Quickly test Syslog Source connector.
Simply run:
$ ./syslog.sh
Creating Syslog Source connector
$ curl -X PUT \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{
"tasks.max": "1",
"connector.class": "io.confluent.connect.syslog.SyslogSourceConnector",
"syslog.port": "5454",
"syslog.listener": "TCP",
"confluent.license": "",
"confluent.topic.bootstrap.servers": "broker:9092",
"confluent.topic.replication.factor": "1"
}' \
http://localhost:8083/connectors/syslog-source/config | jq .
Test with sample syslog-formatted message sent via netcat
$ <34>1 2003-10-11T22:14:15.003Z mymachine.example.com su - ID47 - Your refrigerator is running" | docker run -i --rm --network=host subfuzion/netcat -v -w 0 localhost 545
Verify we have received the data in syslog topic
docker exec connect kafka-avro-console-consumer -bootstrap-server broker:9092 --property schema.registry.url=http://schema-registry:8081 --topic syslog --property schema.registry.url=http://schema-registry:8081 --from-beginning --max-messages 1
"appName": {
"string": "su"
"date": 1065910455003,
"deviceEventClassId": null,
"deviceProduct": null,
"deviceVendor": null,
"deviceVersion": null,
"extension": null,
"facility": {
"int": 4
"host": {
"string": "mymachine.example.com"
"level": {
"int": 2
"message": {
"string": "Your refrigerator is running"
"messageId": {
"string": "ID47"
"name": null,
"processId": null,
"rawMessage": {
"string": "<34>1 2003-10-11T22:14:15.003Z mymachine.example.com su - ID47 - Your refrigerator is running"
"remoteAddress": {
"string": ""
"severity": null,
"structuredData": null,
"tag": null,
"type": "RFC5424",
"version": {
"int": 1
N.B: Control Center is reachable at