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Salesforce Platform Events Sink connector



Quickly test Salesforce Platform Events Sink connector.

Register a test account

Go to Salesforce developer portal and register an account.

Salesforce Account

Create a new Connected App

Full details available here

Steps are:

  • Select the gear icon in the upper right hand corner and choose Setup.

  • Enter App in the Quick Find search box, and choose App Manager in the filtered results.

  • Click the New Connected App button in the upper right corner of the Setup panel.

Create a connected app

  • Supply a Connected App Name, API Name, and Contact Email.

  • Select Enable OAuth Settings checkbox and select the Enable for Device Flow checkbox. These selections enable the connector to use the Salesforce API.

  • Under the Select OAuth Scopes field, select all of the items under Available OAuth scopes and add them to the Selected OAuth Scopes.


Create a connected app

  • Save the new app and press Continue at the prompt.
  • Look for the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret in the displayed form. Save these so you can put them in the configuration properties file for the Salesforce connect worker.

Find your Security token

Find your Security Token (emailed to you from If you need to reset your token or view your profile on, select Settings->My Personal Information->Reset My Security Token and follow the instructions.

security token

Create a Platform Event in SFDC

In Setup, search for Platform Events:

Platform Event

Create new Platform Event called MyPlatformEvent as following:

Platform Event

Add a text field Message:

Platform Event

Send a Platform Event using Developer Console (NOT REQUIRED - AUTOMATICALLY DONE)

Select Developer Console in upper right menu:

Platform Event

Then choose Debug->Open Execute Anonymous Window

Platform Event

Copy/paste the following and Execute it:

List<MyPlatformEvent__e> myEvents = new List<MyPlatformEvent__e>();
myEvents.add(new MyPlatformEvent__e(Message__c ='test message 1'));
myEvents.add(new MyPlatformEvent__e(Message__c ='test message 2'));

// Call method to publish events
List<Database.SaveResult> results = EventBus.publish(myEvents);

// Inspect publishing result for each event
for (Database.SaveResult sr : results) {
    if (sr.isSuccess()) {
        System.debug('Successfully published event.');
    } else {
        for(Database.Error err : sr.getErrors()) {
            System.debug('Error returned: ' +
                        err.getStatusCode() +
                        ' - ' +

How to run

Simply run:


Note: you can also export these values as environment variable

Details of what the script is doing

Login with sfdx CLI

$ docker exec sfdx-cli sh -c "sfdx sfpowerkit:auth:login -u \"$SALESFORCE_USERNAME\" -p \"$SALESFORCE_PASSWORD\" -r \"$SALESFORCE_INSTANCE\" -s \"$SECURITY_TOKEN\""

Send Platform Events

$ docker exec sfdx-cli sh -c "sfdx force:apex:execute  -u \"$SALESFORCE_USERNAME\" -f \"/tmp/event.apex\""

Creating Salesforce Platform Events Source connector

$ curl -X PUT \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data '{
                    "connector.class": "io.confluent.salesforce.SalesforcePlatformEventSourceConnector",
                    "kafka.topic": "sfdc-platform-events",
                    "tasks.max": "1",
                    "curl.logging": "true",
                    "" : "MyPlatformEvent__e",
                    "salesforce.instance" : "'"$SALESFORCE_INSTANCE"'",
                    "salesforce.username" : "'"$SALESFORCE_USERNAME"'",
                    "salesforce.password" : "'"$SALESFORCE_PASSWORD"'",
                    "salesforce.password.token" : "'"$SECURITY_TOKEN"'",
                    "salesforce.consumer.key" : "'"$CONSUMER_KEY"'",
                    "salesforce.consumer.secret" : "'"$CONSUMER_PASSWORD"'",
                    "salesforce.initial.start" : "all",
                    "key.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
                    "value.converter": "org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter",
                    "confluent.license": "",
                    "confluent.topic.bootstrap.servers": "broker:9092",
                    "confluent.topic.replication.factor": "1"
          }' \
     http://localhost:8083/connectors/salesforce-platform-events-source/config | jq .

Verify we have received the data in sfdc-platform-events topic

$ timeout 60 docker exec broker kafka-console-consumer -bootstrap-server broker:9092 --topic sfdc-platform-events --from-beginning --max-messages 1


{"schema":{"type":"struct","fields":[{"type":"string","optional":true,"field":"ReplayId"},{"type":"int64","optional":true,"name":"","version":1,"field":"CreatedDate"},{"type":"string","optional":true,"field":"CreatedById"},{"type":"string","optional":true,"field":"Message__c"},{"type":"string","optional":true,"field":"_ObjectType"},{"type":"string","optional":true,"field":"_EventType"}],"optional":false,"name":"io.confluent.salesforce.MyPlatformEvent__e"},"payload":{"ReplayId":"2956549","CreatedDate":1596010416799,"CreatedById":"0052X00000AJGNCQA5","Message__c":"test message 1","_ObjectType":"MyPlatformEvent__e","_EventType":"ir4e6bGYBtJYSX5x2vc4DQ"}}
{"schema":{"type":"struct","fields":[{"type":"string","optional":true,"field":"ReplayId"},{"type":"int64","optional":true,"name":"","version":1,"field":"CreatedDate"},{"type":"string","optional":true,"field":"CreatedById"},{"type":"string","optional":true,"field":"Message__c"},{"type":"string","optional":true,"field":"_ObjectType"},{"type":"string","optional":true,"field":"_EventType"}],"optional":false,"name":"io.confluent.salesforce.MyPlatformEvent__e"},"payload":{"ReplayId":"2956550","CreatedDate":1596010416799,"CreatedById":"0052X00000AJGNCQA5","Message__c":"test message 2","_ObjectType":"MyPlatformEvent__e","_EventType":"ir4e6bGYBtJYSX5x2vc4DQ"}}s

N.B: Control Center is reachable at