👉 Note: before participating in our community, please read our code of conduct. By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to abide by its terms.
You can contribute to Layerx.ai by writing code to do any of the following:
- Fix a bug.
- Provide example machine learning backend code to help others add a machine learning backend for a specific model.
- Share example annotation templates for specific use cases.
- Add new export formats for dataset generation.
- Support a new type of labeling or extend existing labeling functionality.
For changes that you contribute to Layerx.ai community edition, please do the following:
- Create issues for any major changes and enhancements that you want to make.
- Keep pull requests specific to one issue. Shorter pull requests are preferred and are easier to review.
We have created a issue template to help you with getting best out of the layerx.ai community. please try to follow it as much as possible when reporting a issue.
We have created a pull request template to get a better understanding of the changes/new features you have made to improve the layerx.ai.
Make sure that you contribute your changes to the correct repository. And always commit with proper commit massages.
If you have any questions that aren't answered in these guidelines, please find us in the #contributor channel of the Layerx.ai Slack Community.