Boilerplate for ExpressJS
- Routes directory
- Hogan-Express template engine (w/ layouts)
- MongoDB (coming soon)
Download and install Heroku Toolbelt, this will give you Foreman and the Heroku CLI (command line interface).
Download this boilerplate repo and navigate into the code directory with Terminal.
Run npm install to get all required libraries.
npm install
A Git repository and Heroku app are required for this Example to work.
git init git add . git commit -am "init commit"
Create Heroku app and add database
heroku create
Add MongoLabs Starter MongoDB add on to your heroku app
heroku addons:add mongolab:starter
Get Heroku MongoLab connection string into .env file
heroku config --shell | grep MONGOLAB_URI >> .env
Your connection string to MongoDB will be in your .env file now.
Start server with foreman start.
foreman start
Foreman reads your .env file, populates the process.env object for use in your app.
Open web browser to http://localhost:5000 to view the web app.
Stop the web server press Command+C in the Terminal window.
To auto restart your development server after you make some changes to your code. Install Nodemon. Nodemon will watch your files and restart the server for you.
Install Nodemon. In Terminal type,
npm install -g nodemon
There are two possible ways to use Nodemon,
foreman run nodemon app.js
Or with the helper script
. devserver
The .nodemonignore file will ignore certain files and directories from being watched. By default and for example we're ignoring /public folder.
Libraries and frameworks are created for all programming languages to make complicated programming tasks more easier to program. A database library will create the connection to the database server, insert and query data and return a result that is easily used. A framework involves the same ideas of a library but it usually is larger in size and complexity - picking a framework is usually done at the beginning of development because it is often difficult to switch to another. Android, Arduino, OpenFrameworks, Sinatra, Ruby on Rails, Django and Processing are frameworks, each is a collection of libraries to interact with lower level code.
Libraries and frameworks are available to make your programming life easier - someone else has had similar tasks and requirements so they organized their code into a library and made it available to the community.
ExpressJS ( is a popular framework for building web applications in NodeJS. ExpressJS's core is taken from the Connect framework.
Routing is how you direct the user's requested URL to retrieve the appropriate 'page' or save the submitted form. All routes execute functions, the callbacks should receive a request and response object from Express
app.get('/page1',function(request, response){ //your code goes here })
GET- a user requests a web page or resource
app.get('/about',function(request, response){
console.log("GET request for /about");
response.send("This is the about page.");
POST- a user submits a form"/the-form", function(request, response){
console.log("a user has request /the-form via POST");
//form processing code goes here....
//send message to user
response.send("okay, we'll process that right away.")
We will use Hogan-Express, Embedded JavaScript template engine to render our html on ExpressJS. Hogan-Express templates are the mainly HTML and include {{variablehere}} template tags to display dynamic data and perform simple logic and looping. You will save these templates to a specific directory and then tell ExpressJS what that directory named /views. We configure Express to use Hogan-Express template engine and set the template directory /views with these statements.
We configure ExpressJS to use Hogan-Express in two files
"dependencies": {
"express": "3.0.0rc5",
"hogan-express" : "0.3.3",
"moment" : "1.7.2"
// templates directory
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
// setup template engine - we're using Hogan-Express
app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.engine('html', require('hogan-express'));
We define our incoming routes in app.js like mentioned above.
var routes = require('../routes/index.js');
app.get('/page1', routes.index);
/routes/index.js (example,not the same as actual code in routes/index.js)
exports.index = function(req, res) {
var templateData = {
'title' : 'Hello World',
'content' : 'A Priest and a Rabbi walk into a bar...',
'tags' : ['bar','old','not funny']
res.render('joke.html', templateData);
Layouts allow you to have a standard header and footer for a set of pages. It is automatically enabled for this demo code to use /views/layout.html.P
<!-- meta and css stuff here -->
{{{ yield }}}