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This nginx module implements client authorization by validating the provided JSON Web Token (JWT) using the specified keys.

The module supports JSON Web Signature (JWS).

The module can be used for OpenID Connect authentication.

This module is heavily inspired by the nginx original http_auth_jwt_module.



Build install

$ : "clone repository"
$ git clone
$ cd nginx-auth-jwt
$ : "get nginx source"
$ NGINX_VERSION=1.x.x # specify nginx version
$ wget${NGINX_VERSION}.tar.gz
$ tar -zxf nginx-${NGINX_VERSION}.tar.gz
$ cd nginx-${NGINX_VERSION}
$ : "build module"
$ ./configure --add-dynamic-module=../
$ make && make install


$ docker build -t nginx-auth-jwt .
$ : "app.conf: Create nginx configuration"
$ docker run -p 80:80 -v $PWD/app.conf:/etc/nginx/http.d/default.conf nginx-auth-jwt

GitHub package:

Supported Algorithms

The module supports the following JSON Web Algorithms.

JWS algorithms:

  • HS256, HS384, HS512
  • RS256, RS384, RS512
  • ES256, ES384, ES512
  • EdDSA (Ed25519 and Ed448 signatures)



location / {
  auth_jwt          "closed site";
  auth_jwt_key_file conf/keys.json;


Syntax: auth_jwt string [token=$variable] | off;
Default: auth_jwt off;
Context: server
Context: http, server, location

Enables validation of JSON Web Token. The specified string is used as a realm. Parameter value can contain variables.

The optional token parameter specifies a variable that contains JSON Web Token. By default, JWT is passed in the Authorization header as a Bearer Token. JWT may also be passed as a cookie or part of a query string:

auth_jwt "closed site" token=$cookie_auth_token;

The special value off cancels the effect of the auth_jwt directive inherited from the previous configuration level.

Syntax: auth_jwt_claim_set $variable name ...;
Default: -
Context: http

Sets the variable to a JWT claim parameter identified by key names. For arrays, the variable keeps a list of array elements separated by commas.

auth_jwt_claim_set $jwt_audience aud;

Syntax: auth_jwt_header_set $variable name ...;
Default: -
Context: http

Sets the variable to a JOSE header parameter identified by key names. For arrays, the variable keeps a list of array elements separated by commas.

Syntax: auth_jwt_key_file file [jwks | keyval];
Default: -
Context: http, server, location

Specifies a file for validating JWT signature. Parameter value can contain variables.

Specify jwks (default) or keyval as the file format.

  • jwks: JSON Web Key Set format

  • keyval: JSON in key-value format

    Example: {"kid": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nxx.."}

Several auth_jwt_key_file directives can be specified on the same level.

auth_jwt_key_file conf/key.jwks;
auth_jwt_key_file conf/keys.json keyval;

Syntax: auth_jwt_key_request uri [jwks | keyval];
Default: -
Context: http, server, location

Allows retrieving a key from a subrequest for validating JWT signature and sets the URI where the subrequest will be sent to. Parameter value can contain variables.

Specify jwks (default) or keyval as the key format.

To avoid validation overhead, it is recommended to cache the key file:

proxy_cache_path /data/nginx/cache levels=1 keys_zone=foo:10m;

server {
  location / {
    auth_jwt "closed site";
    auth_jwt_key_request /jwks_uri;

  location = /jwks_uri {
    proxy_cache foo;

Several auth_jwt_key_request directives can be specified on the same level.

auth_jwt_key_request /jwks_uri;
auth_jwt_key_request /public_key keyval;

Syntax: auth_jwt_validate_exp on | off;
Default: auth_jwt_validate_exp on;
Context: http, server, location

Determines whether to validating the exp JWT claim.

Do not process if verified by auth_jwt_require_claim directive

Syntax: auth_jwt_validate_sig on | off;
Default: auth_jwt_validate_sig on;
Context: http, server, location

Determines whether to validating JWT signature.

Syntax: auth_jwt_leeway time;
Default: auth_jwt_leeway 0s;
Context: http, server, location

Sets the maximum allowable leeway to compensate clock skew when verifying the exp and nbf JWT claims.

Syntax: auth_jwt_phase preaccess | access;
Default: auth_jwt_phase access;
Context: http, server, location

Specifies the phase to be processed.

ACCESS phase is not executed when a call is made from a subrequest.

In the case of a call from a subrequest, auth_jwt_key_request cannot be processed. (nested in-memory subrequest)

Syntax: auth_jwt_revocation_list_sub file;
Default: -
Context: http, server, location

Specifies a file with list of JWT sub claims that deny authentication.

Parameter value can contain only filepath to json file with objects. Every object should have key(jwt sub) and any additional value, if it needed.

File format:

{"sub": any}

Example of config:

auth_jwt_revocation_list_sub /path/to/lockeduserslist.json;`

Example of file:

  "lockedsub1": {"locked_at": "2023"},
  "lockedsub2": {"locked_reason": "bad user"},
  "lockedsub3": {"any_other_property": 1}

Syntax: auth_jwt_revocation_list_kid file;
Default: -
Context: http, server, location

Specifies a file with list of JWT kid headers that deny authentication.

Parameter value can contain only filepath to json file with objects. Every object should have key(jwt header kid) and any additional value, if it needed.

File format:

{"kid": any}

Example of config:

auth_jwt_revocation_list_kid /path/to/lockedkidlist.json;`

Example of file:

  "test2kid": {"revocation_reason": "unknown"}

Note: as we know, kid is OPTIONAL parameter by rfc7515, but if you are using auth_jwt_revocation_list_kid directive

  • it means, that kid will grow to REQUIRED

Syntax: auth_jwt_require $value ... [error=401 | 403] ;
Default: -
Context: http, server, location

Specifies additional checks for JWT validation. The value can contain text, variables, and their combination, and must start with a variable. The authentication will succeed only if all the values are not empty and are not equal to "0".

map $jwt_claim_iss $valid_jwt_iss {
    "good" 1;

auth_jwt_require $valid_jwt_iss;

If any of the checks fails, the 401 error code is returned. The optional error parameter allows redefining the error code to 403.

Syntax: auth_jwt_require_claim claim_name operator $variable | json=string | string;
Default: -
Context: http, server, location

Specifies a requirement for claim in jwt token.


http {
  map $request_method $required_jwt_roles {
  server {
    location = /verify {
      set $expected_less_than_iat 1697461110;

      auth_jwt_require_claim jti eq 3949117906; # string
      auth_jwt_require_claim iat eq json=1697461112; # integer
      auth_jwt_require iat lt $expected_less_than_iat;
      # auth_jwt_require iat lt json=1697461110;
      auth_jwt_require_claim roles intersect $required_jwt_roles;
      # auth_jwt_require_claim roles intersect json=["SERVICE","ADMINISTRATORS"];

Several auth_jwt_require_claim directives can be specified on the same level for "AND" logic.

claim_name - should be a name of jwt claim. (sub,roles,scope)

operator - should be one of:

eq = equal operator
ne = not equal operator
gt = greater than operator
ge = greater or equal operator
lt = less than operator
le = less or equal operator
intersect = has intersection operator
nintersect = has not intersection operator
in = in array operator
nin = not in array operator
  1. Two integer or real values are equal if their contained numeric values are equal. An integer value is never equal to a real value, though.
  2. Two strings are equal if their contained UTF-8 strings are equal, byte by byte. Unicode comparison algorithms are not implemented.
  3. Two arrays are equal if they have the same number of elements and each element in the first array is equal to the corresponding element in the second array.
  4. Two objects are equal if they have exactly the same keys and the value for each key in the first object is equal to the value of the corresponding key in the second object.

$variable - should be a nginx variable, that provide required json1 value.


set $expected_jti '"3949117906"';
set $expected_iat 1697461112;
set $expected_less_than_iat 1697461110;
map $request_method $role_map_verify {

Syntax: auth_jwt_require_header header_name operator $variable;
Default: -
Context: http, server, location

Specifies a requirement for header in jwt token.

All possibilities of this directive are the same as for auth_jwt_require_claim above.

Syntax: auth_jwt_allow_nested [delimiter=string] [quote=string];
Default: -
Context: http, server, location

Allow access to nested claim/headers in jwt token.

The optional delimiter parameter sets the nesting delimiter (default value is .).

The optional quote parameter sets the quote character for the key (default value is ").


auth_jwt_require_claim grants.access eq allow;
auth_jwt_require_claim '"grants.key"' eq dot;

JWT payload:

  "grants": {
    "access": "allow"
  "grants.key": "dot"

Embedded Variables

The module supports embedded variables:


returns the value of a specified JOSE header.


Returns the value of a specified JWT claim. For arrays, the variable keeps a list of array elements separated by commas.


Returns the value of JWT claim (JSON).


Returns the value of now timestamp.



  • auth_jwt_key_request in subrequests (nested in-memory subrequest)
  • Support algorithms
    • EdDSA (JWK key type: OKP)


  1. containing only single value is pretty valid.