# {Name of Metric}
## 1. Description
A description of what the metric is and what it captures.
The first few sentences have to match the description in the [metrics list](../activity-metrics-list.md).
## 2. Use Cases
Provide examples of how the metric might inform different stakeholders through use cases.
## 3. Formula
A generic formula (in pseudo code) to generate the metric.
## 4. Sample Filter and Visualization
Include a Sample Filter and Visualization (screenshot) of the metric from any implementation.
## 5. Sample Implementation
An example implementation, for example a SQL or Elasticsearch query.
## 6. Known Implementations
Examples of where and how metric is used. (include links to dashboard or location where metric is visible or is talked about having been used).
## 7. Test Cases (Examples)
Sample inputs (including contexts) and expected outputs for this metric. Implementers can test their implementations against these test cases. For quantitative metrics, this could include a static repository with known metric results, or just inputs and output. For qualitative metrics, this may be more difficult.
## 8. External References (Literature)
Blog posts, websites, academic papers, or books that mention the metric.