% Introduction to the Unix shell for biologists % Konrad U. Förstner %
This work by Konrad Förstner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
In this course you will learn the basics of how to use the Unix shell. Unix is a class of operating systems with many different flavors including well-known ones like GNU/Linux and the BSDs. The development of Unix and its shell (also known as command line interface) dates back to the late 1960s. Still, their concepts lead to very powerful tools. In the command line you can easily combine different tools into pipelines, avoid repetitive work and make your workflow reproducible. Knowing how to use the shell will also enable you to run programs that are only developed for this environment which is the case for many bioinformatical tools.
Use the Makefile
of this repo and run
$ make example_files
This should create folder unix_course_files
thank contains serveral
examples files
Running a tool in the command line interface follows a simple
pattern. At first you have to write the name of the command (if it is
not globally installed it's precise location needs to be given - we
will get to this later). Some programs additionally require
parameters. While the parameters are the requirement of the program
the actual values we give are called arguments. There are two
different ways how to pass those arguments to a program - via keywords
parameter (also called named keywords, flags or options) or via
positional parameters. The common pattern looks like this (<>
indicates obligatory items, []
indicates optional items):
<program name> [keyword parameters] [positional parameters]
An example is calling the program ls
which lists the content of a
directory. You can simply call it without any argument
$ ls
or with one or more keyword argument
$ ls -l
$ ls -lh
or with one or more positional arguments
$ ls test_folder
or with one or more keyword and positional arguments
$ ls -l test_folder
The result of a command is written usually to the so called standard output of the shell which is the screen shown to you. We will later learn how to redirect this e.g. to the standard input of another program.
Especially in the beginning you will have a lot of questions what a
command does and which arguments and parameters need to be given. One
rule before using a command or before asking somebody about it is
called RTFM (please check the
meaning yourself). Maybe the most important command is man
stands for manual. Most commands offer a manual and with man
can read those. To get the documentation of ls
$ man ls
To close the manual use q
. Additionally or alternatively many tools
offer some help via the parameter -h
, -help
or --help
. For
example ls
$ ls --help
Other tools present this help if they are called without any parameters or arguments.
There are different implementations of the Unix shell. You are currently working with Bash (Bourne-again shell). Bash has several keyboard shortcuts that improve the interaction. Here is a small selection:
- Ctrl-c - Stop the command
- Ctlr-↑ - Go backward in command history
- Ctlr-↓ - Go forward in command history
- Ctrl-a - Jump to the beginning of a line
- Ctrl-e - Jump to the end of a line
- Ctrl-u - Remove everything before the cursor position
- Ctrl-k - Remove everything after the cursor position
- Ctrl-l - Clean the screen
- Ctrl-r - Search in command history
- Tab - extend commands and file/folder names
- Relative vs. absolute path
In this part you will learn how to navigate through the file system, explore the content of folders and create folders.
At first we need to know where we are. If you open a new terminal you
should be in your home directory (we will explain this below). To test
this, call the program pwd
which stands for print working directory.
$ pwd
The default user of the Ubuntu live system is called ubuntu
. In
general each user has a folder with its user name located inside
the folder home
. The next command we need and which has been
already mentioned above is ls
. It simply lists the content of a
folder. If you call it without any arguments it will output the content
of the current folder. Using ls
we want to get a rough overview of what
a common Unix file system tree looks like and learn how to address
files and folders. The root folder of a systems starts with /
. Call
$ ls /
to see the content of the root folder. You should see something like
bin data etc lib lost+found mnt proc run srv tmp var
boot dev home lib64 media opt root sbin sys usr
There are several subfolders in the so-called root folder (and yes, to
make it a little bit confusing there is even a folder called root
the root folder). Those are more important if you are the
administrator of the system. Normal users do not have the permission to
make changes here. Currently your home directory is your little
universe in which you can do whatever you want. In here we will
learn how work with paths. A file or folder can be addressed
either with its absolute or relative path. As you have
downloaded and decompressed the test data you should have a
folder unix_course_files
located in your home folder. Assuming you are in this
folder (/home/ubuntu/
) the relative path to the folder is simply
. You can get the content of the folder listed by
calling ls
like this:
$ ls unix_course_files
This is the so called relative path as it is relative to the current work
directory /home/ubuntu/
. The absolute path would start with a /
and is /home/ubuntu/unix_course_files
. Call ls
like this:
$ ls /home/ubuntu/unix_course_files
There are some conventions regarding relative and absolute paths. One
is that a dot (.
) represents the current folder. The command
$ ls ./
should return the same as simply calling
$ ls
Two dots (..
) represent the parent folder. If you call
$ ls ../
you should see the content of /home
. If you call
$ ls ../../
you should see the content of the parent folder of the parent folder which
is the root folder (/
) assuming you are in /home/ubuntu/
. Another
convention is that ~/
represents the home directory of the user. The
$ ls ~/
should list the content of your home directory independent of your current location in the file system.
Now as we know where we are and what is there we can start to change
our location. For this we use the command cd
(change directory). If
you are in your home directory /home/ubuntu/
you can go into the
folder unix_course_files
by typing
$ cd unix_course_files
After that call pwd
to make sure that you are in the correct folder.
$ pwd
To go back into your home directory you have different options. Use the absolute path
$ cd /home/ubuntu/
or the above mentioned convention for the home directory ~/
$ cd ~/
or the relative path, in this case the parent directory of
$ cd ../
As the home directory is such an important place cd
uses this as
default argument. This means if you call cd
without argument you will
go to the home directory. Test this behavior by calling
$ cd
Try now to go to different locations in the file system and list the files and folders located there.
Now we will create our first folder using the command mkdir
directory). Go into the home directory and type:
$ mkdir my_first_folder
Here we can discuss the implementation of another Unix philosophy: "No
news is good news." The command successfully created the folder
. You can check this by calling ls
, but mkdir
not tell you this. If you do not get a message this usually means
everything went fine. If you call the above mkdir
command again you
should get an error message like this:
$ mkdir my_first_folder
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘my_first_folder’: File exists
So if a command does not complain you can usually assume there was no error.
Next we want to manipulate files and folders. We create some dummy
files using touch
which is usually used to change the time stamps of
files. But you can also create empty files with it easily. Let's
create a file called test_file_1.txt
$ touch test_file_1.txt
Use ls
to check that it was created.
The command cp
(copy) can be used to copy files. For this it
requires at least two arguments: the source and the target file. In
the following example we generate a copy of the file test_file_1.txt
called a_copy_of_test_file.txt
$ cp test_file_1.txt a_copy_of_test_file.txt
Use ls
to confirm that this worked. We can also copy the file in the
folder my_first_folder
which we have created above:
$ cp test_file_1.txt my_first_folder
Now there should be also a file test_file_1.txt
in the folder
. If you want to copy a folder and its content you
have to use the parameter -r
$ cp -r my_first_folder a_copy_of_my_first_folder
You can use the command mv
(move) to rename or relocate files
or folders. To rename the file a_copy_of_test_file.txt
$ mv a_copy_of_test_file.txt test_file_with_new_name.txt
With mv
you can also move a file into a folder. For this the second
argument has to be a folder. For example, to move the file now named
into the folder my_first_folder
$ mv test_file_with_new_name.txt my_first_folder
You are not limited to one file if you want to move them into a
folder. Let's create and move two files file1
and file2
into the
folder my_first_folder
$ touch file1 file2
$ mv file1 file2 my_first_folder
At this point we can introduce another handy feature most shells offer
which is called globbing. Let us assume you want to apply the same
command to several files. Instead of explicitly writing all the file
names you can use a globbing pattern to address them. There are
different wildcards that can be used for these patterns. The most
important one is the asterisk (*
). It can replace none, one or more
characters. Let us explore this with a small example:
$ touch file1.txt file2.txt file3
$ ls *txt
$ mv *txt my_first_folder
The ls
shows the two files matching the given pattern
(i.e. file1.txt
and file2.txt
) while dismissing the one not
matching (i.e. file3
). Same for mv
- it will only move the two
files ending with txt
We accumulated several test files that we do not need anymore. Time to clean
up a little bit. With the command rm
(remove) you can delete files
and folders. Please be aware that there is no such thing as a trash
bin if you remove items this way. They will be gone for good and without further notice.
To delete a file in my_first_folder
$ rm my_first_folder/file1.txt
To remove a folder use the parameter -r
$ rm -r my_first_folder
Alternatively you can use the command rmdir
$ rmdir my_first_folder
Until now we did not care about the content of the files. This will
change now. Please go into the folder unix_course_files
$ cd unix_course_files
There should be some files waiting for you. To read the content with
the possibility to scroll around we need a so called pager
program. Most Unix systems offer the programs more
and less
have very similar functionalities ("more or less are more or less the
same"). We will use the later one here. Let's open the file
$ less origin_of_species.txt
The file contains Charles Darwin's Origin of species in plain
text. You can scroll up and down line-wise using the arrow keys or page-wise
using the page-up/page-down keys. To quit use the key q
. With
pager programs you can read file content interactively, but sometimes
you just want to have the content of a file given to you (i.e. on the
standard output). The command cat
(concatenate) does that for one
or more files. Let us use it to see what is in the example file
. Assuming you are in the folder unix_course_files
you can call
$ cat two_lines.txt
The content of the file is shown to you. You can apply the command to two files and the content is concatenated and returned:
$ cat two_lines.txt three_lines.txt
This is a good time to introduce the standard input and standard
output and what you can do with it. Above I wrote the output is given
to you. This means it is written to the so called standard
output. You can redirect the standard output into a file by using
. Let us use the call above to generate a new file that contains
the combined content of both files:
$ cat two_lines.txt three_lines.txt > five_lines.txt
Please have a look at the content of this file:
$ cat five_lines.txt
The standard output can also be redirected to other tools as
standard input. More about this below. With cat
we can reuse the
existing file content. To create something new we use the command
which writes a given string to the standard output.
$ echo "Something very creative"
To redirect the output into a target file use >
$ echo "Something very creative." > creative.txt
Be aware that this can be dangerous. You will overwrite the content of an existing file. For example if you call now
$ echo "Something very uncreative." > creative.txt
there will be only the latest string written to the file and the
previous one will be overwritten. To append the output of a command to a
file without overwriting the content use >>
$ echo "Something very creative." > creative.txt
$ echo "Something very uncreative." >> creative.txt
Now creative.txt
should contain two lines.
Sometimes you just want to get an excerpt of a file e.g. just the
first or last lines of it. For this the commands head
and tail
be used. Per default 10 lines are shown. You can use the parameter -n <NUMBER>
(e.g. -n 20
or just -<NUMBER>
(e.g. -20
) to specify the
number of lines to be displayed. Test the tools with the file
$ head origin_of_species.txt
$ tail origin_of_species.txt
You cannot only select vertically but also horizontally using the
command cut
. Let us extract only the first 10 characters of each line
in the file origin_of_species.txt
$ cut -c 1-10 origin_of_species.txt
The tool cut
can be very useful to extract certain columns from CSV
files (comma/character separated values). Have a look at the content of the
file genes.csv
. You see that it contains different columns that are
tabular-separated. You can extract selected columns with cut
$ cut -f 1,4 genes.csv
There are several tools that let you manipulate the content of a plain
text file or return information about it. If you want for example some
statistics about the number of character, words and lines use the
command wc
. Let us count the number of lines in the file
$ wc -l origin_of_species.txt
You can use the command sort
to sort a file alpha-numerically. Test
the following calls
$ sort unsorted_numbers.txt
$ sort -n unsorted_numbers.txt
$ sort -rn unsorted_numbers.txt
and try to understand the output.
The tool uniq
takes a sorted list of lines and removes line-wise the
redundancy. Please have a look at the content of the file
. Then use uniq
to generate a non-redundant list:
$ uniq redundant.txt
If you call uniq
with -c
you get the number of occurrence for each
remaining entry:
$ uniq -c redundant.txt
With the tool grep
you can extract lines that match a given
pattern. For instance, if you want to find all lines in
that contain the word species
$ grep species origin_of_species.txt
As you can see we only get the lines that contain species
but not
the ones that contain Species
. To make the search case-insensitive
use the parameter -i
$ grep -i species origin_of_species.txt
If you are only interested in the number of lines that match the pattern
use -c
$ grep -ic species origin_of_species.txt
Another piece of the Unix philosophy is to build small tools that do
one thing optimally and use the standard input and standard
output. The real power of Unix builds on the capability to easily
connect tools. For this so-called pipes are used. To use the
standard output of one tool as standard input of another tool the
vertical bar |
is used. For example, in order to extract the first
1000 lines from origin_of_species.txt
, search for lines that contain
, then search in those lines the ones which contain wild
and finally replace the w
s by m
s call (Please write this in one line
in the shell and remove the \
$ head -n 1000 origin_of_species.txt | grep species \
| grep wild | tr w m
Assuming you want to generate a copy of each of your files ending with ´.txt´. A
cp *txt copy_of_*txt
would not work.
With for
loops you can solve this problem. Let's start with a simple
for FILE in three_lines.txt two_lines.txt
> do
> head -n 1 $FILE
> done
The variable FILE
(you can give it also any other name) can be used
inside of the loop.
If you press now Ctr-↑ you will get the line
for FILE in three_lines.txt two_lines.txt; do head -n 1 $FILE; done
which is equivalent to the call before. You can not only call one command inside of a loop but several:
for FILE in three_lines.txt two_lines.txt
> do
> head -n 1 $FILE
> echo "-----------------"
> done
for FILE in *txt
> do
> head -n 1 $FILE
> echo "-----------------"
> done
for FILE in *txt
> do
> cp $FILE copy_of_$FILE
> done
Open a new file in a text editor of you choice, call it
and add the following text:
echo "Number of lines in the given file":
wc -l origin_of_species.txt
Save the file, make sure the file origin_of_species.txt
is in the
same folder and run it the script:
$ bash count_lines.sh
You should get someting like
Number of lines in the given file
15322 origin_of_species.txt
This a very first shell script. Now we want to make it more
flexible. Instead of hard coding the input file for wc -l
we want to
be able to give this as argument to the shell script. For this we
change the shell script to:
echo "Number of lines in the given file":
wc -l $1
The $1
is a varible that represents the first argument given to the
shell scrip. Now you can call the script in the following way
$ bash count_lines.sh origin_of_species.txt
You should get the same results as before. If you also like to take
the second argument use the variable $2
. For using all arguments
given to the shell script use the variable "$@". E.g change the shell
script to:
echo "Number of lines in the given file(s)":
wc -l $@
and run it with several input files:
bash count_lines.sh origin_of_species.txt genes.csv
You should get something like:
Number of lines that contains species:
15322 origin_of_species.txt
5 genes.csv
15327 total
Equipped with a fine selection of useful programs and basic understanding of how to combine them, we will no apply them to analyze real biological data.
You have used the tool wget
above to download the example files. It is
very useful, especially, if you want to retrieve large data sets. We
download the fasta file of the Salmonella Thyphimuirum SL1344
chromosome by calling (in this document the URL is split into three
lines. Please write it in one line in the shell and remove the \
$ wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/archive/old_refseq/Bacteria/\
Additionally, we download the annotation in GFF format of the same replicon:
$ wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/archive/old_refseq/Bacteria/\
Use less
to have a look at NC_016810.gff
. It is a tabular-separated
file. The first 5 lines start with #
and are called
header. Then several lines with 9 columns follow. The third column
contains the type of the entry (gene, CDS, tRNA, rRNA, etc). If we
want to know the numbers of tRNA entries we could try to apply grep
and use -c
to count the number of matching lines.
$ grep -c tRNA NC_016810.gff
This leads to a suspiciously large number. The issue is that the
string tRNA
also occurs in the attribute column (the 9th
column). We just want to select lines with a match in the third column.
This can be achieved by combining cut
and grep
$ cut -f 3 NC_016810.gff | grep -c tRNA
To get the number of entries for all other features we could just
replace the tRNA
e.g. by rRNA
. But we can also get the number for
all of them at once using this constellation:
$ grep -v "#" NC_016810.gff | cut -f 3 | sort | uniq -c
Try to understand what we did here. You can use a similar call to count the number genes on the plus and minus strand:
$ cut -f 3,7 NC_016810.gff | grep gene | sort | uniq -c