:
+ Allow Privilege Escalation: false
+ Capabilities:
+ Drop:
+ Run As Group: 70
+ Run As Non Root: true
+ Run As User: 70
+ Seccomp Profile:
+ Type: RuntimeDefault
+ Pod Placement Policy:
+ Name: default
+ Security Context:
+ Fs Group: 70
+ Postgres Ref:
+ Name: ha-postgres
+ Namespace: demo
+ Replicas: 1
+ Ssl Mode: disable
+ Version: 4.5.0
+ Conditions:
+ Last Transition Time: 2024-07-18T07:38:54Z
+ Message: The KubeDB operator has started the provisioning of Pgpool: demo/pgpool
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: DatabaseProvisioningStartedSuccessfully
+ Status: True
+ Type: ProvisioningStarted
+ Last Transition Time: 2024-07-18T07:38:56Z
+ Message: All replicas are ready for Pgpool demo/pgpool
+ Observed Generation: 2
+ Reason: AllReplicasReady
+ Status: True
+ Type: ReplicaReady
+ Last Transition Time: 2024-07-18T07:39:06Z
+ Message: pgpool demo/pgpool is accepting connection
+ Observed Generation: 2
+ Reason: AcceptingConnection
+ Status: True
+ Type: AcceptingConnection
+ Last Transition Time: 2024-07-18T07:39:06Z
+ Message: pgpool demo/pgpool is ready
+ Observed Generation: 2
+ Reason: AllReplicasReady
+ Status: True
+ Type: Ready
+ Last Transition Time: 2024-07-18T07:39:06Z
+ Message: The Pgpool: demo/pgpool is successfully provisioned.
+ Observed Generation: 2
+ Reason: DatabaseSuccessfullyProvisioned
+ Status: True
+ Type: Provisioned
+ Phase: Ready
+Now, we let exec into a pgpool pod and verify that the TLS is disabled.
+$ kubectl exec -it -n demo pgpool-0 -- bash
+pgpool-0:/$ cat opt/pgpool-II/etc/pgpool.conf
+backend_hostname0 = 'ha-postgres.demo.svc'
+backend_port0 = 5432
+backend_weight0 = 1
+backend_hostname1 = 'ha-postgres-standby.demo.svc'
+backend_port1 = 5432
+backend_weight1 = 1
+backend_flag1 = 'DISALLOW_TO_FAILOVER'
+enable_pool_hba = on
+listen_addresses = *
+port = 9999
+socket_dir = '/var/run/pgpool'
+pcp_listen_addresses = *
+pcp_port = 9595
+pcp_socket_dir = '/var/run/pgpool'
+log_per_node_statement = on
+sr_check_period = 0
+health_check_period = 0
+backend_clustering_mode = 'streaming_replication'
+num_init_children = 5
+max_pool = 15
+child_life_time = 300
+child_max_connections = 0
+connection_life_time = 0
+client_idle_limit = 0
+connection_cache = on
+load_balance_mode = on
+ssl = 'off'
+failover_on_backend_error = 'off'
+log_min_messages = 'warning'
+statement_level_load_balance = 'off'
+memory_cache_enabled = 'off'
+memqcache_oiddir = '/tmp/oiddir/'
+allow_clear_text_frontend_auth = 'false'
+failover_on_backend_error = 'off'
+pgpool-0:/$ exit
+We can see from the above output that `ssl='off'` so we can verify that TLS is disabled for this pgpool.
+### Create Issuer/ ClusterIssuer
+Now, We are going to create an example `Issuer` that will be used to enable SSL/TLS in Pgpool. Alternatively, you can follow this [cert-manager tutorial](https://cert-manager.io/docs/configuration/ca/) to create your own `Issuer`.
+- Start off by generating a ca certificates using openssl.
+$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./ca.key -out ./ca.crt -subj "/CN=ca/O=kubedb"
+Generating a RSA private key
+writing new private key to './ca.key'
+- Now we are going to create a ca-secret using the certificate files that we have just generated.
+$ kubectl create secret tls pgpool-ca \
+ --cert=ca.crt \
+ --key=ca.key \
+ --namespace=demo
+secret/pgpool-ca created
+Now, Let's create an `Issuer` using the `pgpool-ca` secret that we have just created. The `YAML` file looks like this:
+apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
+kind: Issuer
+ name: pgpool-issuer
+ namespace: demo
+ ca:
+ secretName: pgpool-ca
+Let's apply the `YAML` file:
+$ kubectl create -f https://github.com/kubedb/docs/raw/{{< param "info.version" >}}/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/issuer.yaml
+issuer.cert-manager.io/pgpool-issuer created
+### Create PgpoolOpsRequest
+In order to add TLS to the pgpool, we have to create a `PgpoolOpsRequest` CRO with our created issuer. Below is the YAML of the `PgpoolOpsRequest` CRO that we are going to create,
+apiVersion: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+kind: PgpoolOpsRequest
+ name: ppops-add-tls
+ namespace: demo
+ type: ReconfigureTLS
+ databaseRef:
+ name: pgpool
+ tls:
+ sslMode: require
+ clientAuthMode: cert
+ issuerRef:
+ name: pgpool-issuer
+ kind: Issuer
+ apiGroup: "cert-manager.io"
+ certificates:
+ - alias: client
+ subject:
+ organizations:
+ - pgpool
+ organizationalUnits:
+ - client
+ timeout: 5m
+ apply: IfReady
+- `spec.databaseRef.name` specifies that we are performing reconfigure TLS operation on `mg-rs` database.
+- `spec.type` specifies that we are performing `ReconfigureTLS` on our database.
+- `spec.tls.issuerRef` specifies the issuer name, kind and api group.
+- `spec.tls.certificates` specifies the certificates. You can learn more about this field from [here](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/pgpool.md#spectls).
+- `spec.tls.sslMode` is the ssl mode of the server. You can see the details [here](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/pgpool.md#specsslmode).
+- `spec.tls.clientAuthMode` is the authentication mode of the server. You can see the details [here](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/pgpool.md#specclientauthmode).
+- The meaning of `spec.timeout` & `spec.apply` fields will be found [here](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/opsrequest.md#spectimeout)
+Let's create the `PgpoolOpsRequest` CR we have shown above,
+$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubedb/docs/raw/{{< param "info.version" >}}/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/ppops-add-tls.yaml
+pgpoolopsrequest.ops.kubedb.com/ppops-add-tls created
+#### Verify TLS Enabled Successfully
+Let's wait for `PgpoolOpsRequest` to be `Successful`. Run the following command to watch `PgpoolOpsRequest` CRO,
+$ kubectl get pgpoolopsrequest -n demo
+Every 2.0s: kubectl get pgpoolopsrequest -n demo
+mops-add-tls ReconfigureTLS Successful 91s
+We can see from the above output that the `PgpoolOpsRequest` has succeeded. If we describe the `PgpoolOpsRequest` we will get an overview of the steps that were followed.
+$ kubectl describe pgpoolopsrequest -n demo mops-add-tls
+Name: mops-add-tls
+Namespace: demo
+API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+Kind: PgpoolOpsRequest
+ Creation Timestamp: 2021-03-11T13:32:18Z
+ Generation: 1
+ Managed Fields:
+ API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+ Fields Type: FieldsV1
+ fieldsV1:
+ f:metadata:
+ f:annotations:
+ .:
+ f:kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration:
+ f:spec:
+ .:
+ f:databaseRef:
+ .:
+ f:name:
+ f:tls:
+ .:
+ f:certificates:
+ f:issuerRef:
+ .:
+ f:apiGroup:
+ f:kind:
+ f:name:
+ f:type:
+ Manager: kubectl-client-side-apply
+ Operation: Update
+ Time: 2021-03-11T13:32:18Z
+ API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+ Fields Type: FieldsV1
+ fieldsV1:
+ f:status:
+ .:
+ f:conditions:
+ f:observedGeneration:
+ f:phase:
+ Manager: kubedb-enterprise
+ Operation: Update
+ Time: 2021-03-11T13:32:19Z
+ Resource Version: 488264
+ Self Link: /apis/ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1/namespaces/demo/pgpoolopsrequests/mops-add-tls
+ UID: 0024ec16-0d43-4686-a2d7-1cdeb96e41a5
+ Database Ref:
+ Name: mg-rs
+ Tls:
+ Certificates:
+ Alias: client
+ Subject:
+ Organizational Units:
+ client
+ Organizations:
+ mongo
+ Issuer Ref:
+ API Group: cert-manager.io
+ Kind: Issuer
+ Name: mg-issuer
+ Type: ReconfigureTLS
+ Conditions:
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T13:32:19Z
+ Message: Pgpool ops request is reconfiguring TLS
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: ReconfigureTLS
+ Status: True
+ Type: ReconfigureTLS
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T13:32:25Z
+ Message: Successfully Updated StatefulSets
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: TLSAdded
+ Status: True
+ Type: TLSAdded
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T13:34:25Z
+ Message: Successfully Restarted ReplicaSet nodes
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: RestartReplicaSet
+ Status: True
+ Type: RestartReplicaSet
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T13:34:25Z
+ Message: Successfully Reconfigured TLS
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: Successful
+ Status: True
+ Type: Successful
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Phase: Successful
+ Type Reason Age From Message
+ ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
+ Normal PauseDatabase 2m10s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Pausing Pgpool demo/mg-rs
+ Normal PauseDatabase 2m10s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully paused Pgpool demo/mg-rs
+ Normal TLSAdded 2m10s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Updated StatefulSets
+ Normal RestartReplicaSet 10s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Restarted ReplicaSet nodes
+ Normal ResumeDatabase 10s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Resuming Pgpool demo/mg-rs
+ Normal ResumeDatabase 10s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully resumed Pgpool demo/mg-rs
+ Normal Successful 10s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Reconfigured TLS
+Now, Let's exec into a database primary node and find out the username to connect in a mongo shell,
+$ kubectl exec -it mg-rs-2 -n demo bash
+root@mgo-rs-tls-2:/$ ls /var/run/pgpool/tls
+ca.crt client.pem mongo.pem
+root@mgo-rs-tls-2:/$ openssl x509 -in /var/run/pgpool/tls/client.pem -inform PEM -subject -nameopt RFC2253 -noout
+Now, we can connect using `CN=root,OU=client,O=mongo` as root to connect to the mongo shell of the master pod,
+root@mgo-rs-tls-2:/$ mongo --tls --tlsCAFile /var/run/pgpool/tls/ca.crt --tlsCertificateKeyFile /var/run/pgpool/tls/client.pem admin --host localhost --authenticationMechanism MONGODB-X509 --authenticationDatabase='$external' -u "CN=root,OU=client,O=mongo" --quiet
+We are connected to the mongo shell. Let's run some command to verify the sslMode and the user,
+rs0:PRIMARY> db.adminCommand({ getParameter:1, sslMode:1 })
+ "sslMode" : "requireSSL",
+ "ok" : 1,
+ "$clusterTime" : {
+ "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1615472249, 1),
+ "signature" : {
+ "keyId" : NumberLong(0)
+ }
+ },
+ "operationTime" : Timestamp(1615472249, 1)
+We can see from the above output that, `sslMode` is set to `requireSSL`. So, database TLS is enabled successfully to this database.
+## Rotate Certificate
+Now we are going to rotate the certificate of this database. First let's check the current expiration date of the certificate.
+$ kubectl exec -it mg-rs-2 -n demo bash
+root@mg-rs-2:/# openssl x509 -in /var/run/pgpool/tls/client.pem -inform PEM -enddate -nameopt RFC2253 -noout
+notAfter=Jun 9 13:32:20 2021 GMT
+So, the certificate will expire on this time `Jun 9 13:32:20 2021 GMT`.
+### Create PgpoolOpsRequest
+Now we are going to increase it using a PgpoolOpsRequest. Below is the yaml of the ops request that we are going to create,
+apiVersion: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+kind: PgpoolOpsRequest
+ name: mops-rotate
+ namespace: demo
+ type: ReconfigureTLS
+ databaseRef:
+ name: mg-rs
+ tls:
+ rotateCertificates: true
+- `spec.databaseRef.name` specifies that we are performing reconfigure TLS operation on `mg-rs` database.
+- `spec.type` specifies that we are performing `ReconfigureTLS` on our database.
+- `spec.tls.rotateCertificates` specifies that we want to rotate the certificate of this database.
+Let's create the `PgpoolOpsRequest` CR we have shown above,
+$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubedb/docs/raw/{{< param "info.version" >}}/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/mops-rotate.yaml
+pgpoolopsrequest.ops.kubedb.com/mops-rotate created
+#### Verify Certificate Rotated Successfully
+Let's wait for `PgpoolOpsRequest` to be `Successful`. Run the following command to watch `PgpoolOpsRequest` CRO,
+$ kubectl get pgpoolopsrequest -n demo
+Every 2.0s: kubectl get pgpoolopsrequest -n demo
+mops-rotate ReconfigureTLS Successful 112s
+We can see from the above output that the `PgpoolOpsRequest` has succeeded. If we describe the `PgpoolOpsRequest` we will get an overview of the steps that were followed.
+$ kubectl describe pgpoolopsrequest -n demo mops-rotate
+Name: mops-rotate
+Namespace: demo
+API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+Kind: PgpoolOpsRequest
+ Creation Timestamp: 2021-03-11T16:17:55Z
+ Generation: 1
+ Managed Fields:
+ API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+ Fields Type: FieldsV1
+ fieldsV1:
+ f:metadata:
+ f:annotations:
+ .:
+ f:kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration:
+ f:spec:
+ .:
+ f:databaseRef:
+ .:
+ f:name:
+ f:tls:
+ .:
+ f:rotateCertificates:
+ f:type:
+ Manager: kubectl-client-side-apply
+ Operation: Update
+ Time: 2021-03-11T16:17:55Z
+ API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+ Fields Type: FieldsV1
+ fieldsV1:
+ f:status:
+ .:
+ f:conditions:
+ f:observedGeneration:
+ f:phase:
+ Manager: kubedb-enterprise
+ Operation: Update
+ Time: 2021-03-11T16:17:55Z
+ Resource Version: 521643
+ Self Link: /apis/ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1/namespaces/demo/pgpoolopsrequests/mops-rotate
+ UID: 6d96ead2-a868-47d8-85fb-77eecc9a96b4
+ Database Ref:
+ Name: mg-rs
+ Tls:
+ Rotate Certificates: true
+ Type: ReconfigureTLS
+ Conditions:
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:17:55Z
+ Message: Pgpool ops request is reconfiguring TLS
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: ReconfigureTLS
+ Status: True
+ Type: ReconfigureTLS
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:17:55Z
+ Message: Successfully Added Issuing Condition in Certificates
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: IssuingConditionUpdated
+ Status: True
+ Type: IssuingConditionUpdated
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:18:00Z
+ Message: Successfully Issued New Certificates
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: CertificateIssuingSuccessful
+ Status: True
+ Type: CertificateIssuingSuccessful
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:19:45Z
+ Message: Successfully Restarted ReplicaSet nodes
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: RestartReplicaSet
+ Status: True
+ Type: RestartReplicaSet
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:19:45Z
+ Message: Successfully Reconfigured TLS
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: Successful
+ Status: True
+ Type: Successful
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Phase: Successful
+ Type Reason Age From Message
+ ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
+ Normal CertificateIssuingSuccessful 2m10s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Issued New Certificates
+ Normal RestartReplicaSet 25s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Restarted ReplicaSet nodes
+ Normal Successful 25s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Reconfigured TLS
+Now, let's check the expiration date of the certificate.
+$ kubectl exec -it mg-rs-2 -n demo bash
+root@mg-rs-2:/# openssl x509 -in /var/run/pgpool/tls/client.pem -inform PEM -enddate -nameopt RFC2253 -noout
+notAfter=Jun 9 16:17:55 2021 GMT
+As we can see from the above output, the certificate has been rotated successfully.
+## Change Issuer/ClusterIssuer
+Now, we are going to change the issuer of this database.
+- Let's create a new ca certificate and key using a different subject `CN=ca-update,O=kubedb-updated`.
+$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./ca.key -out ./ca.crt -subj "/CN=ca-updated/O=kubedb-updated"
+Generating a RSA private key
+writing new private key to './ca.key'
+- Now we are going to create a new ca-secret using the certificate files that we have just generated.
+$ kubectl create secret tls mongo-new-ca \
+ --cert=ca.crt \
+ --key=ca.key \
+ --namespace=demo
+secret/mongo-new-ca created
+Now, Let's create a new `Issuer` using the `mongo-new-ca` secret that we have just created. The `YAML` file looks like this:
+apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
+kind: Issuer
+ name: mg-new-issuer
+ namespace: demo
+ ca:
+ secretName: mongo-new-ca
+Let's apply the `YAML` file:
+$ kubectl create -f https://github.com/kubedb/docs/raw/{{< param "info.version" >}}/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/new-issuer.yaml
+issuer.cert-manager.io/mg-new-issuer created
+### Create PgpoolOpsRequest
+In order to use the new issuer to issue new certificates, we have to create a `PgpoolOpsRequest` CRO with the newly created issuer. Below is the YAML of the `PgpoolOpsRequest` CRO that we are going to create,
+apiVersion: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+kind: PgpoolOpsRequest
+ name: mops-change-issuer
+ namespace: demo
+ type: ReconfigureTLS
+ databaseRef:
+ name: mg-rs
+ tls:
+ issuerRef:
+ name: mg-new-issuer
+ kind: Issuer
+ apiGroup: "cert-manager.io"
+- `spec.databaseRef.name` specifies that we are performing reconfigure TLS operation on `mg-rs` database.
+- `spec.type` specifies that we are performing `ReconfigureTLS` on our database.
+- `spec.tls.issuerRef` specifies the issuer name, kind and api group.
+Let's create the `PgpoolOpsRequest` CR we have shown above,
+$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubedb/docs/raw/{{< param "info.version" >}}/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/mops-change-issuer.yaml
+pgpoolopsrequest.ops.kubedb.com/mops-change-issuer created
+#### Verify Issuer is changed successfully
+Let's wait for `PgpoolOpsRequest` to be `Successful`. Run the following command to watch `PgpoolOpsRequest` CRO,
+$ kubectl get pgpoolopsrequest -n demo
+Every 2.0s: kubectl get pgpoolopsrequest -n demo
+mops-change-issuer ReconfigureTLS Successful 105s
+We can see from the above output that the `PgpoolOpsRequest` has succeeded. If we describe the `PgpoolOpsRequest` we will get an overview of the steps that were followed.
+$ kubectl describe pgpoolopsrequest -n demo mops-change-issuer
+Name: mops-change-issuer
+Namespace: demo
+API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+Kind: PgpoolOpsRequest
+ Creation Timestamp: 2021-03-11T16:27:47Z
+ Generation: 1
+ Managed Fields:
+ API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+ Fields Type: FieldsV1
+ fieldsV1:
+ f:metadata:
+ f:annotations:
+ .:
+ f:kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration:
+ f:spec:
+ .:
+ f:databaseRef:
+ .:
+ f:name:
+ f:tls:
+ .:
+ f:issuerRef:
+ .:
+ f:apiGroup:
+ f:kind:
+ f:name:
+ f:type:
+ Manager: kubectl-client-side-apply
+ Operation: Update
+ Time: 2021-03-11T16:27:47Z
+ API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+ Fields Type: FieldsV1
+ fieldsV1:
+ f:status:
+ .:
+ f:conditions:
+ f:observedGeneration:
+ f:phase:
+ Manager: kubedb-enterprise
+ Operation: Update
+ Time: 2021-03-11T16:27:47Z
+ Resource Version: 523903
+ Self Link: /apis/ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1/namespaces/demo/pgpoolopsrequests/mops-change-issuer
+ UID: cdfe8a7d-52ef-466c-a5dd-97e74ad598ca
+ Database Ref:
+ Name: mg-rs
+ Tls:
+ Issuer Ref:
+ API Group: cert-manager.io
+ Kind: Issuer
+ Name: mg-new-issuer
+ Type: ReconfigureTLS
+ Conditions:
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:27:47Z
+ Message: Pgpool ops request is reconfiguring TLS
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: ReconfigureTLS
+ Status: True
+ Type: ReconfigureTLS
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:27:52Z
+ Message: Successfully Issued New Certificates
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: CertificateIssuingSuccessful
+ Status: True
+ Type: CertificateIssuingSuccessful
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:29:37Z
+ Message: Successfully Restarted ReplicaSet nodes
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: RestartReplicaSet
+ Status: True
+ Type: RestartReplicaSet
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:29:37Z
+ Message: Successfully Reconfigured TLS
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: Successful
+ Status: True
+ Type: Successful
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Phase: Successful
+ Type Reason Age From Message
+ ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
+ Normal CertificateIssuingSuccessful 2m27s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Issued New Certificates
+ Normal RestartReplicaSet 42s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Restarted ReplicaSet nodes
+ Normal Successful 42s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Reconfigured TLS
+Now, Let's exec into a database node and find out the ca subject to see if it matches the one we have provided.
+$ kubectl exec -it mg-rs-2 -n demo bash
+root@mgo-rs-tls-2:/$ openssl x509 -in /var/run/pgpool/tls/ca.crt -inform PEM -subject -nameopt RFC2253 -noout
+We can see from the above output that, the subject name matches the subject name of the new ca certificate that we have created. So, the issuer is changed successfully.
+## Remove TLS from the Database
+Now, we are going to remove TLS from this database using a PgpoolOpsRequest.
+### Create PgpoolOpsRequest
+Below is the YAML of the `PgpoolOpsRequest` CRO that we are going to create,
+apiVersion: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+kind: PgpoolOpsRequest
+ name: mops-remove
+ namespace: demo
+ type: ReconfigureTLS
+ databaseRef:
+ name: mg-rs
+ tls:
+ remove: true
+- `spec.databaseRef.name` specifies that we are performing reconfigure TLS operation on `mg-rs` database.
+- `spec.type` specifies that we are performing `ReconfigureTLS` on our database.
+- `spec.tls.remove` specifies that we want to remove tls from this database.
+Let's create the `PgpoolOpsRequest` CR we have shown above,
+$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubedb/docs/raw/{{< param "info.version" >}}/docs/examples/pgpool/reconfigure-tls/mops-remove.yaml
+pgpoolopsrequest.ops.kubedb.com/mops-remove created
+#### Verify TLS Removed Successfully
+Let's wait for `PgpoolOpsRequest` to be `Successful`. Run the following command to watch `PgpoolOpsRequest` CRO,
+$ kubectl get pgpoolopsrequest -n demo
+Every 2.0s: kubectl get pgpoolopsrequest -n demo
+mops-remove ReconfigureTLS Successful 105s
+We can see from the above output that the `PgpoolOpsRequest` has succeeded. If we describe the `PgpoolOpsRequest` we will get an overview of the steps that were followed.
+$ kubectl describe pgpoolopsrequest -n demo mops-remove
+Name: mops-remove
+Namespace: demo
+API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+Kind: PgpoolOpsRequest
+ Creation Timestamp: 2021-03-11T16:35:32Z
+ Generation: 1
+ Managed Fields:
+ API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+ Fields Type: FieldsV1
+ fieldsV1:
+ f:metadata:
+ f:annotations:
+ .:
+ f:kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration:
+ f:spec:
+ .:
+ f:databaseRef:
+ .:
+ f:name:
+ f:tls:
+ .:
+ f:remove:
+ f:type:
+ Manager: kubectl-client-side-apply
+ Operation: Update
+ Time: 2021-03-11T16:35:32Z
+ API Version: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+ Fields Type: FieldsV1
+ fieldsV1:
+ f:status:
+ .:
+ f:conditions:
+ f:observedGeneration:
+ f:phase:
+ Manager: kubedb-enterprise
+ Operation: Update
+ Time: 2021-03-11T16:35:32Z
+ Resource Version: 525550
+ Self Link: /apis/ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1/namespaces/demo/pgpoolopsrequests/mops-remove
+ UID: 99184cc4-1595-4f0f-b8eb-b65c5d0e86a6
+ Database Ref:
+ Name: mg-rs
+ Tls:
+ Remove: true
+ Type: ReconfigureTLS
+ Conditions:
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:35:32Z
+ Message: Pgpool ops request is reconfiguring TLS
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: ReconfigureTLS
+ Status: True
+ Type: ReconfigureTLS
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:35:37Z
+ Message: Successfully Updated StatefulSets
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: TLSRemoved
+ Status: True
+ Type: TLSRemoved
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:37:07Z
+ Message: Successfully Restarted ReplicaSet nodes
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: RestartReplicaSet
+ Status: True
+ Type: RestartReplicaSet
+ Last Transition Time: 2021-03-11T16:37:07Z
+ Message: Successfully Reconfigured TLS
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Reason: Successful
+ Status: True
+ Type: Successful
+ Observed Generation: 1
+ Phase: Successful
+ Type Reason Age From Message
+ ---- ------ ---- ---- -------
+ Normal PauseDatabase 2m5s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Pausing Pgpool demo/mg-rs
+ Normal PauseDatabase 2m5s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully paused Pgpool demo/mg-rs
+ Normal TLSRemoved 2m5s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Updated StatefulSets
+ Normal RestartReplicaSet 35s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Restarted ReplicaSet nodes
+ Normal ResumeDatabase 35s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Resuming Pgpool demo/mg-rs
+ Normal ResumeDatabase 35s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully resumed Pgpool demo/mg-rs
+ Normal Successful 35s KubeDB Ops-manager operator Successfully Reconfigured TLS
+Now, Let's exec into the database primary node and find out that TLS is disabled or not.
+$ kubectl exec -it -n demo mg-rs-1 -- mongo admin -u root -p 'U6(h_pYrekLZ2OOd'
+rs0:PRIMARY> db.adminCommand({ getParameter:1, sslMode:1 })
+ "sslMode" : "disabled",
+ "ok" : 1,
+ "$clusterTime" : {
+ "clusterTime" : Timestamp(1615480817, 1),
+ "signature" : {
+ "hash" : BinData(0,"CWJngDTQqDhKXyx7WMFJqqUfvhY="),
+ "keyId" : NumberLong("6938294279689207810")
+ }
+ },
+ "operationTime" : Timestamp(1615480817, 1)
+So, we can see from the above that, output that tls is disabled successfully.
+## Cleaning up
+To cleanup the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:
+kubectl delete pgpool -n demo mg-rs
+kubectl delete issuer -n demo mg-issuer mg-new-issuer
+kubectl delete pgpoolopsrequest mops-add-tls mops-remove mops-rotate mops-change-issuer
+kubectl delete ns demo
+## Next Steps
+- Detail concepts of [Pgpool object](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/pgpool.md).
+- Monitor your Pgpool database with KubeDB using [out-of-the-box Prometheus operator](/docs/guides/pgpool/monitoring/using-prometheus-operator.md).
+- Monitor your Pgpool database with KubeDB using [out-of-the-box builtin-Prometheus](/docs/guides/pgpool/monitoring/using-builtin-prometheus.md).
+- Detail concepts of [Pgpool object](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/pgpool.md).
+- Want to hack on KubeDB? Check our [contribution guidelines](/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md).
diff --git a/docs/guides/pgpool/restart/_index.md b/docs/guides/pgpool/restart/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40b3d040de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/pgpool/restart/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+title: Restart Pgpool
+ docs_{{ .version }}:
+ identifier: pp-restart
+ name: Restart
+ parent: pp-pgpool-guides
+ weight: 46
+menu_name: docs_{{ .version }}
diff --git a/docs/guides/pgpool/restart/restart.md b/docs/guides/pgpool/restart/restart.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f68353c225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/pgpool/restart/restart.md
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+title: Restart Pgpool
+ docs_{{ .version }}:
+ identifier: pp-restart-details
+ name: Restart Pgpool
+ parent: pp-restart
+ weight: 10
+menu_name: docs_{{ .version }}
+section_menu_id: guides
+> New to KubeDB? Please start [here](/docs/README.md).
+# Restart Pgpool
+KubeDB supports restarting the Pgpool via a PgpoolOpsRequest. Restarting is useful if some pods are got stuck in some phase, or they are not working correctly. This tutorial will show you how to use that.
+## Before You Begin
+- At first, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using [kind](https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/quick-start/).
+- Now, install KubeDB cli on your workstation and KubeDB operator in your cluster following the steps [here](/docs/setup/README.md).
+- To keep things isolated, this tutorial uses a separate namespace called `demo` throughout this tutorial.
+ $ kubectl create ns demo
+ namespace/demo created
+ ```
+> Note: YAML files used in this tutorial are stored in [docs/examples/pgpool](https://github.com/kubedb/docs/tree/{{< param "info.version" >}}/docs/examples/pgpool) folder in GitHub repository [kubedb/docs](https://github.com/kubedb/docs).
+## Prepare Postgres
+Prepare a KubeDB Postgres cluster using this [tutorial](/docs/guides/postgres/clustering/streaming_replication.md), or you can use any externally managed postgres but in that case you need to create an [appbinding](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/appbinding.md) yourself. In this tutorial we will use 3 node Postgres cluster named `ha-postgres`.
+## Deploy Pgpool
+In this section, we are going to deploy a Pgpool using KubeDB.
+apiVersion: kubedb.com/v1alpha2
+kind: Pgpool
+ name: pgpool
+ namespace: demo
+ version: "4.4.5"
+ replicas: 1
+ postgresRef:
+ name: ha-postgres
+ namespace: demo
+ deletionPolicy: WipeOut
+Let's create the `Pgpool` CR we have shown above,
+$ kubectl create -f https://github.com/kubedb/docs/raw/{{< param "info.version" >}}/docs/examples/pgpool/restart/pgpool.yaml
+pgpool.kubedb.com/pgpool created
+## Apply Restart opsRequest
+apiVersion: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+kind: PgpoolOpsRequest
+ name: restart-pgpool
+ namespace: demo
+ type: Restart
+ databaseRef:
+ name: pgpool
+ timeout: 3m
+ apply: Always
+- `spec.type` specifies the Type of the ops Request
+- `spec.databaseRef` holds the name of the Pgpool. The pgpool should be available in the same namespace as the opsRequest
+- The meaning of `spec.timeout` & `spec.apply` fields will be found [here](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/opsrequest.md#spectimeout)
+Let's create the `PgpoolOpsRequest` CR we have shown above,
+$ kubectl create -f https://github.com/kubedb/docs/raw/{{< param "info.version" >}}/docs/examples/pgpool/restart/ops.yaml
+pgpoolopsrequest.ops.kubedb.com/restart-pgpool created
+Now the Ops-manager operator will restart the pods one by one.
+$ kubectl get ppops -n demo
+restart-pgpool Restart Successful 79s
+$ kubectl get ppops -n demo -oyaml restart-pgpool
+apiVersion: ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1
+kind: PgpoolOpsRequest
+ annotations:
+ kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
+ {"apiVersion":"ops.kubedb.com/v1alpha1","kind":"PgpoolOpsRequest","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"restart-pgpool","namespace":"demo"},"spec":{"apply":"Always","databaseRef":{"name":"pgpool"},"timeout":"3m","type":"Restart"}}
+ creationTimestamp: "2024-07-18T06:49:50Z"
+ generation: 1
+ name: restart-pgpool
+ namespace: demo
+ resourceVersion: "94394"
+ uid: 8d3387fc-0c21-4e14-8bed-857a7cdf5423
+ apply: Always
+ databaseRef:
+ name: pgpool
+ timeout: 3m
+ type: Restart
+ conditions:
+ - lastTransitionTime: "2024-07-18T06:49:50Z"
+ message: Pgpool ops-request has started to restart pgpool nodes
+ observedGeneration: 1
+ reason: Restart
+ status: "True"
+ type: Restart
+ - lastTransitionTime: "2024-07-18T06:49:53Z"
+ message: Successfully paused database
+ observedGeneration: 1
+ reason: DatabasePauseSucceeded
+ status: "True"
+ type: DatabasePauseSucceeded
+ - lastTransitionTime: "2024-07-18T06:50:38Z"
+ message: Successfully Restarted Pgpool nodes
+ observedGeneration: 1
+ reason: RestartNodes
+ status: "True"
+ type: RestartNodes
+ - lastTransitionTime: "2024-07-18T06:49:58Z"
+ message: get pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:pgpool-0
+ observedGeneration: 1
+ status: "True"
+ type: GetPod--pgpool-0
+ - lastTransitionTime: "2024-07-18T06:49:58Z"
+ message: evict pod; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:pgpool-0
+ observedGeneration: 1
+ status: "True"
+ type: EvictPod--pgpool-0
+ - lastTransitionTime: "2024-07-18T06:50:33Z"
+ message: check pod running; ConditionStatus:True; PodName:pgpool-0
+ observedGeneration: 1
+ status: "True"
+ type: CheckPodRunning--pgpool-0
+ - lastTransitionTime: "2024-07-18T06:50:38Z"
+ message: Controller has successfully restart the Pgpool replicas
+ observedGeneration: 1
+ reason: Successful
+ status: "True"
+ type: Successful
+ observedGeneration: 1
+ phase: Successful
+## Cleaning up
+To clean up the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:
+kubectl delete pgpoolopsrequest -n demo restart-pgpool
+kubectl delete pgpool -n demo pgpool
+kubectl delete ns demo
+## Next Steps
+- Detail concepts of [Pgpool object](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/pgpool.md).
+- Monitor your Pgpool database with KubeDB using [out-of-the-box Prometheus operator](/docs/guides/pgpool/monitoring/using-prometheus-operator.md).
+- Monitor your Pgpool database with KubeDB using [out-of-the-box builtin-Prometheus](/docs/guides/pgpool/monitoring/using-builtin-prometheus.md).
+- Detail concepts of [Pgpool object](/docs/guides/pgpool/concepts/pgpool.md).
+- Want to hack on KubeDB? Check our [contribution guidelines](/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md).
diff --git a/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pg-updating.png b/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pg-updating.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 65b46b2750..0000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pg-updating.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-horizontal-scaling.png b/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-horizontal-scaling.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c2dd5cc33..0000000000
Binary files a/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-horizontal-scaling.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-reconfigure-tls.png b/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-reconfigure-tls.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ecb26af40
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-reconfigure-tls.png differ
diff --git a/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-updating.png b/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-updating.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cf48faef7
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-updating.png differ
diff --git a/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-vertical-scaling.png b/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-vertical-scaling.png
index 6e90109da7..5ce7daa26a 100644
Binary files a/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-vertical-scaling.png and b/docs/images/day-2-operation/pgpool/pp-vertical-scaling.png differ