Decide on presentation approach: info drawer or dedicated pages
Refactor common code around drawer display => <ResourceListWithDrawer?/>
For providerConfig nodes in graph, add YAML modal/drawer
Standard troubleshooting problem: Secret References from various objects
When we "open" resource (from diagram), it redirects to corresponding section and desorients user. Needs to stay in-place. Probably whole navigation has to be re-thought because of this.
For any list view, have a filter for status and name, maybe other fields.
ArgoCD has the ability to load UI extensions. It would be amazing to have komoplane-style inspection of the crossplane resources in argocd:, there is one that does backend stuff as well: (by Blake Barnett)
For big XRs and claims (~50 resources), the graph is too small to view
Add link to XRD to graph
For unhealthy claim, get to the potential root cause and propagate it to the Claim (Victor)
Add link to XRD to graph Turn it into table
Turn it into table
Show claim name
Show status at provider
Provider config ref available
If MR is from "kubernetes" provider and we have access to the cluster - go ahead and display its details/describe
Improve provider configs display Somehow display provider config and controller config YAMLs Via additional button, display all resources that reference this provider. Can be long API call, but valuable.
Inline list of composed resource types, or expand it on click Turn it into table
Filter of free-text search Display as table
Refactor backend controller for cleaner arch Solve problem of expensive MRs loading Make watcher-based resource tracker in backend, to avoid re-reading all CRDs