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imsamuka edited this page Feb 2, 2021 · 12 revisions


How the program works?

  1. Select a folder (see selectAllFiles) containing the files we want, including:

    • Image Files .png .jpg .jpeg .psd .psb

    • A text file .txt, containing all the text to insert in the images.

  2. The program read the text file, recognizing Page Identifiers. Each time a page is identified, the text below is saved in memory. If not a single page was identified, the program does absolutely nothing.

    • In case you have a image open, and selected ONLY a text file, everything in the file is used.
  3. The program starts to open every image file and does the following:

Configuration File

The configuration file is a JSON file, used in the program to save external user options. Here is a Example File or you can open the default configuration file given to see how things are organized.

Main Properties

Property Type Default Description
pageIdentifierPrefix string ">>" Used in the beginning of a line text (ignoring spaces), to identify a new page. A blank string "" will deactivate this.
pageIdentifierSuffix string "" Used in the end of a line text (ignoring spaces), to identify a new page. A blank string "" will deactivate this.
ignorePageNumber boolean true This will make the program read the number between pageIdentifierPrefix and pageIdentifierSuffix (ignoring spaces) and try to find a file with the correspondent number to use.
prioritizePSD boolean false When ambiguous files are selected (Example: 01.png and 1.psd), we select the file to use based on a list of priorities based on file extensions: '.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.psd', '.psb'. When prioritizePSD is true, we will prioritize the PSD and PSB files
selectAllFiles boolean false Instead of selecting a folder containing files, select all files you want, including the text file.
alwaysCreateGroup boolean false If this is true, it will ALWAYS create a folder by the name in If false, it will create only if it doesn't exists yet.
ignoreCustomWith string "" A line starting with this, will ALWAYS be formatted as in defaultTextFormat. A blank string "" will deactivate this.
columnGroup boolean false If true, every column of text, will be in a separated group.
disableStarterLayer boolean true Disable starterLayerFormats functions.
disableCustomTextFormats boolean true Disable customTextFormats functions.
groupLayer LFO { name: "Types" } This LFO object will control how the folder layer is formatted. If it have no name, it will use the default one. If a property is not included, it will use default ones from Common Properties.
defaultTextFormat LFO {} This LFO object will control how the text will be formatted as default. If a property is not included, it will use default ones from Common Properties and Text Properties.
customTextFormats Array<LFO> [] This is an array [] containing one or more LFO objects. Control specific text formats to automatically be used.
starterLayerFormats Array<LFO> [] This is an array [] containing one or more LFO objects. Control layers that will be automatically created as the program runs.

Layer Format Object

This can be used in defaultTextFormat, customTextFormats, starterLayerFormats and groupLayer properties from the configuration file.

Common Properties

Property Type Default Description
name string "Default Name" The layer name.
visible boolean true If the layer will be visible or not.
opacity number 100 Layer opacity. Range from 0 to 100.
grouped boolean false Layer clipping mask. Don't work on folders.
blendMode number "" Layer blend mode. See Blend Mode Options for options. Omit, or use a blank string "" to not change anything.
allLocked boolean false Completely block settings and contents of the layer. Will deactivate all 3 below.
transparentPixelsLocked boolean false Edit only opaque portions of the layer.
pixelsLocked boolean false Pixels can't be edited (with a Paint Brush for example).
positionLocked boolean false Layer can't be moved.

Text Properties

Can only be used in defaultTextFormat and customTextFormats from the configuration file.

Property Type Default Description
lineIdentifierPrefix string "" Can only be used in customTextFormats and is Obligatory. Omit, or use a blank string "" to DEACTIVATE THIS OBJECT ENTIRELY. Identifies the type of formatting to use in a line of text. Will be ignored if ignoreCustomWith identifier was found before this.
size integer 0 Font size. Omit, or use a zero 0 to not change anything.
font string "" Font name. Omit, or use a blank string "" to not change anything.
justification string "" Text justification. See Justification Options for options. Omit, or use a blank string "" to not change anything.
language string "" Text language, useful for auto-wrapping. See Language Options for options. Omit, or use a blank string "" to not change anything.
boxText boolean false If true, a TextBox will be used instead of a PointText.

Starter Layer Properties

Can only be used in starterLayerFormats from the configuration file.

Property Type Default Description
duplicate boolean false Is a duplicate from layer below/before. Can only be used from the 2 layer.
isBackgroundLayer boolean false Turn this layer the background layer. Will override a lot of configurations.

Property Options

Justification Options

  • LEFT

Language Options


Blend Mode Options

  • HUE

Example Configuration File

This is a commented configuration file as example. But remember, .JSON files CAN'T have comments.

  // These 3 Configurations determine how we will identify
  // a new 'page' in your .txt file:

  pageIdentifierPrefix: "[",
  pageIdentifierSuffix: "]",
  ignorePageNumber: false, // This will ignore the number inside identifiers
    // This example will identify lines like:
    // [1]
    // [02]
    //  [ 30 ]
    // And will try to find files like
    // "01.png", "2.psd", "30.jpeg" to insert this text into

  prioritizePSD: false, // Prioritize '.psd' and '.psb' over the other files
  // If have ambiguous files selected like "01.png" and "1.psd"
  // There is a order of priorities, that is:
  // '.psd', '.psb', '.png',  '.jpg', '.jpeg'  OR
  // '.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.psd', '.psb'

  selectAllFiles: false,  // With this, you select every file manually, rather than a folder
  alwaysCreateGroup: false, // With this, it will always create a folder named by '' below

  groupLayer: {
    name: "Types",   // Folder name
    visible: false,  // Visibility of the layer

  defaultTextFormat: {
    size: 16,                          // Font size
    font: "CCWildWordsInt Regular",    // Font name
    boxText: true,                     // A TextBox instead of a PointText
    justification: "CENTER",           // Justification
    visible: true,                     // Visibility of the layer
    language: "BRAZILLIANPORTUGUESE",  // Language

  ignoreCustomWith: ".", // Lines starting with this, will always be formatted as default

  customTextFormats: [   // You can Add as much 'Layer Format Object's as you want
      // Necessary:
      lineIdentifierPrefix: "#", // Lines starting with this, will be formatted as following

      // Optional:
      // Everything not included will be formatted as in 'defaultTextFormat'
      size: 12,
      font: "Chinacat",
      boxText: false
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