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.NET client (producer/consumer) (using Confluent Cloud)


Quickly test .NET example client using Confluent Cloud

How to run

  1. Create $HOME/.ccloud/config

On the host from which you are running Docker, ensure that you have properly initialized Confluent Cloud CLI and have a valid configuration file at $HOME/.ccloud/config.


$ cat $HOME/.ccloud/config
bootstrap.servers=<BROKER ENDPOINT>
sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required username\="<API KEY>" password\="<API SECRET>";
  1. Simply run:
$ ./ <2.2 or 3.1> (Core .NET version, default is 2.1)

Details of what the script is doing

Building docker image

$ docker build --build-arg CORE_RUNTIME_TAG=$CORE_RUNTIME_TAG --build-arg CORE_SDK_TAG=$CORE_SDK_TAG --build-arg CSPROJ_FILE=$CSPROJ_FILE -t vdesabou/dotnet-ccloud-example-docker .

Starting producer

$ docker run -v ${DIR}/librdkafka.config:/tmp/librdkafka.config vdesabou/dotnet-example-docker produce test1 /tmp/librdkafka.config

Note: librdkafka.configis generated from your $HOME/.ccloud/config

Starting consumer

$ docker run -v ${DIR}/librdkafka.config:/tmp/librdkafka.config vdesabou/dotnet-example-docker consume test1 /tmp/librdkafka.config

Notes on using Minikube with unsafe systctls

Run Minikube:

$ minikube start --cpus 4 --memory=8G --extra-config="kubelet.allowed-unsafe-sysctls=net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time,net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl"
$ minikube dashboard

Notice the config kubelet.allowed-unsafe-sysctlsto allow unsafe sysctls.

Build Docker image within minikube (explanations here):

$ eval $(minikube docker-env)

$ CORE_RUNTIME_TAG="3.1.2-bionic"
$ CORE_SDK_TAG="3.1.102-bionic"
$ CSPROJ_FILE="CCloud3.1.csproj"

$ docker build --build-arg CORE_RUNTIME_TAG=$CORE_RUNTIME_TAG --build-arg CORE_SDK_TAG=$CORE_SDK_TAG --build-arg CSPROJ_FILE=$CSPROJ_FILE -t vdesabou/dotnet-ccloud-example-docker -f Dockerfile-Minikube .

Create namespace:

$ kubectl create namespace dotnet-ccloud-example-docker

Run pod:

$ kubectl apply -f pod.yml --namespace=dotnet-ccloud-example-docker

Notes on using Minikube with initContainers

Run Minikube:

$ minikube start --cpus 4 --memory=8G
$ minikube dashboard

Build Docker image within minikube (explanations here):

$ eval $(minikube docker-env)

$ CORE_RUNTIME_TAG="3.1.2-bionic"
$ CORE_SDK_TAG="3.1.102-bionic"
$ CSPROJ_FILE="CCloud3.1.csproj"

$ docker build --build-arg CORE_RUNTIME_TAG=$CORE_RUNTIME_TAG --build-arg CORE_SDK_TAG=$CORE_SDK_TAG --build-arg CSPROJ_FILE=$CSPROJ_FILE -t vdesabou/dotnet-ccloud-example-docker -f Dockerfile-Minikube .

Create namespace:

$ kubectl create namespace dotnet-ccloud-example-docker

Run pod:

$ kubectl apply -f pod_initContainers.yml --namespace=dotnet-ccloud-example-docker