new file mode 100644
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+# Development
+To get started developing:
+1. Clone the repository
+2. Install the React dependencies and create a `.env.local` file
+3. Install the FastAPI dependencies
+4. Start the Redis and DynamoDB databases
+5. Initialize the test databases
+6. Serve the FastAPI application
+7. Serve the React frontend
+## Database
+### DynamoDB
+When developing locally, use the `amazon/dynamodb-local` Docker image to run a local instance of DynamoDB:
+docker pull amazon/dynamodb-local # If you haven't already
+docker run --name store-db -d -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local # Start the container in the background
+Then, if you need to kill the database, you can run:
+docker kill store-db || true
+docker rm store-db || true
+Initialize the test databases by running the creation script:
+python -m store.app.db create
+#### Admin Panel
+DynamoDB Admin is a GUI that allows you to visually see your tables and their entries. To install, run
+npm i -g dynamodb-admin
+To run, **source the same environment variables that you use for FastAPI** and then run
+### Redis
+For Redis, use the `redis` Docker image:
+docker pull redis # If you haven't already
+docker run --name store-redis -d -p 6379:6379 redis # Start the container in the background
+Then, if you need to kill the database, you can run:
+docker kill store-redis || true
+docker rm store-redis || true
+## FastAPI
+Create a Python virtual environment using either [uv](https://astral.sh/blog/uv) or [virtualenv](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/) with at least Python 3.11. This should look something like this:
+uv venv .venv --python 3.11 # If using uv
+python -m venv .venv # Using vanilla virtualenv
+source .venv/bin/activate
+Install the project:
+uv pip install -e '.[dev]' # If using uv
+pip install -e '.[dev]' # Using vanilla pip
+Serve the FastAPI application in development mode:
+fastapi dev 'store/app/main.py' --port 8080 # On port 8080 to avoid conflicts with Docker
+### Configuration
+Settings for the app backend live in the `store/settings/` directory. You can use the following environment variables:
+- `ROBOLIST_ENVIRONMENT_SECRETS` should be the path to a local `.env` file containing any environment secrets
+- `ROBOLIST_ENVIRONMENT` is the stem of one of the config files in the `store/settings/configs/` directory. When developing locally this should usually just be `local`
+To locally develop, setting the following environment variables will work (presuming you have set everything else up):
+export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='us-east-1'
+export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=test
+## React
+To install the React dependencies, use [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) and [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/):
+cd frontend
+nvm use 20.10.0
+npm install
+To serve the React frontend in development mode:
+npm start
+To build the React frontend for production:
+npm run build
+To run code formatting:
+npm run format
+### Environment Variables
+You will need to set `REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID`. To do this, first create a Google client id (see [this LogRocket post](https://blog.logrocket.com/guide-adding-google-login-react-app/)). Then create a `.env.local` file in the `frontend` directory and add the following line:
+Additionally, you should set `REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL` to the URL of the FastAPI backend. This should be `` when developing locally.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 41ca962c..16ba8df7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,148 +1,26 @@
-# store
-This is the code for our online store. This is a simple store for buying and selling humanoid robots.
-## Development
+[![CI Checks (Linting and Tests)](https://github.com/kscalelabs/store/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/kscalelabs/store/actions/workflows/test.yml)
+[![Deploys latest code](https://github.com/kscalelabs/store/actions/workflows/deploy.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/kscalelabs/store/actions/workflows/deploy.yml)
-To get started developing:
-1. Clone the repository
-2. Install the React dependencies and create a `.env.local` file
-3. Install the FastAPI dependencies
-4. Start the Redis and DynamoDB databases
-5. Initialize the test databases
-6. Serve the FastAPI application
-7. Serve the React frontend
+# RoboList
-### Database
+This is the code for our online store. This is a simple store for buying and selling robots and robot parts.
-#### DynamoDB
-When developing locally, use the `amazon/dynamodb-local` Docker image to run a local instance of DynamoDB:
-docker pull amazon/dynamodb-local # If you haven't already
-docker run --name store-db -d -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local # Start the container in the background
-Then, if you need to kill the database, you can run:
-docker kill store-db || true
-docker rm store-db || true
-Initialize the test databases by running the creation script:
-python -m store.app.db create
-##### Admin Panel
-DynamoDB Admin is a GUI that allows you to visually see your tables and their entries. To install, run
-npm i -g dynamodb-admin
-To run, **source the same environment variables that you use for FastAPI** and then run
-#### Redis
-For Redis, use the `redis` Docker image:
-docker pull redis # If you haven't already
-docker run --name store-redis -d -p 6379:6379 redis # Start the container in the background
-Then, if you need to kill the database, you can run:
-docker kill store-redis || true
-docker rm store-redis || true
-### FastAPI
-Create a Python virtual environment using either [uv](https://astral.sh/blog/uv) or [virtualenv](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/) with at least Python 3.11. This should look something like this:
-uv venv .venv --python 3.11 # If using uv
-python -m venv .venv # Using vanilla virtualenv
-source .venv/bin/activate
-Install the project:
-uv pip install -e '.[dev]' # If using uv
-pip install -e '.[dev]' # Using vanilla pip
-Serve the FastAPI application in development mode:
-fastapi dev 'store/app/main.py' --port 8080 # On port 8080 to avoid conflicts with Docker
-#### Configuration
-Settings for the app backend live in the `store/settings/` directory. You can use the following environment variables:
-- `ROBOLIST_ENVIRONMENT_SECRETS` should be the path to a local `.env` file containing any environment secrets
-- `ROBOLIST_ENVIRONMENT` is the stem of one of the config files in the `store/settings/configs/` directory. When developing locally this should usually just be `local`
-To locally develop, setting the following environment variables will work (presuming you have set everything else up):
-export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='us-east-1'
-export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=test
-### React
-To install the React dependencies, use [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm) and [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/):
-cd frontend
-nvm use 20.10.0
-npm install
-To serve the React frontend in development mode:
-npm start
-To build the React frontend for production:
-npm run build
-To run code formatting:
-npm run format
-#### Environment Variables
-You will need to set `REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID`. To do this, first create a Google client id (see [this LogRocket post](https://blog.logrocket.com/guide-adding-google-login-react-app/)). Then create a `.env.local` file in the `frontend` directory and add the following line:
-Additionally, you should set `REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL` to the URL of the FastAPI backend. This should be `` when developing locally.
+If you would like to contribute, see the [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) file.