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221 lines (151 loc) · 6.09 KB

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221 lines (151 loc) · 6.09 KB

Changelog for squel

28 Jul 2020 (5.13.1)

  • Deprecate in NPM (#384)

18 Jun 2019 (5.13.0)

  • Added note to top of README stating that Squel is no longer actively maintained.

9 Jul 2018 (5.12.2)

  • Fix Node.js CVE (update growl dev dependency)

## 17 Jul 2017 (5.11.1)

  • #322 - Tyepscript definitions
  • #321 - Allow LIMIT and OFFSET with 0
  • #320 - Ensure string formatter doesn't get lost in cloning

## 17 May 2017 (5.10.0)

  • #317 - Postgres ON CONFLICT improvements, thanks alexturek

21 Apr 2017 (5.9.1)

  • Performance improvements (#309, #310) - thanks schmod

13 Apr 2017 (5.9.0)

  • Enable custom value handlers to return values that do not get automatically nested - #292

28 Feb 2017 (5.8.0)

  • #301 - Add rstr() to enable "raw" nesting of query builders
  • Renamed _isSquelBuilder() call to isSquelBuilder()

6 Feb 2017 (5.7.0)

  • #288 - more flexible RETURNING clauses

7 Jan 2017 (5.6.0)

  • #256 - expression nesting

24 Dec 2016 (5.5.1)

  • #255, #283 - mixing flavours

15 Oct 2016 (5.5.0)

  • #118 - pass extra formatting options (when available) to custom value handler
  • #273 - parameterized LIMIT and OFFSET queries

15 Sep 2016 (5.4.3)

  • #266 - Postgres ON CONFLICT support

27 Aug 2016 (5.4.2)

  • A better check for detecting when custom value formatting has been applied.
  • Allow for any builder to passed in as an expression

26 Aug 2016 (5.3.4)

  • #261 - passing a string for order clause

12 Jul 2016 (5.3.3)

  • #249 - Postgres DISTINCT ON clause

13 Jun 2016 (5.3.2)

  • #234 - Fix handling of expression field names

5 Jun 2016 (5.3.1)

  • #158, #239 - Support for CTE queries (WITH clause)
  • #242 - Fix auto-quoting table names
  • Removed bower.json

18 May 2016 (5.2.1)

  • Re-fix for #109 - custom string formatting wasn't quite working

18 May 2016 (5.2.0)

  • Fix for #109 - custom string formatting function enabled
  • Fix for #235 - fix a regression

14 May 2016 (5.1.0)

  • Fix for #231 - try not to add extra brackets
  • Fix for #233 - ability to specify target table in DELETE queries

17 Apr 2016 (5.0.4)

  • Fix for #227 - MSSQL insert without fields fails

13 Apr 2016 (5.0.3)

  • Fix for #225 - auto-quote field names had stopped working

11 Apr 2016 (5.0.2)

  • Fix for #226 - empty expressions in where clause

6 Apr 2016 (5.0.1)

  • Fix for #223 - array looping should not use for-in

29 Mar 2016 (5.0.0)

  • Complete architectural rewrite - see #201

23 Mar 2016 (4.4.2)

  • Fix for #220 and #221 and other similar issues

20 Mar 2016 (4.4.1)

  • Fixed for #219

19 Mar 2016 (4.4.0)

  • Ported coffeescript to ES6

29 Feb 2016 (4.3.3)

  • Fix for #216

24 Feb 2016 (4.3.2)

  • Fix for #210

18 Feb 2016 (4.3.1)

  • #208 - Rework expressions to allow for easier cloning.

18 Feb 2016 (4.3.0)

  • #207 - Added CASE clauses and useAsForTableAliasNames option.

17 Feb 2016 (4.2.4)

  • #199 - Added FROM to UPDATE for postgres flavour

20 Jan 2016 (4.2.3)

  • Placeholder parameter character is now configurable
  • Guide docs now print results below code
  • Re-instituted
  • Can now get current flavour of Squel using flavour prop

13 Nov 2015 (4.2.2)

  • Merged #191

30 Aug 2014 (3.8.1)

  • #90 - custom value handlers with primitives
  • #87 - OrderBlock not compatible by values

11 Aug 2014 (3.7.0)

  • #76 - MSSQL flavour
  • #85 - Using expressions in .where() followed by .toParam()

30 July 2014 (3.6.1)

  • Better fix for #82
  • Treat * as a special case when auto-quoting field names
  • Fix for #84

19 July 2014 (3.5.0)

  • #82 - ON DUPLIATE KEY UPDATE enchancements
  • #25, #72, #73 - parameter substitution in expressions
  • #79 - smarter automatic fieldname quoting
  • #75 - disable automatic string quoting on a per-field basis
  • #55 - specify sub-query as a field
  • #80, #81 - Bugfixes

17 May 2014 (3.4.1)

  • #62 - can specify query separator string

15 May 2014 (3.3.0)

  • Shifted replaceSingleQuotes and related option into Squel core.

9 May 2014 (3.2.0)

  • Added DELETE..RETURNING for Postgres (#60)
  • Auto-generate version string (#61)
  • Don't commit docs/ folder anymore. Also don't auto-build docs as part of build.

21 Mar 2014 (3.1.1)

  • Don't format parameter values returned from the toParam() call, unless their custom value types (#54)

20 Mar 2014 (3.0.1)

  • Added setFields and setFieldRows to make setting multple fields and inserting multiple rows easier (#50)
  • Removed usingValuePlaceholders option that was deprecated in 2.0.0

16 Dec 2013 (2.0.0)

  • Added RETURNING clause to UPDATE queries for Postgres flavour (#42)
  • Added better support for parameterized queries (#34)
  • Added squel.VERSION constant

7 Oct 2013 (1.2.1)

  • Added ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause for MySQL flavour (#36)
  • Added single quote replacement option for Postgres flavour (#35)

2 Oct 2013 (1.2)

  • Switched from Make to Grunt
  • Added fields() method to SELECT builder (#29)
  • Expression trees can now be cloned (#31)
  • Added concept of SQL 'flavours' and merged in the Postgres RETURNING command #33

10 Jun 2013 (1.1.3)

  • Table names in SELECT queries can now be queries themselves (i.e. SQL sub statements)

2 Jun 2013 (1.1.2)

  • Parameterised WHERE clauses now supported.
  • Custom value types can now be handled in a special way. Global and per-instance handlers supported.

27 Mar 2013 (1.1)

  • Squel can now be customized to include proprietary commands and queries.
  • AMD support added.

4 Jan 2013 (1.0.6)

  • Squel can now be told to auto-quote table and field names.

3 Nov 2012 (1.0.5)

  • DELETE queries can now contain JOINs
  • Query builder instances can be clone()'d
  • Cleaner and more thorough tests (and replaced Vows with Mocha, Sinon and Chai)
  • Fixed documentation errors

17 Aug 2012 (1.0.4)

  • QueryBuilder base class for all query builders
  • Exporting query builders
  • Escaping strings with single quotes for PostgreSQL compatibility
  • Migrating to make

27 Jan 2012 (1.0.3)

  • Added 'usingValuePlaceholders' option for INSERT and UPDATE query builders.

20 Dec 2011 (1.0.0)

  • Initial version.